What does laus in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word laus in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use laus in Icelandic.

The word laus in Icelandic means loose, free, single. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word laus



Morðingi gengur laus og því ekki hægt að útiloka morð.
With a killer loose, you can't rule out murder.



Mig langar að vita hvort þú sért laus á morgun.
I want to know if you'll be free tomorrow.



" Drekk og dađra, ávallt laus og liđugur
" Sip and mingle, forever single

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Laus við ótta og veikleika eða losta.
Free from fear or weakness or lust.
Ég skal hringja í konuna ūína og athuga hvenær ūú ert laus.
How'bout you call your wife and see when you're available.
Hann er laus endi, mađur!
He's a loose end, man.
Laus við alla miskunnsemi, samúð og iðrun.
Without mercy.
Í fréttum er þetta helst, morðingi Deans Carter gengur enn laus
In local news, the killer of City Rider Dean Carter is still at large
Hvernig laus?
14 Bróðir Russell lést skömmu síðar þannig að forsetastaða Varðturnsfélagsins var laus.
14 Not long afterward, Brother Russell passed away, leaving the office of the Watch Tower Society’s presidency vacant.
12 Páll sagði einnig: „Látum oss því ganga fram fyrir Guð með einlægum hjörtum, í öruggu trúartrausti, með hjörtum, sem hreinsuð hafa verið og eru laus við meðvitund um synd, og með líkömum, sem laugaðir hafa verið í hreinu vatni.“
12 In addition, Paul said: “Let us approach with true hearts in the full assurance of faith, having had our hearts sprinkled from a wicked conscience and our bodies bathed with clean water.”
Viftureimin er laus.
Your fan belt is loose.
„Sumir trúleysingjar benda á hið illa sem gert er í nafni Guðs og halda því fram að heimurinn yrði betri ef hann væri laus við trúarbrögð.
“There seems to be a growing interest in vampires, witches, and sorcerers.
Verðum við einhvern tíma laus við illskuna?
Will we ever be free from evil?
Árið 1923 uppgötvaði hún umskipti sem eru laus við geislavirkni, svokölluð Auger-áhrif.
In 1922, she discovered the cause of the emission of electrons from surfaces of atoms with 'signature' energies, known as the Auger effect.
Að það væri laus staða fyrir sljóan ungan mann
He said that there was a job opening for some dull young man
Ég er laus á sunnudaginn.
I'm free on Sunday.
Fornleifafræðin styður þá staðreynd að Júdakonungur, sem var fangi í Babýlon, var að lokum látinn laus og gefið fæði.
Archaeology supports the fact that a Judean king captive in Babylon was eventually released from prison and given an allowance of food.
Ūegar rás er ekki stillt inn á ákveđna útsendingu er hún laus til ađ međtaka alls kyns hljķđ, til dæmis frá stuttbylgjum.
The absence of a signal on a channel that is not receiving a broadcast means that it's free to receive a lot of noise from many things, like shortwaves.
Laus úr synda fanga fjötrum
We are free from sin’s dark prison,
Á meðan Gestur gengur laus, halda blóðfórnir áfram..
As long as Guest is free the bloodshed will continue.
Ertu laus núna?
Are you free now?
Á virkum dögum eru það mörg stæði laus að þú ættir að fá stæði nálægt íbúðinni minni.
On weekdays there are enough parking spots free that you should be able to get one close to my apartment.
John er laus við áhyggjur þessa dagana.
John is free from worry these days.
Mercator var látinn laus eftir sjö mánaða fangavist en allar eigur hans gerðar upptækar.
Mercator was released after seven months of imprisonment, but all his belongings were confiscated.
Ūađ eru yfir tķlf laus störf í Chicago.
Sir, there are over a dozen vacancies in Chicago.
Þér hefðuð viljað vera laus við mig fyrir löngu.
I'm afraid you have long been desiring my absence.
Í gleðinni yfir að vera laus við forina og myrkrið, gleymdi ég næstum hver hafði hjálpað okkur að komast út úr skóginum.
In the excitement of being freed from the mud and the darkness, I almost forgot who had helped us out of the forest.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.