英语 中的 easy 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 easy 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 easy 的说明。

英语 中的easy 表示容易的 róng yì de, 让人觉得舒服的 ràng rén jué de shū fú de, 富足的 fù zú de, 放松的 fàng sōng de, 水性杨花的,轻浮的 shuǐ xìng yáng huā de,qīng fú de, 小心地 xiǎo xīn de, 随和的 suí hé de, 宽大地, 宽容地, 宽恕 kuān shù, 适度 shì dù, 安心,松了一口气 ān xīn,sōng le yì kǒu qì, 极为简单的, 简单得很,再简单不过 jiǎn dān de hěn,zài jiǎn dān bú guò, 安乐椅,摇椅 ān lè yǐ ,yáo yǐ, 云淡风轻, 来得快 lái de kuài, 慢慢来 màn màn lái, 轻音乐, 放松的生活方式, 富有的生活方式, 容易受骗的人 róng yì shòu piàn de rén, 不费力得来的钱,容易得来的钱 bú fèi lì dé lái de qián,róng yì dé lái de qián, 悦目的,好看的 yuè mù de,hǎo kàn de, 看起来不累的,不伤眼的, 橘子 jú zi, 不费力得来的钱 bú fèi lì dé lái de qián, 易被抨击的人或事物, 易被击中的目标 yì bèi jī zhòng de mù biāo, 好相处的 hǎo xiāng chǔ de, 容易理解的 róng yì lǐ jiě de, 简单易用的, 好打交道 hǎo dǎ jiāo dào, 轻易得来的胜利 qīng yì dé lái de shèng lì, 易护理的, 随和的 suí hé de, 小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié, 双面煎蛋, 节约使用, 有节制地使用, 温和对待, 宽大对待, 放轻松 fàng qīng sōng, 事务进展顺利 shì wù jìn zhǎn shùn lì, 这不容易 zhè bù róng yì, 不容易的 bù róng yì de, 放荡 fàng dàng, (生活得)很舒适 shēng huó de hěn shū shì, 双面煎的, 易如反掌 yì rú fǎn zhǎng, 放松点,沉住气 fàng sōng diǎn,chén zhù qì, 最容易的解决方式。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 easy 的含义

容易的 róng yì de

adjective (not difficult)

Correcting the spelling was an easy job.

让人觉得舒服的 ràng rén jué de shū fú de

adjective (comfortable)

He sat in his easy chair and watched TV.

富足的 fù zú de

adjective (sufficiently wealthy)

Yes, we have an easy life here.

放松的 fàng sōng de

adjective (relaxed)

It was a nice, easy atmosphere at the party.

水性杨花的,轻浮的 shuǐ xìng yáng huā de,qīng fú de

adjective (slang (promiscuous) (女性)

The rumour was that she was easy.

小心地 xiǎo xīn de

adverb (gently, with moderation)

I'm taking it easy tonight because I have to drive home.

随和的 suí hé de

adjective (informal (with no strong opinion)

He was easy, and didn't object to anything.

宽大地, 宽容地

adverb (informal (without severe punishment) (非正式用语)

He really got off easy this time! I can't believe his parents didn't punish him!

宽恕 kuān shù

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (be lenient toward [sb])

适度 shì dù

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (use with moderation)

安心,松了一口气 ān xīn,sōng le yì kǒu qì

(figurative, informal (be reassured)

You can breathe easy again; we have solved the problem.


adjective (figurative, informal (very simple to do)

简单得很,再简单不过 jiǎn dān de hěn,zài jiǎn dān bú guò

adjective (informal (very easy)

When you've done it a few times, it's easy as pie.

安乐椅,摇椅 ān lè yǐ ,yáo yǐ

noun (large upholstered armchair)

Grandpa reclined in his easy chair when he arrived home.


expression (informal (relaxed attitude) (指态度)

Henry never gets stressed about life; it's easy come, easy go with him.

来得快 lái de kuài

expression (informal ([sth] is gained and lost quickly)

慢慢来 màn màn lái

interjection (go slowly, be careful)


noun (style of popular music)


noun (relaxed way of life)


noun (wealthy lifestyle)

容易受骗的人 róng yì shòu piàn de rén

noun ([sb] easily targeted or victimized)

She was an elderly lady who lived alone: an easy mark for the con-man.

不费力得来的钱,容易得来的钱 bú fèi lì dé lái de qián,róng yì dé lái de qián

noun (informal (earned with little effort) (非正式用语)

The job offer which promised easy money turned out to be fake.

悦目的,好看的 yuè mù de,hǎo kàn de

adjective (informal, figurative (good looking)

I don't know who she is but she's very easy on the eyes.


adjective (not tiring to look at)

Staring at the television for a long period of time is not easy on the eyes.

橘子 jú zi

noun (UK (small orange: tangerine, satsuma)

不费力得来的钱 bú fèi lì dé lái de qián

plural noun (wealth or goods obtained easily)


noun (figurative ([sth] or [sb] easy to criticize)

The study is an easy target for critics who suggest the results were predictable.

易被击中的目标 yì bèi jī zhòng de mù biāo

noun (mark that is easily hit)

The slow-moving ship was an easy target to hit.

好相处的 hǎo xiāng chǔ de

adjective (informal (affable)

Jim is a friendly guy who is easy to get along with.

容易理解的 róng yì lǐ jiě de

adjective (quickly grasped)

Use diagrams to display large amounts of information in ways that are easy to understand.


adjective (not difficult to use)

This easy-to-use mobile phone is specially designed for the elderly.

好打交道 hǎo dǎ jiāo dào

adjective (US, figurative (person: not difficult)

Some people find him difficult, but I find him quite easy to wear.

轻易得来的胜利 qīng yì dé lái de shèng lì

noun ([sth] won effortlessly)

Today's soccer game was an easy victory for the home team.


adjective (fabric: easy to clean) (衣物)

随和的 suí hé de

adjective ([sb], personality: relaxed)

I love being with her because she's a nice easy-going girl.

小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié

adjective (UK, informal (easy, simple) (英国英语,非正式用语)


plural noun (US (eggs lightly fried on both sides)

节约使用, 有节制地使用

verbal expression (informal (use sparingly)

If you want to lose weight you should probably go easy on the fatty foods.

温和对待, 宽大对待

verbal expression (informal (be lenient with)

Please go easy on the new students.

放轻松 fàng qīng sōng

verbal expression (informal (face no problems)

People born into money are considered to have it easy.

事务进展顺利 shì wù jìn zhǎn shùn lì

expression (UK (task went smoothly)

Although the professor said that we would struggle with the translation, it was easy going for our group.

这不容易 zhè bù róng yì

expression (informal (it's difficult) (非正式用语)

It's not easy to find a partner in this day and age.

不容易的 bù róng yì de

adjective (difficult)

It is not easy to raise a child these days.

放荡 fàng dàng

expression (dated, pejorative (woman: promiscuous)

(生活得)很舒适 shēng huó de hěn shū shì

adverb (figurative, slang (leading easy life)

After we paid all of our debts, we were living on easy street.


adjective (US (egg: lightly fried on both sides) (煎蛋)

易如反掌 yì rú fǎn zhǎng

adjective (informal (straightforward)

Learning how to make popcorn at home is simple as ABC.

放松点,沉住气 fàng sōng diǎn,chén zhù qì

verbal expression (informal (relax)

Bruce loves to take it easy when he's at the cabin on the lake. Retirement is the time to take it easy.


noun (figurative (least demanding solution)

The easy way out would be to give up, but we must keep trying.

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easy 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。