What does öflugur in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word öflugur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use öflugur in Icelandic.

The word öflugur in Icelandic means powerful, strong, dynamic. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word öflugur


adjective (having or capable of exerting power, potency or influence)

En það var hvorki sprungið dekk né strætisvagn ‒ heldur öflugur jarðskjálfti!
But it wasn’t flat tires or the bus—it was a powerful earthquake!



Og að meðaltali hefur orðið nógu öflugur jarðskjálfti á hverju ári til að eyðileggja mannvirki með öllu.
And on an average, earthquakes strong enough to cause total destruction of buildings have occurred yearly.


adjective noun

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Þar er öflugur her.
A highly developed army
Afskaplega öflugur gluggastjóri með góðum þemastuðningiName
An extremely themable very feature-rich window manager
Á þjónustuárinu 1997 ómaði öflugur lofsöngur til dýrðar Jehóva Guði, þrátt fyrir margs konar erfiðleika.
During the 1997 service year, in the face of many difficulties, a loud shout of praise was lifted up to the glory of Jehovah God.
Öflugur her getur beðið ósigur.
A powerful army may go down in defeat.
Öflugur ICCCM samhæfður gluggastjóri með sýndarskjáborðumName
A powerful ICCCM-compliant multiple virtual desktop window manager
Hvað er andi Jehóva, hve öflugur er hann og hvers vegna þurfum við á honum að halda núna?
What is Jehovah’s spirit, how powerful is it, and why do we need it today?
Og af því neodymium- járn- bór seglum eru svo öflugur einn af þeim stöðum sem þeir finna umsókn er í rafala sem sitja ofan á vindmyllum.
And because neodymium- iron- boron magnets are so powerful one of the places they find application is in the generators that sit on top of windmills.
3 Svo öflugur er kærleikur Jehóva Guðs og Jesú til þín.
3 The love of Jehovah God and Jesus for you is that powerful.
Öflugur jarðskjálfti reið yfir El Salvador í byrjun síðasta árs.
When earthquakes rocked El Salvador earlier this year, the Christian brotherhood of Jehovah’s Witnesses rose to the challenge of providing relief work.
Þeim tókst að hanna framúrskarandi bensínhreyfil sem var svo öflugur að þeir máttu alveg við því að þyngja vélina.
New lightweight turbojet engines were being developed that would be able to power such small fighters.
12 Jósafat sýndi Guði hollustu líkt og Asa, faðir hans, jafnvel þegar öflugur her ógnaði ríkinu. (Lestu 2.
12 Like his father, Asa, Jehoshaphat maintained his devotion to God even when threatened by an overwhelming enemy force.
Öflugur gluggastjóri sem notar lítið af auðlindum vélarinnar sem er byggður á BlackboxName
A highly configurable and low resource window manager based on Blackbox
Hann er svo öflugur.
He's so powerful.
Andi heimsins er öflugur
The Spirit of the World Is Powerful
Eitthvað hlýtur að hafa komið þessu ferli af stað — einhver kraftur nógu öflugur til að yfirvinna hið feikilega þyngdarafl sem allur massi alheimsins býr yfir.
Something must have started the process—a force powerful enough to overcome the immense gravity of the entire universe.
28:19, 20) Síðan Kristi var fengið konungsvald árið 1914 hefur hann verið með lærisveinum sínum í ríkari mæli en nokkru sinni fyrr og verið öflugur leiðtogi þeirra.
28:19, 20) Since being invested with kingly power in 1914, Christ is more than ever “with” his disciples and active as their Leader.
Hún er öflugur vitnisburður sem getur laðað aðra að sannleikanum. — 1. Pét.
It serves as a powerful witness that may draw others to the truth. —1 Pet.
Hann kemur ekki í veg fyrir allar hörmungar, en hann svarar bænum okkar um að lægja þær, eins og hann gerði þegar óvenju öflugur fellibylur ógnaði vígluathöfn musterisins á Fidjieyjum6 eða hann dregur úr áhrifum þeirra eins og hann gerði þegar sprengingar hryðjuverkamanna tóku mörg líf á flugvellinum í Brussel en olli eingöngu meiðslum á fjórum trúboðum.
He does not prevent all disasters, but He does answer our prayers to turn them aside, as He did with the uniquely powerful cyclone that threatened to prevent the dedication of the temple in Fiji;6 or He does blunt their effects, as He did with the terrorist bombing that took so many lives in the Brussels airport but only injured our four missionaries.
Í millitíðinni, nóttina þann 3. ágúst árið 1914, réðst öflugur þýskur her skyndilega inn í konungsríkið Belgíu að skipun Vilhjálms keisara og tók stefnu á Frakkland.
In the meantime, on the night of August 3, 1914, by order of Kaiser Wilhelm, a large German army suddenly invaded the kingdom of Belgium and fought its way toward France.
5: 22, 23) Margir hafa séð af reynslunni að andi Guðs er öflugur áhrifavaldur til góðs.
5:22, 23) Many have seen from experience that God’s spirit is a powerful influence for good.
Og að meðaltali hefur orðið nógu öflugur jarðskjálfti á hverju ári til að eyðileggja mannvirki með öllu.
And on an average, earthquakes strong enough to cause total destruction of buildings have occurred yearly.
Hann var einnig öflugur stuðningsmaður Lærða skólans.
In addition, he was a prolific wrestler for the school.
Systir þín er víst ansi öflugur kraftur
I suspect your sister' s a mighty potent force
Systir ūín er víst ansi öflugur kraftur.
I suspect your sister's a mighty potent force.
Gnýrinn hlýtur að hafa verið ærandi því að svo öflugur var stormurinn að hann klauf fjöll og molaði kletta.
It must have made a howling, deafening roar, for it was so powerful that it sundered mountains and shattered crags.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.