What does vettvangur in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word vettvangur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use vettvangur in Icelandic.

The word vettvangur in Icelandic means scene, platform. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word vettvangur



M-kannski ég hafi ekki bara fundið glæpastarfsemi vettvangur.
Maybe I didn't just find the crime scene.



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6 Vinnustaðurinn er annar vettvangur þar sem okkur ber að heiðra aðra.
6 A second area where honor is due is at our places of employment.
Menningarmálaráðherra Andalúsíu lýsti yfir að það væri stór stund fyrir Andalúsíu að „vera vettvangur svona markverðrar uppgötvunar.“
A regional minister of culture declared that it was a proud moment for Andalusia “to be the setting of such a great discovery.”
Torgið hefur verið vettvangur margra atburða í sögu Kína.
The Invasion of Canada may refer to several events in history.
Vettvangur II.
Scene Il.
Sorglegur vettvangur
That is a pathetic scene
Vettvangur III.
Scene ill.
14 Hið vikulega safnaðarbóknám er líka vettvangur til að auka hæfni þína sem kennari fagnaðarerindisins.
14 The weekly Congregation Book Study also provides opportunities to improve your ability as a teacher of the good news.
Ein besta leiðin til að vera góður hirðir og gæta barnanna vel er greinilega sú að næra þau andlega. Og tilbeiðslustundin er góður vettvangur til þess.
Clearly, feeding your children spiritually —particularly by means of family worship— is a primary way that you can be a good shepherd.
Torgið varð seinna vettvangur margra hinna stjórnmálalegu byltingahátíða.
The company was then affected by a series of other government decisions.
Internetiđ var nũr vettvangur fyrir fķlk ađ fara út og tjá sig ađ " ég er ūarna, ég er fyrstur, ég er almáttugur ".
The Internet was a new frontier for people to go out and express themselves that " I am there, I am the first, lam the all-powerful. "
Að Félag Sameinuðu þjóðanna sé áhrifamikill vettvangur fyrir öfluga upplýsingagjöf um SÞ.
Civilian oversight of police services has become an important accountability mechanism to police powers.
3 Fjölskyldan er einn vettvangur þar sem hógværð er nauðsynleg.
3 One area where mildness is essential is within the family.
(Opinberunarbókin 12:12) Síðan djöfullinn var lítillækkaður hefur jörðin okkar því miður orðið vettvangur ofbeldis og styrjalda sem á sér enga hliðstæðu.
(Revelation 12:12) Since the Devil’s debasement, our earth has sadly become the site of unparalleled violence and warfare.
Kaþólski rithöfundurinn Roland Minnerath segir í bók sinni Les chrétiens et le monde (Kristnir menn og heimurinn): „Í neikvæðri merkingu er heimurinn álitinn . . . sá vettvangur þar sem stjórnir fjandsamlegar Guði vinna verk sitt og mynda, með andstöðu sinni við sigursæla stjórn Krists, óvinaveldi undir stjórn Satans.“
Catholic author Roland Minnerath, in his book Les chrétiens et le monde (Christians and the World), explains: “Taken in a derogatory sense, the world is thus seen as . . . the domain where powers hostile to God carry out their activity and that constitutes by its opposition to Christ’s victorious rule an enemy empire under Satan’s control.”
M-kannski ég hafi ekki bara fundið glæpastarfsemi vettvangur.
Maybe I didn't just find the crime scene.
7 Boðunarstarfið er annar vettvangur þar sem hógværð er mikilvæg.
7 Another area where mildness is important is in the field ministry.
2 Fjölskyldan er kjörinn vettvangur samræðna og skoðanaskipta.
2 The family circle is an ideal place for communication.
Þýðingarmeira er þó í hugum biblíunemenda að Megiddó var vettvangur glæsilegra sigra hersveita Ísraels, undir forystu Baraks dómara, yfir voldugum her Jabíns konungs í Kanaan undir stjórn Sísera hershöfðingja.
But more important to Bible students, Megiddo witnessed the magnificent victory of the Israelite forces under the command of Judge Barak over King Jabin’s mighty Canaanite army led by war chief Sisera.
" Ótrúlegur eins og að vera vettvangur dauða Wallenstein, og fjölmargir þeirra gler - verksmiðjum og pappír- Mills.
'Remarkable as being the scene of the death of Wallenstein, and for its numerous glass - factories and paper- mills.'
Friður um víða veröld væri þó lítils virði ef heimili manna væru vettvangur móðgana, meiðandi orða og hótana er gengju eins og byssukúlur manna í milli.
Of what value, however, would world peace be if private homes were a battleground where insults, hurtful words, and threats were constantly being hurled about.
20 Þegar burtrekinn einstaklingur er tekinn inn aftur opnast okkur annar vettvangur þar sem við getum sýnt miskunn.
20 Another area for showing mercy opens when an expelled one is reinstated.
ACT I. Vettvangur I. almannafæri.
ACT I. Scene I. A public place.
Kalkútta var miðpunktur breskra áhrifa á Indlandi og var vettvangur höfuðstöðva Breska Austur Indíafélagsins.
Colonial India was frequently caricatured in Punch and was an important source of knowledge of India for British readers.
Alkirkjuráðið — vettvangur samvinnu eða sundrungar?
The World Council of Churches —Cooperation or Confusion?

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.