What does tígull in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word tígull in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use tígull in Icelandic.

The word tígull in Icelandic means rhombus, diamond, diamonds, rhombus. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word tígull


noun (A parallelogram having all sides of equal length)


noun (card games: card of the diamonds suit)




noun (quadrilateral in which all sides have the same length)

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Tígull segir: " Ég ūráđi bara ađ vera vinur ūinn.
Jack says, " All I ever wanted was to be your friend.
" Jedúddamía, auđvitađ ertu besti vinur minn, Tígull.
And you say, " Ah, bejesus, sure, you're me best friend, Jack.
" Jedúddamía, Tígull... viđ stķđum okkur meira en vel.
" we did more than good.
Ferningur Rétthyrningur Samsíðungur Tígull Trapisa Þessi stærðfræðigrein er stubbur.
Producing a stop motion animation using clay is extremely laborious.
Circle, ferningur, þríhyrningur, tígull og önnur geometrísk form mun hjálpa þér að umbreyta mynd og gera það einstakt.
Circle, square, triangle, rhombus and other geometric shapes will help you to transform your photo and make it unique.
Þar má sjá Frauke Schenzel og Tígull vom Kronshof sem munu etja kappi við Huldu Gústafsdóttur og Kjuða frá Kirkjuferjuhjáleigu í fjórgangskeppninni, Steffi Kleis og Darri vom Lipperthof sem munu mæta Eyjólfi Þorsteinssyni og Ósk frá Þingnesi í keppni í slaktaumatölti.
There can be seen Frauke Schenzel and Tígull vom Kronshof who will compete with Hulda Gústafsdóttir and Kjuði frá Kirkjuferjuhjáleigu who will compete in the four gaits competition, Steffi Kleis and Darri vom Lipperthof who will compete with Eyjólfur Þorsteinsson and Ósk frá Þingnesi in the loose rein competition.
Til að skera ræmur, sneiðar, teningur, tígull, bylgjur o.fl. með því að breyta blað fyrir margs konar grænmeti og ávöxtum;
Product Detail Product Tags To cut strips, slices, cubes, rhombus, waves etc by changing blades for many kinds vegetables and fruits;
Þá mun sigurvegarinn frá því á síðasta ári, Jóhann Skúlason mæta en ekki er víst hvaða hest hann muni mæta til leiks með, spurning hvort það verði ekki Tígull frá Kleiva?
Also, last year’s winner Jóhann Skúlason will be present, but at this time it is not clear which horse he will bring, and the question is whether it will perhaps be Tígull frá Kleiva?
Jóhann Skúlason og hinn ungi Tígull frá Kleiva sigruðu mótið með 8,44 í lokaeinkunn, en á hæla hans varð Trine Risvang á fjórða á stóðhestinum Þokka frá Kýrholti.
Jóhann Skúlason and the young Tígull frá Kleiva won the tournament with a final score of 8.44, but just behind him was Trine Risvang and Leiknir frá Søtofte with a final score of 8.
Norðmenn völdu einnig kynbótahesta ársins og var Tígull frá Kleiva valinn stóðhestur ársins í flokki norskfæddra hesta og Von frá Vigra var kjörinn norksfædda hryssa ársins, en hún sigraði elsta flokk hryssa á HM.
The Norwegians also chose the breeding horses of the year and it was Tigull fra Kleifa who was elected the stallion of the year in the class of horses born in Norway. Von frá Vigra was elected the mare of the year and she was born in Norway and won the class of older mares at the WC.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.