英语 中的 arts 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 arts 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 arts 的说明。

英语 中的arts 表示艺术,美术 yì shù ,měi shù, 艺术品 yì shù pǐn, 高超的技艺 gāo chāo de jì yì, 文科 wén kē, 艺术 yì shù, 艺术的 yì shù de, 人为艺术,人工作品 rén wéi yì shù,rén gōng zuò pǐn, 艺术的,文艺的 yì shù de ,wén yì de, 是 shì, 抽象艺术 chōu xiàng yì shù, 应用艺术,实用艺术, 艺术鉴赏, 艺术课, 艺术评论家 yì shù píng lùn jiā, 艺术品经销商 yì shù pǐn jīng xiāo shāng, 装饰派艺术运动 zhuāng shì pài yì shù yùn dòng, 艺术系 yì shù xì, 美术部门 měi shù bù mén, 美术指导,艺术指导 měi shù zhǐ dǎo,yì shù zhǐ dǎo, 美术指导,艺术总监 měi shù zhǐ dǎo,yì shù zǒng jiān, 艺术品展览 yì shù pǐn zhǎn lǎn, 艺术形式 yì shù xíng shì, 美术馆 měi shù guǎn, 艺术品零售店 yì shù pǐn líng shòu diàn, 艺术史, 艺术爱好者 yì shù ài hào zhě, 艺术博物馆 yì shù bó wù guǎn, 新艺术派, 新艺术运动, 战争艺术 zhàn zhēng yì shù, 艺术作品集,艺术作品收藏, 艺术课教室, 艺术学校 yì shù xué xiào, 艺术系学生 yì shù xì xué shēng, 文艺电影院, 独立的,文艺的 dú lì de ,wén yì de, 艺术家工作室 yì shù jiā gōng zuò shì, 黑人艺术 hēi rén yì shù, 妖术 yāo shù, 人体艺术, 洞穴艺术, 剪贴画 jiǎn tiē huà, 商业美术 shāng yè měi shù, 广告美术 guǎng gào měi shù, 电脑艺术, 电脑艺术作品, 概念艺术 gài niàn yì shù, 烹饪 pēng rèn, 垂死艺术,几乎绝迹的艺术, 色情艺术 sè qíng yì shù, 同人作品, 美术 měi shù, 美术,美艺术 měi shù,měi yì shù, 民间艺术, 平面艺术, 图形艺术, 医术 yī shù, 工业艺术, 武术 wǔ shù, 立体艺术品, 欧普艺术 ōu pǔ yì shù, 表演艺术 biǎo yǎn yì shù, 艺术品 yì shù pǐn, 造型艺术, 大众艺术 dà zhòng yì shù, 艺术学院 yì shù xué yuàn, 现状 xiàn zhuàng, 先进的 xiān jìn de, 街头艺术, 艺术作品 yì shù zuò pǐn, 具有艺术性的事物,艺术品 jù yǒu yì shù xìng de shì wù,yì shù pǐn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 arts 的含义

艺术,美术 yì shù ,měi shù

noun (uncountable (painting, sculpture, etc.) (绘画、雕塑等)

Fred was born with a talent for art.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他喜欢收集艺术品。

艺术品 yì shù pǐn

noun (uncountable (works of art)

This museum houses an impressive collection of art.

高超的技艺 gāo chāo de jì yì

noun (skill)

Rick says that barbecuing steaks is an art.

文科 wén kē

plural noun (humanities subjects)

When students reach the sixth form, they generally specialize in either arts or sciences.

艺术 yì shù

plural noun (visual and performing arts) (总称)

Baron Johann Pasqualati was a wealthy patron of the arts.

艺术的 yì shù de

noun as adjective (relating to painting, sculpture, etc.)

Warhol is a famous figure in the art world.

人为艺术,人工作品 rén wéi yì shù,rén gōng zuò pǐn

noun (not nature) (与自然相对)

She thinks that art can be more beautiful than the natural world.

艺术的,文艺的 yì shù de ,wén yì de

noun as adjective (non commercial) (与商业电影相对的)

Mike's favourite films are art films.

是 shì

auxiliary verb (archaic (are: 2nd person singular) (古英语第二人称单数)

The Lord's Prayer begins: 'Our Father, who art in Heaven ...'

抽象艺术 chōu xiàng yì shù

noun (non-representational art)

When looking at abstract art, remember that it is usually not a portrayal of a tangible object.


noun (design used for practical purposes)

She studied Applied Art at college and then got a job as a graphic designer.


noun (knowledge and enjoyment of art)


noun (lesson in art)

As a child, my favorite part of the school day was art class.

艺术评论家 yì shù píng lùn jiā

noun (professional art reviewer)

The taste of that art critic is the standard of all proper society.

艺术品经销商 yì shù pǐn jīng xiāo shāng

noun ([sb] who sells works of art)

Artists no longer contact that art dealer because he demands a high commission.

装饰派艺术运动 zhuāng shì pài yì shù yùn dòng

noun (art: Modern Style) (二三十年代所流行的现代艺术风格)

The style of the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco is Art Deco.

艺术系 yì shù xì

noun (school: teaches art)

The art department welcomed fifty new students this year.

美术部门 měi shù bù mén

noun (TV, theatre: props, scenery)

The art department won an award for scenery design.

