What does smjör in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word smjör in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use smjör in Icelandic.

The word smjör in Icelandic means butter, butter. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word smjör


noun (soft foodstuff made from milk)

Við erum að nota nýtt ferli til að búa til smjör.
We are using a new process to make butter.


verb noun (dairy product)

Við erum að nota nýtt ferli til að búa til smjör.
We are using a new process to make butter.

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Brautryðjendur höfðu þá látið rit í skiptum fyrir kjúklinga, egg, smjör, grænmeti, gleraugu og meira að segja hvolp!
He told of how the pioneers had exchanged literature for chickens, eggs, butter, vegetables, a pair of glasses, and even a puppy!
Byssur og smjör
Guns and butter
Smjör er búið til úr mjólk.
Butter is made from milk.
En ūeir nota ķlífuolíu, ekki smjör.
Bro, but they use olive oil, not butter.
Slíkir belgir voru notaðir undir vatn, olíu, vín eða smjör.
It was a container used for holding water, oil, wine, or even butter.
Því hafði matarverð hækkað upp úr öllu valdi: Egg kostaði fjórum sinnum meira en árið 1914 og smjör fimm sinnum meira.
An egg cost four times what it had in 1914, butter five times as much.
Það eru tvær tegundir af niggurum, niggarar með byssur og niggarar með smjör
There are two types of niggas, niggas with guns...... and niggas with butter
Er ekki smjör guodomlegt!
Isn't butter divinity?
Rétt eldađar eru ūær mjúkar sem smjör.
Properly cooked, they're as tender as butter.
Er ekki smjör guodomlegt!
Isn' t butter divinity?
Viđ eigum smjör.
We got butter.
Hversu mikilvægt er smjör fyrir ūessa kvöldmáltíđ?
How important is butter to this meal tonight?
Smjör, smjör og smjör.
Butter, butter and butter.
Mundirðu fara í stórmarkaðinn að kaupa smjör?
Would you go to the supermarket and get some butter?
Við erum að nota nýtt ferli til að búa til smjör.
We are using a new process to make butter.
Eða viltu heldur brauð og smjör með kaffinu?
Or would you rather have bread and butter with your coffee?”
Ostur og smjör eru afurðir unnar úr mjólk.
Cheese and butter are products made from milk.
Kannski við smjör þá upp?
Maybe we can butter'em up.
Rétt eins og strokka þarf mjólkina til að gera smjör og þrýsta hressilega á nefið til að framkalla blóðnasir, eins kvikna deilur þegar fólk gefur reiði sinni lausan tauminn.
As milk must be churned to make butter and a nosebleed usually requires the squeezing of the nose, a quarrel occurs when people give free rein to anger.
" Það var BEST smjör, mars Hare hljóðlega svaraði.
'It was the BEST butter,'the March Hare meekly replied.
Yfirleitt er smjör gert úr kúamjólk en einnig úr mjólk annarra spendýra, til dæmis sauðfjár, geita, buffla og jakuxa.
Most frequently made from cow's milk, butter can also be manufactured from the milk of other mammals, including sheep, goats, buffalo, and yaks.
lunchbasket á einn af stöðvum og þeir höfðu sumir kjúklingur og kalt nautakjöt og brauð og smjör og sumir heitt te.
lunchbasket at one of the stations and they had some chicken and cold beef and bread and butter and some hot tea.
Smjör, smjör, smjör
Butter, butter, butter
Ūegar fariđ er lipurlega í beygjur, eins og Mantequilla, smjör, eins og ađ smyrja brauđ,
When you ride very smooth on the turns, when you ride like Mantequilla, like you are putting butter on bread,
Ekta kökur, ekkert smjör, enginn sykur
Got that pure cake, no butter, no sugar

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.