What does viðskiptavinur in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word viðskiptavinur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use viðskiptavinur in Icelandic.

The word viðskiptavinur in Icelandic means customer, client, customer. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word viðskiptavinur


noun (one who purchases or receives a product or service)

„Ég er afar vonsvikinn með fræin ykkar,“ sagði enn annar viðskiptavinur.
“I’m very disappointed in your seeds,” the customer began.


noun (a customer or receiver of services)

Viðskiptavinur minn þarf ekki að svara öllum spurningum þínum.
My client doesn't need to answer any of your questions.


noun (recipient of a good, service, product or idea)

Viðskiptavinur einn sagði: „Fræin virka ekki.
“The seeds don’t work,” the customer said.

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The portly viðskiptavinur puffed út brjóstið sitt með útliti sumir lítið stolt og dregið skítugan og wrinkled dagblaðið innan frá vasa af greatcoat hans.
The portly client puffed out his chest with an appearance of some little pride and pulled a dirty and wrinkled newspaper from the inside pocket of his greatcoat.
Var hún viðskiptavinur hans, vinur hans, eða húsmóður hans?
Was she his client, his friend, or his mistress?
Holmes opnað aftur rólega augu sín og horfði óþreyjufull á risa viðskiptavinur hans.
Holmes slowly reopened his eyes and looked impatiently at his gigantic client.
McDonaldsvæðingin hefur alið með sér þá hugmynd að magn jafngildi gæðum og þar af leiðandi ef viðskiptavinur fær mikið magn af vörunni á mjög stuttum tíma þá hljóti það að vera merki um mikil gæði vörunnar.
McDonaldization developed the notion that quantity equals quality, and that a large amount of product delivered to the customer in a short amount of time is the same as a high quality product.
Viðskiptavinur minn þarf ekki að svara öllum spurningum þínum.
My client doesn't need to answer any of your questions.
" Reynsla þín hefur verið mest skemmtilegur einn, " orði Holmes og hans viðskiptavinur hvíld og endurnærð minningu hans með a gríðarstór klípa af neftóbak.
" Your experience has been a most entertaining one, " remarked Holmes as his client paused and refreshed his memory with a huge pinch of snuff.
„Ég er afar vonsvikinn með fræin ykkar,“ sagði enn annar viðskiptavinur.
“I’m very disappointed in your seeds,” the customer began.
Ekki einn einasti viðskiptavinur
Not one stinking customer
Viðskiptavinur einn sagði: „Fræin virka ekki.
“The seeds don’t work,” the customer said.
Ég var nú þegar mjög áhuga á fyrirspurn hans, því að, þó að það var umkringdur ekkert af Grímur og undarlegt aðgerðir sem voru í tengslum við tvo glæpi sem ég hafa þegar skráð, enn, eðli að ræða og upphafinn stöð viðskiptavinur hans gaf það eðli eigin.
I was already deeply interested in his inquiry, for, though it was surrounded by none of the grim and strange features which were associated with the two crimes which I have already recorded, still, the nature of the case and the exalted station of his client gave it a character of its own.
" En þinn viðskiptavinur - "
" But your client -- "
Yfirleitt getur viðskiptavinur lítið annað gert en að skoða bankann frá fagurfræðilegu sjónarmiði: þá þjónustu sem í boði er, viðmót starfsfólks og hraða þjónustunnar.
Usually the most a customer does is examine the bank cosmetically: the types of services offered, the friendliness and speed with which he is served.
„Fræin gefa ekki af sér,“ fullyrti sá viðskiptavinur.
“The seeds aren’t producing,” a customer claimed.
Eins og við mynd, viðskiptavinur getur hvíla í friði.
As to the photograph, your client may rest in peace.
Eða ímyndum okkur kaupmanninn sem dregur fram lítinn stranga af þunnri og fínni voð og breiðir úr henni til að viðskiptavinur geti skoðað hana.
Similarly, we may imagine a merchant picking up a small bundle of fine gauze and stretching it out for a customer to inspect.
Ég var komin djúpt áhuga á hans fyrirspurn, fyrir, þótt það var umkringdur ekkert af Grim og undarlegt aðgerðir sem voru tengd við tvo glæpi sem ég hafa nú þegar skráð, enn, eðli málinu og upphafinn stöð hans viðskiptavinur gaf það eðli eigin.
I was already deeply interested in his inquiry, for, though it was surrounded by none of the grim and strange features which were associated with the two crimes which I have already recorded, still, the nature of the case and the exalted station of his client gave it a character of its own.
Útfararstjórinn kemur auga á reiðan mann og nýr saman höndunum því að þar er kominn væntanlegur „viðskiptavinur.“
The undertaker sees an angry man and gleefully anticipates a “customer
" Ég get ekki séð að það er eitthvað mjög fyndið, " hrópaði viðskiptavinur okkar, Flushing allt að rætur logandi höfuð hans.
" I cannot see that there is anything very funny, " cried our client, flushing up to the roots of his flaming head.
Einn viðskiptavinur hennar hét Aksamaj Súltanalíeva en hún var gift manni sem vann á skrifstofu ríkissaksóknara.
One of her clients was a woman named Aksamai Sultanalieva, who was married to an official of the public prosecutor’s office.
Ég varð felmtri sleginn, því í veskinu voru öll mín skilríki, ásamt peningum sem einn viðskiptavinur minn hafði greitt mér þá um morgunin.
I panicked because inside my wallet were all my personal documents along with money I had just received from a client that morning.
Ekki leið á löngu áður en annar viðskiptavinur kvartaði, sem olli henni heilabrotum.
It wasn’t long before another complaint puzzled her.
Ánægður viðskiptavinur!
Happy customer!
Nýjung í posakerfum er snertilaus greiðsla, þar sem viðskiptavinur getur greitt með því að snerta kortinu sínu eða farsímann á lesarann.
Some pay phones are equipped with a card reader that allows a caller to make payment with a credit card.
" Góður viðskiptavinur "
A " good customer. "

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.