What does poki in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word poki in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use poki in Icelandic.

The word poki in Icelandic means bag, sack, sac, bag. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word poki


noun (flexible container)

Ūađ er poki af frosnum baunum í kælingum.
The bag of frozen peas in the cooler.


noun (bag for commodities or items)




verb noun (simple tool in the form of a non-rigid container)

Ūađ er poki af frosnum baunum í kælingum.
The bag of frozen peas in the cooler.

See more examples

Í skjalatöskunni eru ūessar myndir og samkvæmt heimildarmanni okkar, " poki međ skrũtnum byssukúlum ".
Now, in that briefcase are these photographs, and according to our source, a little baggie of weird bullets.
Poki frændi?
Uncle Bag?
Tímaritið FDA Consumer segir: „Smokkur er slíðurlaga poki sem þekur allan getnaðarliminn.
Explains the magazine FDA Consumer: “The condom is a sheath that covers the entire penis.
Af hlutum ekki almennilega tilheyra herbergi, var Hammock lashed upp, og kastað á gólfið í einu horninu, einnig stór poki sjómennsku, sem innihalda harpooneer er fataskápur, enginn vafi í stað landi skottinu.
Of things not properly belonging to the room, there was a hammock lashed up, and thrown upon the floor in one corner; also a large seaman's bag, containing the harpooneer's wardrobe, no doubt in lieu of a land trunk.
Skemmtilegur poki.
Festive bag.
Viltu paSSa ađ ūeSSi litli poki verđi afturí hjá mér.
Can you make sure that small bag goes in the back with me?
Mjög fallegur poki.
Really pretty, really pretty bag.
Ūađ er einn poki eftir í bílnum.
I got one more bag in the car.
Malur var poki, yfirleitt úr leðri, sem borinn var um öxl og notaður undir nesti og nauðsynjar.
A food pouch was a larger bag, usually of leather, slung over the shoulder and used for carrying food or other provisions.
" Poki frændi " er ágætt
" Uncle Bag " is fine
Ūegar ūær hanga í örmum manns eins og poki, er allt búiđ.
When they hang in your arms like an old laundry bag... it's all over, brother.
Ūađ er poki međ skít...
There's a bag of shit on my...
Ūokkalega glatađur poki af túttum.
Ain't that a bag of tits.
" Poki frændi " er ágætt.
" Uncle Bag " is fine.
Poki frændi og barniđ eru horfin.
" Uncle Bag " and the baby are gone.
Ūađ er grænn poki á gķlfinu viđ fataskápinn minn.
There's a green-mesh dive bag on the floor of my closet.
Síðan er þessi poki settur undir kalt vatn í viku.
After the harvest they are stored for a few months under cold conditions.
Að sögn tímaritsins The New England Journal of Medicine (þann 14. desember 1989) getur einn poki af sýktu blóði innihaldið nógu margar veirur til að sýkja 1,75 milljónir manna!
According to The New England Journal of Medicine (December 14, 1989), a single unit of blood may carry enough virus to cause up to 1.75 million infections!
Ūađ er poki af frosnum baunum í kælingum.
The bag of frozen peas in the cooler.
Það var líka byssa í henni.Og lítill poki með skrýtnum byssukúlum
There was a gun in there, too, and a little bag of these weird- looking bullets
Niður úr hálsi fullvaxinna fugla lafir rauðleitur poki, einna líkastur þykku bindi, sem fuglinn getur blásið upp.
In adults, a reddish inflatable pouch resembling a thick, round necktie hangs on the throat.
Ūessi bakpoki er eins og poki stúlknanna.
This backpack is from the same manufacturer as the girl's.
Allar poki okkar eru sérsniðin
All of our pouch are customized
Poki í sendiboðastíl, samhæfur við tilteknar Nikon-myndavélar.
Overview Messenger-style bag compatible with specific Nikon cameras.
Item Name: Vörulýsing: Neoprene laptop poki, 7-17inch stærð
Product description: Neoprene laptop bag, 7-17inch size

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.