What does неликвиды in Russian mean?

What is the meaning of the word неликвиды in Russian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use неликвиды in Russian.

The word неликвиды in Russian means surplus stock. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word неликвиды

surplus stock

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Большая часть их либо уйдет по низкой цене, либо останется неликвидом.
Many of those diamonds will either sell for low prices, or end up as part of dead stock.
Еще одной проблемой, затрагивавшейся СБП и КБП в ходе их встречи с сэром Дэвидом Туиди, было применение критерия справедливой стоимости к финансовым инструментам в условиях отсутствия активно действующего рынка или же когда рынок неликвиден
Another concern raised by APB and the APC at their meeting with Sir David Tweedie was the application of fair value measurement applied to financial instruments in cases where there was no active market or where the market was illiquid
А если я не найду другого, мой Вичеллио станет очередным неликвидом.
And if I can’t find another, my Vecellio becomes just another piece of dead stock.
Как это – я неликвиден?
What do you mean I'm not liquid?
Их можно купить в магазинах армейских неликвидов, если вам вдруг понадобится старый радар весом больше тысячи фунтов.
You can buy them at the war surplus stores if you happen to want an old radar set weighing a thousand pounds.
Еще одной проблемой, затрагивавшейся СБП и КБП в ходе их встречи с сэром Дэвидом Туиди, было применение критерия справедливой стоимости к финансовым инструментам в условиях отсутствия активно действующего рынка или же когда рынок неликвиден .
Another concern raised by APB and the APC at their meeting with Sir David Tweedie was the application of fair value measurement applied to financial instruments in cases where there was no active market or where the market was illiquid.
В подразделе «Неликвиды» (главное меню, раздел "Продажи") размещена информация о реализуемых Предприятием материальных ресурсах.
The section 'Contacts' provides information about the departments, divisions and personnel dealing with the Company's purchasing, procurement and supplies of required materials and items.
Неликвид, мало кто сейчас пользуется этими компьютерами.
Illiquid stuff, only a few people now use these computers.

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Do you know about Russian

Russian is an East Slavic language native to the Russian people of Eastern Europe. It is an official language in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as widely spoken throughout the Baltic states, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Russian has words similar to Serbian, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Slovak, Polish, and other languages derived from the Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family. Russian is the largest native language in Europe and the most common geographical language in Eurasia. It is the most widely spoken Slavic language, with a total of more than 258 million speakers worldwide. Russian is the seventh most spoken language in the world by number of native speakers and the eighth most spoken language in the world by total speakers. This language is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Russian is also the second most popular language on the Internet, after English.