英语 中的 gun 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 gun 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 gun 的说明。

英语 中的gun 表示枪 qiāng, 步枪 bù qiāng, 猎枪 liè qiāng, 大炮 dà pào, 二头肌 èr tóu jī, 带枪狩猎, 使加速,加大油门 shǐ jiā sù,jiā dà yóu mén, 杜松子酒 dù sōng zǐ jiǔ, 猎捕器,陷阱 xiàn jǐng, 开始 kāi shǐ, 一种纸牌游戏, 轧棉, 设陷阱 shè xiàn jǐng, 击毙 jī bì, 气枪 qì qiāng, 高射炮 gāo shè pào, 枪管 qiāng guǎn, 麻醉枪 má zuì qiāng, 飞镖枪 fēi biāo qiāng, 拔枪相向 bá qiāng xiāng xiàng, 拔出枪, 大型猎枪 dà xíng liè qiāng, 杀鸡用牛刀, 大材小用, 信号枪, 闪光枪 shǎn guāng qiāng, 胶枪, 黄油枪 huáng yóu qiāng, 枪械管制,枪支管制, 持枪犯罪, 把矛头对准, 为了得到, 枪架 qiāng jià, 瞄准镜 miáo zhǔn jìng, 担心的,恐惧的,战战兢兢的 dān xīn de ,kǒng jù de, 怕枪炮声的, 持枪的, 火药 huǒ yào, 抢跑, 发令枪未响就抢先跑出 fā lìng qiāng wèi xiǎng jiù qiǎng xiān pǎo chū, 机枪 jī qiāng, 机关枪的, 机枪扫射 jī qiāng sǎo shè, 流氓的女情人,黑社会分子的情妇 liú máng de nǚ qíng rén,hēi shè huì fèn zǐ de qíng fù, 女性罪犯, 射钉枪, 玩具气枪, 激光枪, 玩具枪, 恐吓枪, 六发左轮手枪, 定罪证据, 混蛋 hún dàn, 活见鬼,他妈的 tā mā de, 喷枪 pēn qiāng, 玩具喷水枪 wán jù pēn shuǐ qiāng, 打钉枪, 电击枪, 军用枪, 冲锋枪,轻机枪 chōng fēng qiāng, 冲锋枪 chōng fēng qiāng, 冲锋枪 chōng fēng qiāng, 被迫做某事,迫于压力做某事, 玩具水枪 wán jù shuǐ qiāng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 gun 的含义

枪 qiāng

noun (handgun)

She put the gun in its holster.

步枪 bù qiāng

noun (rifle)

It was a long-barrelled gun.

猎枪 liè qiāng

noun (shotgun)

Geoff and his friends brought fifteen guns to the grouse moor that day.

大炮 dà pào

noun (cannon)

The ship had several eleven-inch guns.

二头肌 èr tóu jī

plural noun (slang (muscular biceps)


intransitive verb (hunt with a gun)

The men went gunning in the forest even though it was illegal.

使加速,加大油门 shǐ jiā sù,jiā dà yóu mén

transitive verb (race engine)

He gunned the motor and raced away.

杜松子酒 dù sōng zǐ jiǔ

noun (liquor)

Chris gave Mara a bottle of gin for her birthday.

猎捕器,陷阱 xiàn jǐng

noun (trap, snare)

The hunter caught a rabbit using a gin.

开始 kāi shǐ

intransitive verb (archaic (begin)


intransitive verb (US (cards: play winning hand)

Jack ginned and won the game.


transitive verb (textiles)

The workers spent all day ginning the cotton they had picked the day before.

设陷阱 shè xiàn jǐng

transitive verb (game: trap)

The hunter ginned a pheasant to eat for dinner.

击毙 jī bì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (shoot dead)

The victim was gunned down at short range.

气枪 qì qiāng

noun (pellet rifle)

高射炮 gāo shè pào

noun (weapon: targets aircraft)

枪管 qiāng guǎn

noun (tube-shaped part of a gun)

The policemen polished the barrel of his gun before replacing it in its holster.

麻醉枪 má zuì qiāng

noun (device: for tranquillizing)

They shot the lion with a dart gun so that they could examine its teeth.

