What does loksins in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word loksins in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use loksins in Icelandic.

The word loksins in Icelandic means finally. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word loksins



Fullkomlega umkringdur af hermönnum okkar gafst óvinurinn loksins upp fyrir okkur.
Completely surrounded by our troops, the enemy finally surrendered to us.

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„Maðurinn veit loksins að hann er einn í tilfinningalausri óravíðáttu alheimsins og er þar orðinn til einungis af tilviljun.“
“Man knows at last that he is alone in the universe’s unfeeling immensity, out of which he emerged only by chance.”
Já, nú er tilkynnt að Guðsríki í höndum Krists hafi loksins verið stofnsett á himnum tímamótaárið 1914.
Yes, it is announced that God’s Kingdom by Christ was established in heaven in the year 1914.
En svo kom rigningin loksins þegar Nýheimsþýðingin var gefin út á tsonga!“
However, the rains came down with the release of the New World Translation in Tsonga.”
(Daníel 12: 4, 8; 1. Pétursbréf 1: 10-12) En þegar upplýsingin loksins kom valt hún ekki á því að einhver maður túlkaði orðin.
(Daniel 12:4, 8; 1 Peter 1:10-12) However, when enlightenment finally came, it did not depend on some human interpreter.
Loksins. Bær.
Finally a town!
Ég er ánægđ međ ađ ūessu sé loksins lokiđ.
Well, I'm glad it's finally over.
Okkur tķkst ūađ loksins!
Guys, we finally did it!
En nú standa þeir loksins á þröskuldi fyrirheitna landsins.
At last, though, they stand at the threshold of the Promised Land.
Loksins hef ég steininn.
It's finally mine.
Eftir margar og langar bænir tókst mér það loksins.“
After much prayer, I was finally able to do so.”
Loksins gat ég sótt safnaðarsamkomur aftur!
Finally, I could attend congregation meetings again!
Þú munt finna leiðbeiningar um daglegt líf og undursamlega von um líf í hinni fyrirheitnu skipan Guðs þar sem vilji Guðs verður loksins gerður „svo á jörðu sem á himni.“ — Matteus 6:10.
You will find guidance for everyday living and a wonderful hope for life in God’s promised New Order, where, at long last, the will of God will “be done, on earth as in heaven.” —Matthew 6:10, JB.
Loksins var geimsteinninn í hans höndum.
At last, the gem was in his hands.
Loksins hittumst viđ.
We meet at last.
Núna nýlega er nýjasta platan þeirra loksins komin á markaðinn.
Presently, the second edition of this book is in the market.
14 Eftir að Messíasarkonungurinn Jesús Kristur eyðir heimskerfi Satans og öllum sem styðja það verður hann loksins í þeirri aðstöðu að geta uppfyllt stórkostlega biblíuspádóma um þúsundáraríkið.
14 After he destroys Satan’s system and all who support it, the Messianic King, Jesus Christ, will at long last be in a position to fulfill marvelous Bible prophecies that describe his Millennial Reign.
Ūegar viđ komum aftur í heiminn kenni ég ūér loksins ađ gegla.
I got'em tight. When we get back to the world, we gonna put together that three-piece combo band we talked about? Me on stand-up bass. Johnny on drums. And me tickling the ivories.
Loksins höfđum viđ sameiginlegt safn.
Finally, we had a centralized system.
Well, finally.
Ég trúi ekki ađ hliđin verđi loksins opnuđ.
Share. I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!
Við höfum lög um hlið okkar, og völd, og svo framvegis, svo þú vilt betri gefa upp góðu, sjá þig, því þú munt örugglega að gefast upp, loksins. "
We've got the law on our side, and the power, and so forth; so you'd better give up peaceably, you see; for you'll certainly have to give up, at last. "
Eftir margra mánaða vinnu náðum við loksins gaurnum
After months of work, we' d finally nailed this guy
Ef þú hænist að einhverri geturðu loksins gleymt Bellu.
Imprint someone else, you'll finally forget Bella.
En loksins er þessi maður, Nehemía, kominn til að hjálpa þeim að endurbyggja múrana.
But now this man Ne·he·miʹah is finally helping the people to build the walls again.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.