What does Stjarna in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word Stjarna in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use Stjarna in Icelandic.

The word Stjarna in Icelandic means Estelle, Stella, Esther, star, asterisk. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word Stjarna




proper noun




noun (luminous celestial body)

Með honum skapaði hann alheiminn með milljörðum vetrarbrauta og í hverri þeirra eru margir milljarðar stjarna.
He created the universe, which includes billions of galaxies, each containing many billions of stars.


noun (The * character. Indicates multiplication in programming languages and also serves as a wildcard character representing one or more characters.)

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Kópernikus tók fram heimspekilegu flækjurnar við kenningu sína en lagði fram ítarlegar upplýsingar um stjarnfræðilegar athuganir hans og setti upp töflur sem sýndi fram á stöður stjarna og plánetna í fortíðinni og framtíðinni.
Copernicus discussed the philosophical implications of his proposed system, elaborated it in geometrical detail, used selected astronomical observations to derive the parameters of his model, and wrote astronomical tables which enabled one to compute the past and future positions of the stars and planets.
Miljónir stjarna virtust einstaklega skærar og fagrar.
The millions of stars seemed exceptionally bright and beautiful.
Með honum skapaði hann alheiminn með milljörðum vetrarbrauta og í hverri þeirra eru margir milljarðar stjarna.
He created the universe, which includes billions of galaxies, each containing many billions of stars.
Stjörnufræðingar áætla að í Vetrarbrautinni einni séu rösklega 100 milljarðar stjarna.
Astronomers estimate that there are over 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy alone.
Ūú hefur allt sem ūarf til ađ verđa fræg stjarna.
You have all the makings of a star.
Ađalnúmeriđ okkar, hinn eini og sanni, stjarna sũningarinnar, herra Töfra-Mike.
Our feature presentation, the one and only the star of the show, Mr. Magic Mike.
Ég kom hingađ til ađ verđa stjarna, Jerry.
I came out here to be a star, Jerry.
Hún hét Stjarna.
They call it...
Við sjáum gríðarmikið og þaulskipulagt kerfi vetrarbrauta, stjarna og reikistjarna sem hreyfast innbyrðis af mikilli nákvæmni.
We find an immense and highly ordered system of galaxies, stars, and planets, all moving with great precision.
Biblían segir: „Stjarna ber af stjörnu í ljóma.“
The Bible states: “Star differs from star in glory.”
Stjarna körfuboltaliðsins í East High, Troy Bolton (Zac Efron), og stæðrfræði-snillingurinn Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Hudgens) hittast á Gamlárskvöld í partýi á skíðasvæði í jólafríinu.
On New Year's Eve, high school juniors Troy Bolton (Zac Efron) and Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Hudgens) meet at a party while both teens are at a ski lodge during winter break.
Viđ vissum ađ ūú yrđir stjarna.
We always knew you'd make it.
Sķknarmađurinn er stjarna.
The forward centre is a star.
Jafn léttum og stingandi sem stjarna Elendils
A light as brilliant and piercing as Eärendil's star.
Vísindamenn telja að í Vetrarbrautinni einni geti verið allt að 400 milljarðar stjarna.
Scientists believe that our Milky Way galaxy alone may contain up to 400 billion stars.
Ég var međ hinum Destiny's Children en nú er ég... einstök stjarna.
I used to have the other Destiny's Children, but now I'm just a lone superstar.
● Án fylgistjörnu : Stjarnfræðingar áætla að 85 prósent allra stjarna í nágrenni sólar séu tvístirni eða þyrpingar fleiri stjarna sem snúast hver um aðra.
● A single star: Astronomers estimate that 85 percent of the stars in the neighborhood of the sun are in groups of two or more stars that orbit one another.
Ég ætla ađ fara til Kaliforníu og ég ætla ađ verđa stjarna á silfurskjánum.
I'm gonna go to California and I'm gonna be a star on the silver screen.
Þar eru vetrarbrautir í milljarðatali og í hverri þeirra eru milljarðar stjarna og reikistjarna.
There are billions of galaxies, each containing many billions of stars and planets.
Maí - Tycho Brahe gaf út lista þar sem staðsetningu 1004 stjarna var lýst.
May – Tycho Brahe's star catalogue Astronomiæ instauratæ mechanica, listing the positions of 1,004 stars, is published.
‚Eitt blað gæti brotist gegnum myrkrið eins og stjarna
‘One Leaf Might Pierce the Darkness Like a Star
Hann var einu sinni stjarna í fótboltaliði Lancer en hætti þegar hann komast að því að liðsmenn væru keyptir inn í liðið af háskólanum.
He was once a star on the Lancer football team but quit when he discovered a scandal of players being paid by the college.
Þegar þessi mikla stjarna sígur undir sjóndeildarhring frá jörðu séð er engu líkara en hún gangi inn í „tjald“ til að hvílast.
When that mighty star dips below the horizon, from earth’s vantage point, it appears to go into “a tent,” as if to rest.
Þegar við stigum út í alheiminn stöndum við andspænis veruleika ferðalaga á milli stjarna.
Stepping out into the universe... we must confront the reality of interstellar travel.
Þeim er lýst í Opinberunarbókinni 1:16 sem fullkominni tölu ‚sjö stjarna‘ í hægri hendi Jesú.
These are described at Revelation 1:16 as a complete number of “seven stars” in Jesus’ right hand.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.