美术指导,艺术指导 měi shù zhǐ dǎo,yì shù zhǐ dǎo

noun (creates advertising visuals) (广告)

美术指导,艺术总监 měi shù zhǐ dǎo,yì shù zǒng jiān

noun (tv, film: head of art department) (电影、电视)

艺术品展览 yì shù pǐn zhǎn lǎn

noun (display of collected artworks)

The museum has a new art exhibition.

艺术形式 yì shù xíng shì

noun (type of art)

Ice sculptures are a modern art form.

美术馆 měi shù guǎn

noun (UK (museum of art)

We had a wonderful time viewing the paintings at the art gallery.

艺术品零售店 yì shù pǐn líng shòu diàn

noun (retail art emporium)

The artist sells her paintings at the art gallery.


noun (study of art through the ages)

Because I was an Art Major in college, I had to take five semesters of art history.

艺术爱好者 yì shù ài hào zhě

noun ([sb] who appreciates art)

He's a true art lover.

艺术博物馆 yì shù bó wù guǎn

noun (art gallery)

The Hermitage is a famous art museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.


noun (French (19th-20th century art style)


(art movement)

战争艺术 zhàn zhēng yì shù

noun (military strategy)

General Patton was an avid student of the art of war.


noun (collection of an artist's work)


noun (classroom in school for art)

艺术学校 yì shù xué xiào

noun (school: teaches art)

He wants to study illustration, so he will attend art school in the fall.

艺术系学生 yì shù xì xué shēng

noun ([sb] who studies art)

She's an art student at the Royal College of Art in London.


noun (venue showing art films)

独立的,文艺的 dú lì de ,wén yì de

noun as adjective (film: independent, creative) (电影)

艺术家工作室 yì shù jiā gōng zuò shì

noun (workshop of an artist)

One half of the barn has been converted into an artist's studio. That potter whose work you loved finally opened his art studio to the public.

黑人艺术 hēi rén yì shù

noun (artworks: African origin)

During Black History Month, many museums display black art.

妖术 yāo shù

plural noun (witchcraft, occult)


(artistic practice)


noun (prehistoric paintings in caves)

剪贴画 jiǎn tiē huà

noun (copyright-free graphics)

Clipart was used often in presentations fifteen years ago, but now it looks a little cheesy.

商业美术 shāng yè měi shù

noun (art that is popular with buyers)

广告美术 guǎng gào měi shù

noun (art used in commerce)

The book covers in any bookstore are a virtual museum of commercial art.


noun (artmaking: digital)


noun (artwork: digital)

概念艺术 gài niàn yì shù

noun (art: prioritizes the idea)

Generally speaking, only art critics are interested in conceptual art.

烹饪 pēng rèn

plural noun (cookery skills)

Simon's skill in the culinary arts was limited to boiling an egg.


noun (figurative (skill that has become rare)

Letter writing with a pen seems to be a dying art.

色情艺术 sè qíng yì shù

noun (art intended to arouse sexually)

It's not easy to draw a precise dividing-line between 'erotic art' and 'pornography'.


noun (created by fans)

美术 měi shù

noun (art: painting)

The sale will be of interest to collectors of fine art.

美术,美艺术 měi shù,měi yì shù

plural noun (visual artforms) (绘画、雕塑等)

Paul has always loved the fine arts, and is now doing a degree in London.


noun (decorative art form)

The traditional art forms of a community are reflected in its folk art.


noun (study or practice of the graphic arts) (版画刻印等)


plural noun (pictorial art forms)

The graphic arts include painting, drawing, printmaking, and photography.

医术 yī shù

plural noun (alternative medicine)

Acupuncture is an example of a healing art.


plural noun (machine-operating skills)

武术 wǔ shù

noun (usually plural (Eastern Asian combat disciplines)

He's skilled in karate, judo, and other martial arts.


noun (often plural, Gallicism (three-dimensional work of art) (三维的)

That isn't just a jumble of trash; I paid good money for that objet d'art.

欧普艺术 ōu pǔ yì shù

noun (abstract art movement) (一种光效应抽象艺术)

表演艺术 biǎo yǎn yì shù

noun (physical artform)

艺术品 yì shù pǐn

noun (artwork)

Several pieces of art were stolen from the museum.


noun (often plural (art: three dimensional)

Classical Greek reliefs are among the greatest examples of plastic art.

大众艺术 dà zhòng yì shù

noun (1950s modern art movement)

Andy Warhol's painting of a soup can is the best-known work of pop art.

艺术学院 yì shù xué yuàn

noun (college where art is studied)

Admission is highly competitive at many schools of art.

现状 xiàn zhuàng

noun (technology: current level) (技术: 当前的水平)

In tech, it can be hard to keep up with the state of the art.

先进的 xiān jìn de

adjective (technology: advanced) (技术)

Our new TV uses state-of-the-art technology to provide the best picture and sound.


noun (art in public location)

艺术作品 yì shù zuò pǐn

noun (painting, sculpture, etc.) (绘画、雕塑等)

The museum is a place to contemplate works of art.

具有艺术性的事物,艺术品 jù yǒu yì shù xìng de shì wù,yì shù pǐn

noun (figurative ([sth] beautiful and impressive) (比喻)

Aunt Betty's layer cake was a culinary work of art.

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