What does land in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word land in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use land in Icelandic.

The word land in Icelandic means country, land, state, country. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word land


noun (nation state (noun)

Hann iðraðist þess að hafa svikið land sitt í hendur óvinarins.
He repented having betrayed his country to the enemy.


noun (the part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water)

Hr. Ford á þetta land.
Mr. Ford owns this land.



Bandaríkin eru reyklaust land.
The United States is a no-smoking nation.


adjective noun (distinct region in geography; a broad term that can include political divisions or regions associated with distinct political characteristics)

Hann iðraðist þess að hafa svikið land sitt í hendur óvinarins.
He repented having betrayed his country to the enemy.

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189 lönd (þar á meðal Ísland) hafa undirritað samning um líffræðilegan fjölbreytileika sem felur í sér að hvert land búi til aðgerðaáætlun um líffræðilegan fjölbreytileika til að vernda og byggja upp stofna í útrýmingarhættu.
189 countries, which are signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio Accord), have committed to preparing a Biodiversity Action Plan, a first step at identifying specific endangered species and habitats, country by country.
Þau ellefu ríki sem eiga land að Eystrasalti eru aðilar að ráðinu.
The twelve regional corporations within the state would administer the settlement.
En þótt þeir hafi verið fluttir í burtu, munu þeir snúa aftur og land Jerúsalem verða þeirra eign. Þess vegna verður þeim enn á ný askilað til erfðalanda sinna.
And notwithstanding they have been carried away they shall return again, and possess the land of Jerusalem; wherefore, they shall be brestored again to the cland of their inheritance.
Ég á allt ūetta land og engan eftir nema son minn Rick.
I got this whole spread, I got nobody left but Rick. That's my boy.
Allt sem ég hef sagt ykkur um þetta land... er þvættingur!
All this stuff I' ve been telling you about this land
Komdu ūér í land.
Get back here.
Hann kom mér síðan á fast land og þar hef ég reynt að festa rætur æ síðan.
He then placed me on high ground, where I have attempted to stay ever since.
Fariđ í land!
Go to shore!
Fólk vill sómasamleg og falleg heimili og eitthvert land með trjám, blómum og görðum.
People want decent homes and some land with trees, flowers, and gardens.
Árið 2002 gaf Hannes út bókina Hvernig getur Ísland orðið ríkasta land í heimi? þar sem hann mælti með stórfelldum skattalækkunum á fyrirtæki í því skyni að laða fjármagn til landsins og gera Ísland að alþjóðlegri fjármálamiðstöð.
In 2002, Hannes published a book titled How Can Iceland Become the Richest Country in the World?suggesting that Iceland could become an international financial centre offering low corporate taxes and a stable political environment.
Íslendingar, rúmlega 290.000 talsins, eru afkomendur víkinganna sem námu hér land fyrir meira en 1100 árum.
The 290,570 inhabitants of Iceland are descendants of Vikings, who settled there more than 1,100 years ago.
(b) Hvers vegna leiddi Guð Ísrael aftur heim í land sitt?
(b) Why did God later restore Israel to its land?
Ūau eiga ūetta risastķra land og viđ megum ekki fara út úr húsinu.
It's like they have all this land and we're not allowed to leave the house.
Hann iðraðist þess að hafa svikið land sitt í hendur óvinarins.
He repented having betrayed his country to the enemy.
Ūú sérđ ađ ūetta er Land Rover međ drifi á öllum hjķlum.
As you can see, this is a Land Rover with four-wheel drive.
8 Og í heilagri reiði sinni sór hann bróður Jareds, að hver sá, er eignaðist þetta fyrirheitna land, þaðan í frá og að eilífu, skyldi aþjóna sér, hinum eina sanna Guði, ella yrði þeim bsópað burt, þegar fylling heilagrar reiði hans kæmi yfir þá.
8 And he had sworn in his wrath unto the brother of Jared, that whoso should possess this land of promise, from that time henceforth and forever, should aserve him, the true and only God, or they should be bswept off when the fulness of his wrath should come upon them.
Miller nefnir á ljósmyndafilman „langt í land með að nálgast hið alhliða næmi sjónhimnunnar.“
Miller explains, camera film “does not even begin to compare with the versatile sensitivity of the retina.”
Ūađ vill svo til ađ ūađ er í Ítalíu, sem er, alveg, allt annađ land.
Which happens to be in Italy, which is, like, in a whole other country.
Ef þú ert í alvöru að hugsa um að flytja í annað land gætirðu skrifað deildarskrifstofunni þar og beðið um upplýsingar. Póstföng er að finna í nýjustu árbókinni.
If you are serious about moving to another country, you may write to the branch office in that country for more information, using the address in the current Yearbook.
Í mörgum biblíuþýðingum er hebreska orðið ’erets þýtt „land“ en ekki „jörð“ en það er engin ástæða til að ætla að orðið ’erets í Sálmi 37:11, 29 takmarkist við landið sem Ísraelsþjóðinni var gefið.
While many Bible translations render the Hebrew term ’eʹrets “land” instead of “earth,” there is no reason to limit ’eʹrets at Psalm 37:11, 29 to just the land given to the nation of Israel.
Ég fer fyrst í land.
Well, I'm to be first ashore.
Eftir valdatöku þeirra flýði hann land ásamt fjölskyldu sinni.
Due to his acts he had to leave the village along with his mother.
Með því að leiða Ísrael aftur heim í land sitt til að endurbyggja musterið var Jehóva að sýna þessa kostgæfni.
The restoration of Israel to her land and the rebuilding of the temple were evidence of that zeal.
Á morgun setjum viđ ūig á land.
We'll put you ashore tomorrow.
12 Og ég mun styrkja þetta land gegn öllum öðrum þjóðum.
12 And I will fortify this land aagainst all other nations.

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So now that you know more about the meaning of land in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.