What does móðurmál in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word móðurmál in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use móðurmál in Icelandic.

The word móðurmál in Icelandic means mother tongue, native language, first language, first language. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word móðurmál

mother tongue

noun (The first language learnt; the language one grew up with.)

Útlendingurinn talaði japönsku eins og það væri hennar móðurmál.
The foreigner spoke Japanese as if it were her mother tongue.

native language

noun (The first language learnt; the language one grew up with.)

Svo dæmi sé tekið er katalónska móðurmál milljóna manna á Spáni og þeir tala hana dagsdaglega.
For example, in Spain millions of Catalonians speak their native language, Catalan, on a daily basis.

first language

noun (mother language)

Nú á dögum er spænska móðurmál um það bil 540 milljóna manna.
Today, Spanish is the first language of some 540 million people.

first language

noun (language a person was raised speaking from birth)

Móðurmál þeirra, fatastíll, siðir og matarmenning er ef til vill ólík því sem þú hefur alist upp við.
Their first language, style of clothing, manners, and food may not be what you are accustomed to.

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Þegar ég var níu ára heimsótti hana vottur sem talaði ungversku en það var móðurmál mömmu. Það varð til þess að hún fékk áhuga á að kynna sér boðskap Biblíunnar.
When I was nine years old, Mother was visited by a Witness who spoke Hungarian, my mother’s native tongue, which moved her to listen to the Bible’s message.
Hvaða gagn geta börnin haft af því að læra móðurmál ykkar?
How may your children benefit from learning your language?
Þegar hér var komið hafði hún lært portúgölsku, og móðurmál hennar, spænskan, gerði hana mjög dýrmæta í viðskiptum við spænskumælandi nágrannanna Brasilíu.
By this time she had learned to speak Portuguese, and her native Spanish made her invaluable in doing business with Brazil’s Spanish-speaking neighbors.
5 Hvað felur það í sér að Guð ‚gefi nýtt tungumál‘ þeim sem tala þessi ólíku tungumál? Útheimtir það að þeir hætti að tala móðurmál sitt og læri hið upprunalega tungumál sem Guð gaf Adam?
5 For people who are speaking all these languages, would “the change to a pure language” require that they abandon their native tongue and learn the original language that God gave to Adam?
Eins og útskýrt er í leiðbeiningunum á bls. 2 í bæklingnum skaltu komast að því hvert sé móðurmál húsráðandans og síðan láta hann lesa textann á viðeigandi blaðsíðu í bæklingnum.
As the instructions on page 2 of the booklet explain, after you have determined the householder’s language, let him read the printed information on the appropriate page in the booklet.
Annar vinnufélagi, sem var frá Filippseyjum, var forviða að rekast á móðurmál sitt í bæklingnum og vildi í framhaldinu fá að vita meira um Votta Jehóva.
A coworker from the Philippines was amazed to find her native language in the booklet and became interested in learning more about Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Ef íslenska er ekki móðurmál þitt gætirðu skoðað listann á bls. 2 og kannað hvort tímaritið kemur út á móðurmáli þínu.
If you are reading this magazine in your second language, why not check page 2 and see if your first language is included in the languages in which The Watchtower is published?
Þegar þú þroskast ferðu þó kannski að koma auga á kosti þess að geta talað móðurmál þitt reiprennandi.
As you grow a little older, though, you might start to appreciate the benefits of speaking your mother tongue well.
Árið 1980 var þetta hlutfall orðið um tveir af fimm en núna er enska móðurmál aðeins eins af hverjum fimm vottum.
By 1980 that ratio had changed to about 2 out of 5, and today the native language of only 1 out of every 5 Witnesses is English.
(Sálmur 143:10) Við náum ef til vill að hafa áhrif á huga fólks ef við prédikum og kennum á máli sem er ekki móðurmál þess.
(Psalm 143:10) Preaching or teaching the Bible’s message to people in a language they are not familiar with may reach their mind.
En til að ná til hjartans hjá áheyrendum okkar er oft betra að nota móðurmál þeirra, málið sem hreyfir við innstu löngunum þeirra, hvötum og vonum. — Lúkas 24:32.
However, in order to touch the heart of our listeners, it is often better to use their mother tongue —the language that speaks to their deepest aspirations, motives, and hopes. —Luke 24:32.
Hefur einhver sem er að læra móðurmál þitt spurt þig hvað ákveðið orð merki?
Have you ever been asked by someone learning your language about the meaning of a particular word?
Ef þú fluttist til annars lands með fjölskyldu þinni þegar þú varst barn hefurðu kannski ekki gert þér ljóst að móðurmál þitt gæti nýst þér seinna á ævinni.
If your family migrated while you were very young, you may not have realized that your mother tongue could benefit you later in life.
Þær eru því læsar og skrifandi á rússnesku en tala jafnframt móðurmál sitt.
Thus, they read and write Russian and, at the same time, speak their native tongue.
Franska er móðurmál 20% Svisslendinga, en 50,4% þeirra tala málið.
French is the native language of about 20% of the Swiss population and is spoken by 50.4% of the population.
Þótt Dalmatin stundaði nám erlendis hvatti Trubar hann til að leggja rækt við móðurmál sitt, slóvenskuna.
Although Dalmatin studied abroad, he was encouraged by Trubar to value and cultivate his mother tongue, Slovenian.
Hún er móðurmál meirihluta íbúa landsins og hefur sérstöðu sem þjóðtunga en er lítið notuð sem ritmál.
She finds most residents of the village are cold and unwelcoming, and has very little success identifying her mother by her old name, Ida.
Aklilu svaraði um hæl að hann vonaðist til þess að fá einhvern tíma að tilheyra amharískumælandi söfnuði, en amharíska er móðurmál hans.
Indeed, one day when Aklilu’s preaching companion asked him what goals he now had in life, Aklilu readily responded that he hoped someday to be part of a congregation that spoke his language, Amharic.
Auk þess að hafa bashjírsku að móðurmál talar hann reiprennandi í rússnesku og ensku.
Apart from her native Romanian, she also is fluent in Russian and English.
6 Börnin ykkar læra líklega tungumál heimamanna í skólanum og af umhverfi sínu, en móðurmál ykkar læra þau fyrst og fremst ef þið talið oft saman á því máli.
6 Your children will likely learn the local language at school and in their environment, but they learn your language primarily by frequently interacting with you in your language.
Ef móðurmál þitt er spænska þá „¡Buen fin de semana!“
If Spanish is your tongue, then, “¡Buen fin de semana!”
Tæplega 8% eru með ensku sem móðurmál.
Around 8% of pupils have English as an additional language.
Þetta gerist ekki aðeins meðal spænskættaðra, heldur líka meðal allra annarra víða um heim, þar sem annað tungumál leysir móðurmál af hendi.2 Meira að segja Nefí, sem er spámaður í Mormónsbók, hafði áhyggjur af því að glata móðurmáli sínu, þegar hann bjó sig undir að fara til fyrirheitna landsins.
It happens not only among Hispanics but also among populations throughout the world where a native language is replaced in favor of a new one.2 Even Nephi, a prophet in the Book of Mormon, was concerned about losing the native language of his fathers when he was preparing to move to the promised land.
Nú á dögum er spænska móðurmál um það bil 540 milljóna manna.
Today, Spanish is the first language of some 540 million people.
Hun kennir móðurmál i menntó
You' re late.- No shit. She' s a high- school English teacher

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of móðurmál in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.