飞镖枪 fēi biāo qiāng

noun (toy firearm) (玩具)

Billy, don't point that dart gun at your brother!

拔枪相向 bá qiāng xiāng xiàng

verbal expression (aim a firearm at)

To stop the robber, the policewoman drew a gun on him and ordered him to lie on the ground.


verbal expression (pull out a firearm)

The insistent sound of the snake's rattle caused him to draw his gun as a precaution.

大型猎枪 dà xíng liè qiāng

noun (hunting rifle)

杀鸡用牛刀, 大材小用

noun (figurative (excessive response) (比喻)

The police used 'elephant gun' tactics against the demonstrators.


noun (launches signal rocket)

闪光枪 shǎn guāng qiāng

noun (device that triggers a camera flash) (摄影用的)


noun (device: applies adhesive)

A glue gun dispenses hot-melt glue which cools and solidifies very quickly.

黄油枪 huáng yóu qiāng

noun (device: lubricates)

Mechanics use a grease gun to maintain lubrication.


noun (restrictions on owning firearms)


noun (offences involving firearms)

Gun crime is on the rise in Europe.


verbal expression (informal (aim to harm [sb]) (比喻)

My new manager has been gunning for me since I had that last period of absence.


verbal expression (informal (seek to obtain [sth])

She stays late every day because she's gunning for a raise.

枪架 qiāng jià

noun (holds up a gun)

瞄准镜 miáo zhǔn jìng

noun (aiming device on a firearm)

The sniper looked through the gun sight and took aim.

担心的,恐惧的,战战兢兢的 dān xīn de ,kǒng jù de

adjective (figurative (hesitant, nervous)


adjective (literal (frightened by gunshots)


adjective (carrying a firearm)

火药 huǒ yào

noun (powdered explosive)

The barrels of gunpowder were dangerously close to the flame.


verbal expression (runner: start too soon) (在发令枪发令前便起跑)

The runner jumped the gun and all the runners had to return for another start.

发令枪未响就抢先跑出 fā lìng qiāng wèi xiǎng jiù qiǎng xiān pǎo chū

verbal expression (figurative, informal (do [sth] too soon)

Don't jump the gun; it's best to live with someone a year before getting married.

机枪 jī qiāng

noun (automatic firearm)

The soldier was armed with a machine gun.


noun as adjective (related to machine guns)

机枪扫射 jī qiāng sǎo shè

noun (hail of bullets from an automatic firearm)

We could hear the sound of machine-gun fire in the distance.

流氓的女情人,黑社会分子的情妇 liú máng de nǚ qíng rén,hēi shè huì fèn zǐ de qíng fù

noun (slang, dated (gangster's girlfriend) (俚语,过时)

The mobster and his moll have not appeared in public for many months.


noun (slang, dated (female criminal)

She's a tough moll; I know I wouldn't mess with her.


noun (power tool for inserting nails)


noun (toy rifle)


noun (gun that fires rays)


noun (child's toy gun)


noun (device: keeps animals off crops)


noun (US, informal (revolver: can fire six shots)


noun (figurative (evidence of [sb]'s guilt)

混蛋 hún dàn

noun (US, slang, pejorative (man: rogue)

活见鬼,他妈的 tā mā de

interjection (US, slang (surprise) (表示惊讶)

Son of a gun! - it's snowing again.

喷枪 pēn qiāng

noun (device: sprays liquid)

Spray guns are much quicker than brushes or rollers when you have a large area to paint.

玩具喷水枪 wán jù pēn shuǐ qiāng

noun (toy: water pistol)

Children love playing with squirt guns in the summer to stay cool. I shoot the rabbits in my garden with a squirt gun to keep them away from the vegetables.


noun (device: fixes staples to surface)


noun (weapon with electric charge)


noun (various military weapons)

冲锋枪,轻机枪 chōng fēng qiāng

noun (weapon)

冲锋枪 chōng fēng qiāng

noun (automatic rifle)

冲锋枪 chōng fēng qiāng

noun (automatic firearm)

The mobsters burst into the bank, all toting Tommy guns.


expression (figurative (pressured to do [sth])

玩具水枪 wán jù shuǐ qiāng

noun (toy: water pistol)

Children usually play with water guns in the summer to keep themselves cool.

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gun 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。