What does barbara in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word barbara in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use barbara in Icelandic.

The word barbara in Icelandic means barbara. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word barbara



Tryggđu ađ Barbara hafi allt tilbúiđ ūegar ūriđja sett byrjar.
Make sure Barbara has everything ready as soon as the third set starts.

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Árið 2001 hóf Ralph Horowitz, einn eigenda Alameda-Barbara-fjárfestingarfélagsins, sem hafði verið stærsti eigandi lóðarinnar fyrir eignarnámið, málsókn á hendur borginni fyrir samningsrof þar sem forsendur eignarnámsins höfðu brostið.
In 2001, Ralph Horowitz, a partner in the former property owner Alameda-Barbara sued the City for breach of contract, for failure to honor the original right of repurchase.
„Umframframleiðsla korns er ekki það eina sem þarf til að gefa hinum hungruðu í heiminum nóg að borða,“ segir Barbara Huddleston, sem er heimildarmaður um alþjóðlega matvælaaðstoð.
“You need more than surplus grain to feed the world’s hungry,” says Barbara Huddleston, an authority on international food aid.
Sagnfræðingurinn Barbara Tuchman skrifar að iðnaðarþjóðfélagið hefði gefið manninum nýjan mátt samfara nýjum þrýstingi.
Historian Barbara Tuchman wrote that the industrial society had given man new powers and new pressures.
Barbara McClintock (16. júní 1902 - 2. september 1992) var bandarískur vísindamaður og frumuerfðafræðingur sem hlaut Nóbelsverðlaunin í lífeðlisfræði eða læknisfræði árið 1983.
Barbara McClintock (June 16, 1902 – September 2, 1992) was an American scientist and cytogeneticist who was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Eldhússtúlkurnar sögđu ađ mķđir Barbara hefđi veriđ međ Mary í húsinu.
The girls in the kitchen said that Mother Barbara had Mary up at the house.
En þegar Karen og Gabriela, sem eru vottar Jehóva, stóðu við dyrnar og sögðust vera að ræða við fólk um Guð ákváðu Joachim og Barbara að hlusta á þær.
However, when Connie and Gudrun, two of Jehovah’s Witnesses, appeared at their door saying that they brought good news about God, Joachim and Barbara decided that they would listen.
Sérstaklega ūú, Barbara.
Especially you, Barbara.
Barbara, 74 ára frá Kanada, segir: „Ég vil vera vel til fara og snyrtileg.
Barbara, 74, in Canada, says: “I try to look neat and clean.
Þar sem hún bjó hjá móður sinni gekk hún í Norður-Hollywood menntaskólann og gekk vel í áheyrnarprufum á umboðsmönnum á meðan hún heimsótti föður sinn í Santa Barbara.
Living with her mother and attending North Hollywood High School, she successfully auditioned for agents while visiting her father in Santa Barbara.
Ég veit ekki hvađ menn héldu en eitthvađ fífl taldi snjallt ađ halda fundinn... á jörđ Joes Barbara uppi í sveit á rķlegum stađ.
Some asshole thought it would be a good idea to have this meeting at Joe Barbara's farm, up in the country, nice and quiet.
Barbara, hvernig tekur eiginmaður Shebu þessu öllu?
[ Man # # ]Barbara, how is Sheba' s husband taking all this?
Barbara minnist þess að hafa „gengið í gegnum erfiðleikatímabil“ fyrir nokkrum árum.
Barbara recalls “going through a trialsome time” some years ago.
Barbara McClintock ræktar maísplöntur eftir lit, sem að leiðir til uppgötvunar á stökklum (1944).
Barbara McClintock breeds maize plants for color, which leads to the discovery of transposable elements or jumping genes (1944).
Barbara var frekar...
Barbara was a little...
Þitt er valið, Barbara
It' s your choice, Barbara
Barbara Lawrence, sem er aðstoðarprófessor í hugvísindum, segir um sum þau orð sem algengt er að nota um kynlífið, að „uppruni og myndmál þessara orða tengist óneitanlega sársauka, ef ekki kvalalosta.“
Referring to some of the terms commonly used to describe sexual intercourse, Barbara Lawrence, an associate professor of humanities, says that “in their origins and imagery these words carry undeniably painful, if not sadistic, implications.”
Tryggđu ađ Barbara hafi allt tilbúiđ ūegar ūriđja sett byrjar.
Make sure Barbara has everything ready as soon as the third set starts.
Barbara ræđur viđ strákinn.
Barbara can handle that boy.
Barbara segir um dóttur sína og aðrar ungar systur í söfnuðinum: „Þær hjálpa mér að taka þátt í boðunarstarfinu.
Barbara says regarding her daughter and other young sisters in the congregation: “They support me in the ministry.
Barbara verđur međ ūér.
Barbara will be with you.
Með því að þurrka út svona mörg mannslíf . . . , með því að brjóta niður trúarskoðanir, breyta hugmyndum og skilja eftir sig ólæknandi sár horfinna tálvona skapaði það efnislegt og sálrænt hyldýpi milli tvennra tíma.“ — Úr The Proud Tower — A Portrait of the World Before the War 1890-1914 eftir Barbara Tuchman.
In wiping out so many lives . . . , in destroying beliefs, changing ideas, and leaving incurable wounds of disillusion, it created a physical as well as psychological gulf between two epochs.” —From The Proud Tower— A Portrait of the World Before the War 1890–1914, by Barbara Tuchman.
Þess í stað „sukku þær tálvonir og eldmóður, sem verið hafði mögulegur fram til 1914, smám saman niður í hafdjúp vonbrigða og horfinna tálvona,“ eins og sagnfræðingurinn Barbara Tuchman segir.
Instead, as historian Barbara Tuchman observes: “Illusions and enthusiasms possible up to 1914 slowly sank beneath a sea of massive disillusionment.”
Ūú komst tiI ađ hitta foreIdra piItsins sem Barbara viII giftast.
You came to meet the parents of the boy that Barbara wants to marry.
Barbara, ég get breyst
Barbara, I can change
Viđ Barbara hættum saman.
Barbara and I split up.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.