What does ужинать in Russian mean?

What is the meaning of the word ужинать in Russian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use ужинать in Russian.

The word ужинать in Russian means supper, dine, have dinner. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word ужинать


verb (to eat dinner)

Я еще не закончил ужинать.
I have not yet finished my supper.


verb (to eat; to eat dinner or supper)

Я не хочу ужинать одна, вот и всё.
I don't want to dine alone, that's all.

have dinner


Ты ужинать дома будешь?
Are you going to have dinner at home?

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Если этой ночью я найду нужного человека, то завтра вечером Тирконнел будет ужинать с вами.
If I find the man I am looking for, to-night, Tyrconnel will sup with you to-morrow.
Стэнли любил ужинать ровно в шесть.
He liked dinner at exactly six.
В прошлом месяце мы ужинали с леди Ротес.
We dined with Lady Rothes last month.
— Я ужинала с Оливией и её новым парнем.
“I had dinner with Olivia and her new boyfriend.”
Они ужинали вместе — отец, Пика, Педру.
They ate dinner together, his father, Pica and Pedro.
Ну, я помогу вамъ чистить рыбу, и вы оставайтесь съ нами ужинать.
Now I'll have to help you clean the fish, and then you must stay the evening and have some with us.""
Алексия ужинает с родителями, а Келли должна сидеть с младшей сестренкой
Alexia is having dinner with her parents, and Kelly has to babysit her little sister.”
Обедали Гладышевы обыкновенно в столовой, а ужинали на кухне.
The Gladyshevs usually dined in the dining room but ate their supper in the kitchen.
Тем же вечером они впервые ужинали вместе
That same evening they had their first dinner together.
Долгая зимняя ночь прошла незаметно; сели ужинать в пятом часу утра.
The long winter night passed unnoticed; they sat down to supper towards five in the morning.
В четверг он ужинал в таверне «Лондон»[309] с несколькими литераторами, а накануне весь вечер просидел дома.
On Thursday, he went to a dinner at the London Tavern* with a number of other literary men.
Через некоторое время мама с папой объявили, что пора ужинать.
After a while, Mom and Dad announced it was time for dinner.
Придете ко мне сегодня вечером ужинать часов в девять?
Are you coming to dinner tonight at nine?'
По вечерам они ужинали у губернатора, потом купались.
In the evenings they ate at the governor's mansion and afterwards there was bathing.
Не успел я опомниться, как Койке уже ужинала с нами.
Before I knew it, Koike was eating dinner with us.
Стив был задумчив, пока они втроем ужинали в итальянском ресторане.
He was quiet as the three of them ate dinner at an Italian restaurant.
Ты сегодня ужинаешь у миссис Уонноп.
You’re to dine at Mrs Wannop’s tonight.
Ужинать его не позвали; никаких звуков человеческого движения в большом доме не раздавалось.
No one had called him for dinner; he had heard no movement in the big house.
— Давно пора нам вновь ужинать как семья, — тихо произнес он.
“It is high time you all decided to eat dinner as a family again,” he said in a low voice.
Я ужинала с Томом.
I was having dinner with Tom.
Артур Бэрон с женой ужинали у нас почти год назад (в самом деле, как летит время!).
We had Arthur Baron and his wife to our house for dinner just about a year ago (time does fly).
Мне пора домой, ужинать.
I gotta get home for dinner.
– Давайте проголосуем, – предложил Квиллер. – Выпить ещё по бокальчику или сразу же ехать ужинать?
Qwilleran said, “Let’s take a vote: Have another round of drinks or go to dinner?”
Да, между прочим, если вы все-таки решитесь на это, вы не будете больше ужинать в приюте.
Oh, and by the way, if you do decide to join, there'll be no more evening meals at Franklin.
Мы сейчас в городе ужинаем, но ты нам позвони.
We’re in town for dinner right now, but give us a call.

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Do you know about Russian

Russian is an East Slavic language native to the Russian people of Eastern Europe. It is an official language in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as widely spoken throughout the Baltic states, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Russian has words similar to Serbian, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Slovak, Polish, and other languages derived from the Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family. Russian is the largest native language in Europe and the most common geographical language in Eurasia. It is the most widely spoken Slavic language, with a total of more than 258 million speakers worldwide. Russian is the seventh most spoken language in the world by number of native speakers and the eighth most spoken language in the world by total speakers. This language is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Russian is also the second most popular language on the Internet, after English.