What does eyja in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word eyja in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use eyja in Icelandic.

The word eyja in Icelandic means island, isle. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word eyja


noun (area of land completely surrounded by water)

Séð úr flugvél er þessi eyja afar fögur.
Seen from a plane, that island is very beautiful.


noun (A land mass, especially one smaller than a continent, entirely surrounded by water.)

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Nublar-eyja var bara sũningarsvæđi fyrir ferđamenn.
Isla Nublar was just a showroom for tourists.
England er bara eyja og allar eyjur eru áūekkar.
England's only an island, and all islands are alike.
Clipperton-eyja er ekki hluti af eyjaklasanum en var stjórnsýslulegur hluti Frönsku Pólýnesíu til ársins 2007.
Although not an integral part of its territory, Clipperton Island was administered from French Polynesia until 2007.
Eyjan var uppgötvuð af Boris Vilkitsky árið 1913 í leiðangri á vegum opinberrar rússneskrar stofnunar, en að hún væri eyja var ekki staðfest fyrr en 1931, þegar Georgy Ushakov og Nikolay Urvantsev kortlögðu eyjaklasann í leiðangri þeirra árin 1930–1932.
The island was discovered by Boris Vilkitsky in 1913 during an expedition on behalf of the Russian Hydrographic Service, but its insularity wasn’t proven until 1931, when Georgy Ushakov and Nikolay Urvantsev charted the archipelago during their 1930–32 expedition.
Ūađ er mín eyja.
It's my island.
Þannig er staðan með biblíuþýðingar á ensku, íslensku og mörgum öðrum Evrópumálum, og einnig mörgum tungum Afríku, Suður-Ameríku, Indlands og eyja Kyrrahafsins.
This is the case in English, as well as in many languages of Europe, Africa, South America, India, and the islands of the Pacific.
Vegna þess að landið og sjórinn sjá íbúum Marshall-eyja fyrir lífsviðurværi setjast þeir ógjarnan að á eyjum sem byggðar eru öðrum.
Because the land and sea provide their sustenance, Marshallese are reluctant to take up residence where other islanders live.
Svo " enginn er eyja " ūegar allt kemur til alls?
So " no man is an island " after all, huh?
Bandarísku yfirráðasvæðin Baker-eyja og Howland-eyja eru oft taldar til nyrstu Fönixeyja.
The United States unincorporated territories of Baker Island and Howland Island are often considered northerly outliers of the group, in the geographical sense.
Öldungur Hanks lést á hafi úti, en öldungur Pratt hélt til hinna suðlægu eyja og kenndi fagnaðarerindið á eyjunni Tubuai.
Elder Hanks died at sea, but Elder Pratt traveled to the Austral Islands, where he taught the gospel on the island of Tubuai.
Heimili Dauđakappakstursins er Terminal-eyja.
Death Race's home is Terminal Island.
Með 60 milljón íbúa er Bretland jafnframt þriðja fjölmennasta eyja heims, á eftir Jövu og Honsú (Japan).
In 2011, Great Britain had a population of about 61 million people, making it the world's third-most populous island after Java in Indonesia and Honshu in Japan.
Þótt Taveuni sé þriðja stærsta eyja hinna 300 eyja sem tilheyra Fiji, er hún ekki stærri en það að hægt er að aka þvert yfir hana á minna en hálfum degi.
Even though Taveuni is the third largest of more than 300 islands in Fiji, you can drive from one end to the other in less than half a day.
Íbúar Marshall-eyja eiga ekki landréttindi á öðrum eyjum en þeim sem þeirra eigin þjóðfélagshópur byggir.
The Marshall islanders do not have land rights in atolls other than those of their own social grouping.
Sambandsríkið Sankti Kristófer og Nevis eða Sankti Kitts og Nevis (enska: Saint Kitts and Nevis, opinberlega Saint Christopher and Nevis) er tveggja eyja eyríki í Karíbahafi.
The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Saint Kitts and Nevis: The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, also known as Saint Christopher and Nevis, is a sovereign federal two-island nation located in the Leeward Islands in the Caribbean Sea.
Ūetta er eitt helsta lögmál í líflandafræđi eyja.
It's one of the first laws of island biogeography.
Ein eyja og hluti tveggja annarra hurfu í loft upp.
One island and parts of two others were completely vaporized.
Ūetta er bara eyja ef ūú horfir á hana frá hafi.
It's only an island if you look at it from the water.
Ūú ferđ víst til Cayman-eyja.
I guess it's off to the Cayman Islands then, huh?
En þessi eyja, hún breytti mér.Hún læknaði mig
This island, it changed me, it made me whole
Soay er nafn nokkurra skoskra eyja.
Garvie is a surname of Scottish origin.
England er bara eyja og allar eyjur eru áþekkar
England' s only an island, and all islands are alike
Los Angeles-eyja telst ekki lengur hluti af Bandaríkjunum og er gerđ ađ vistunarsvæđi fyrir allt ūađ fķlk sem telst ķæskilegt eđa ķhæft til ađ búa í nũju siđvöndu Bandaríkjunum.
Los Angeles island is declared no longer part of the United States, and becomes the deportation point for all people found unfit to live in a new, moral America.
Nafn eyjarinnar kemur úr latínu insula maior, "stærri eyja"; síðar Maiorica.
The name derives from Classical Latin insula maior, "larger island".
Grænlenska nafnið þýðir stór eyja.
The word saari means an island.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.