英语 中的 early 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 early 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 early 的说明。

英语 中的early 表示在(一天、一周等的)开始之际 zài yì tiān yì zhōu děng de kāi shǐ zhī jì, 很快地 hěn kuài de, 早,提早,比通常早 zǎo,tí zǎo,bǐ tōng cháng zǎo, 早,提早,比预计早 zǎo,tí zǎo,bǐ yù jì zǎo, 早期的 zǎo qī de, 赶在别人前面的 gǎn zài bié rén qián miàn de, 早先的 zǎo xiān de, 原始的 yuán shǐ de, 过早的 guò zǎo de, 一大早地 yí dà zǎo de, 大清早 dà qīng zǎo, 刚到下午, 婴儿期 yīng ér qī, 爱早起的人, 早到者, 捷足先登的, 晨鸟, 幼儿时 yòu ér shí, 提早结束营业 tí zǎo jié shù yíng yè, 提早打烊的, 初期 chū qī, 早逝 zǎo shì, 每天报纸的第一版 měi tiān bào zhǐ de dì yì bǎn, 及时的 jí shí de, 及时地 jí shí de, 早期历史, 童年 tóng nián, 清晨,清早,凌晨 qīng chén,qīng zǎo, 早先 zǎo xiān, 提前退休 tí qián tuì xiū, 早起者 zǎo qǐ zhě, 早期 zǎo qī, 初期阶段, 早起, 提早开始, 早期症状 zǎo qī zhèng zhuàng, 远古时候, 早年 zǎo nián, 孩提时代 hái tí shí dài, 起床早 qǐ chuáng zǎo, 夭折 yāo zhé, 为时过早, 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。, 时机不成熟地。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 early 的含义

在(一天、一周等的)开始之际 zài yì tiān yì zhōu děng de kāi shǐ zhī jì

adverb (time: in first part)

I get up early in the morning.

很快地 hěn kuài de

adverb (soon)

Please come as early as you can.

早,提早,比通常早 zǎo,tí zǎo,bǐ tōng cháng zǎo

adverb (before usual) (比平常)

I arrived at work early today, for a change!

早,提早,比预计早 zǎo,tí zǎo,bǐ yù jì zǎo

adverb (before expected) (比预计)

The plane was expected at 11 o'clock, but it arrived 15 minutes early.

早期的 zǎo qī de

adjective (first part of [sth])

The newspaper arrives in the early morning.

赶在别人前面的 gǎn zài bié rén qián miàn de

adjective (before others)

She was an early developer.

早先的 zǎo xiān de

adjective (time: far back)

The pottery had been made by an early tribe of settlers.

原始的 yuán shǐ de

adjective (primitive)

The abacus can be seen as an early calculator.

过早的 guò zǎo de

adjective (too soon)

Early blossom is sometimes killed by late frosts. His early arrival took us all by surprise.

一大早地 yí dà zǎo de

adverb (early in the morning)

My grandmother had the custom of rising at an early hour.

大清早 dà qīng zǎo

adjective (informal (at an early hour)

Let's start the hike bright and early so we can finish before it gets too hot.


noun (period just after midday)

The best time to reach me is right after lunch, in the early afternoon.

婴儿期 yīng ér qī

noun (infancy)

My son started reading at an early age - as far as I remember he was only three years old.


noun (figurative ([sb] who wakes up early)

My husband's an early bird, but I find it hard to get out of bed in the morning.


noun (figurative ([sb] arriving before others)

Millie and I were early birds to the party; most of the guests arrived an hour or so later.


noun as adjective (figurative (advance, before others)

You will enjoy an early-bird discount of 15% if you book your tickets before the 1st of February.


noun (historical (satellite) (卫星, 历史用语)

Early Bird was launched by NASA in April 1965.

幼儿时 yòu ér shí

noun (infancy)

I have few memories of my early childhood.

提早结束营业 tí zǎo jié shù yíng yè

noun (shop closure at earlier hour)

Don't forget that it's early closing today; you'll have to run if you want to get to the shops on time.


adjective (shop closure: earlier than usual)

Wednesday's early closing day in my hometown.

初期 chū qī

plural noun (initial stages)

In the early days of urban transport, people rode in horse-drawn carriages; now they drive cars.

早逝 zǎo shì

noun (death before reaching old age)

His smoking habit led to an early death.

每天报纸的第一版 měi tiān bào zhǐ de dì yì bǎn

noun (of a newspaper)

及时的 jí shí de

adjective (arriving in good time)

及时地 jí shí de

adverb (in good time)


noun (initial stages)

童年 tóng nián

noun (childhood)

She spent her early life in India, but moved to Britain as a teenager.

清晨,清早,凌晨 qīng chén,qīng zǎo

noun (just after dawn)

Early morning is the best time to watch birds, because they've just landed after migrating all night.

早先 zǎo xiān

adverb (informal (close to beginning)

Early on in my life, I had been a spectacular athlete.

提前退休 tí qián tuì xiū

noun (retirement before established age)

You may take early retirement but then begin a new career.

早起者 zǎo qǐ zhě

noun (person who gets up early)

Maybe he was always such an early riser because he grew up on a farm.

早期 zǎo qī

noun (often plural (beginnings)

The project is still in an early stage.


noun as adjective (illness: in initial phase) (病症)

The patient's symptoms are consistent with early-stage Ebola.


noun (rising early in the morning)

I'm going to bed now, as I have an early start tomorrow.


noun (beginning before scheduled time)

I went into work at eight so that I could get an early start.

早期症状 zǎo qī zhèng zhuàng

noun (sign of illness at an early stage)

Painful coughing is an early symptom of lung disease.


plural noun (period long ago)

In early times, people made measurements by comparing things with parts of the human body.

早年 zǎo nián

plural noun (initial period)

The early years of any marriage are difficult.

孩提时代 hái tí shí dài

plural noun (infancy, childhood)

起床早 qǐ chuáng zǎo

verbal expression (rise at early hour)

I have a conference this Saturday, so I will have to get up early for it.

夭折 yāo zhé

verbal expression (die young)

Callum is going to an early grave if he doesn't adopt a healthier lifestyle.


expression (UK, informal (situation may change)


expression (figurative (start work early to be successful)


adverb (excessively soon, prematurely)

When I get to work too early, I have to wait till they unlock the doors. You took the cake out of the oven too early.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。