英语 中的 loss 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 loss 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 loss 的说明。

英语 中的loss 表示丧失 sàng shī, 损失 sǔn shī, 失败 shī bài, 丧失,损失 sàng shī,sǔn shī, 失落, 损失 sǔn shī, 险损 xiǎn sǔn, 损失的数量或数目, …的损失, 损毁 sǔn huǐ, 失利,失败 shī lì,shī bài, 弄丢, 处于亏损地 chǔ yú kuī sǔn de, 困惑不解的 kùn huò bù jiě de, 失血 shī xiě / shī xuè, 无用的人或物 wú yòng de rén huò wù, 听力丧失 tīng lì sàng shī, 节哀顺变, 为吸引顾客亏本卖出的商品, 不能集中精力 bù néng jí zhōng jīng lì, 昏厥,失去知觉 hūn jué,shī qù zhī jué, 听力丧失 tīng lì sàng shī, 死亡 sǐ wáng, (因损伤等)记忆丧失 yīn sǔn shāng děng jì yì sàng shī, 记性变差 jì xìng biàn chà, 失去社会地位 shī qù shè huì dì wèi, 失语(症) shī yǔ zhèng, 张口结舌,哑口无言, 损失 sǔn shī, 盈亏, 止损的,停损的, 遭受损失 zāo shòu sǔn shī, 车辆全损, 全部损失,所有损失 quán bù sǔn shī,suǒ yǒu sǔn shī, 体重减轻 tǐ zhòng jiǎn qīng, 投资利润损失, 收成损失。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 loss 的含义

丧失 sàng shī

noun (deprivation)

His loss of hearing really hurt his ability to work.

损失 sǔn shī

noun (financial)

The loss was over three million dollars.

失败 shī bài

noun (failure to win)

The fans were upset at their team's loss.

丧失,损失 sàng shī,sǔn shī

noun (bereavement) (指亲友死亡)

Sonia's son died recently; it was a terrible loss for the whole family.


noun (absence)

Rita felt a terrible sense of loss when her children left home.

损失 sǔn shī

noun (missed opportunity) (机会)

His inability to graduate from the university was such a loss.

险损 xiǎn sǔn

noun (insurance) (保险)

Some insurance covers the loss of use of a property.


noun (number, amount lost)

The earthquake was responsible for the loss of many lives.


expression ([sb] is the person losing out)

Your boyfriend dumped you? Well, that's his loss; you're too good for him anyway. // You don't want to come out with us tonight? Oh well, your loss!

损毁 sǔn huǐ

noun (condition)

The house was a total loss after the hurricane.

失利,失败 shī lì,shī bài

noun (military: defeat) (军事)

The loss at Waterloo was the turning point in the war.


noun (misplacing [sth])

The loss of his phone was a major inconvenience.

处于亏损地 chǔ yú kuī sǔn de

adverb (losing money)

They must be selling these at a loss, the prices are so low.

困惑不解的 kùn huò bù jiě de

adjective (informal (unable to understand)

She was at a loss to explain what had happened.

失血 shī xiě / shī xuè

noun (amount of blood haemorrhaged)

无用的人或物 wú yòng de rén huò wù

noun (informal ([sb], [sth]: useless)

Don't ask her to help: she's a dead loss.

听力丧失 tīng lì sàng shī

noun (diminished ability to hear)

As a result of the explosion he suffered hearing loss.


interjection (formal (condolences) (正式)

I'm sorry for your loss; your father will be missed by all who knew him.


noun (low-cost item sold to draw buyers)

Some companies sell something for cheap as a loss leader to get people to come in and buy more expensive products.

不能集中精力 bù néng jí zhōng jīng lì

noun (inability to continue paying attention)

In sports, a loss of concentration can mean losing the game.

昏厥,失去知觉 hūn jué,shī qù zhī jué

noun (faint, blackout)

听力丧失 tīng lì sàng shī

noun (partial or total deafness)

Many people experience loss of hearing as they grow older.

死亡 sǐ wáng

noun (death)

A bomb exploded in the shopping centre, leading to considerable loss of life.

(因损伤等)记忆丧失 yīn sǔn shāng děng jì yì sàng shī

noun (amnesia caused by trauma, etc.)

The blow he suffered in the accident has caused a complete loss of memory. Loss of memory can be temporary or permanent.

记性变差 jì xìng biàn chà

noun (diminished ability to recall)

失去社会地位 shī qù shè huì dì wèi

noun (decrease in status)

What upset him most was not the loss of his fortune but the resulting loss of social position.

失语(症) shī yǔ zhèng

noun (inability to speak due to trauma, etc.)

After witnessing the horrific murder he experienced temporary loss of speech.


verbal expression (not know what to say) (书面)

损失 sǔn shī

verbal expression (lose money)

My company made a loss last year and had to lay off three employees.




adjective (stock market: preventing financial loss)

遭受损失 zāo shòu sǔn shī

(be bereaved)

You'll understand how I feel when you suffer loss yourself.


noun (damaged vehicle: write-off)

The insurance company deemed the automobile a total loss after the accident.

全部损失,所有损失 quán bù sǔn shī,suǒ yǒu sǔn shī

noun (finance: gross amount lost) (金融)

体重减轻 tǐ zhòng jiǎn qīng

noun (slimming)

Her sudden weight loss worried her friends.


noun (finance: decrease in profit from investments) (金融)


noun (agriculture: crop loss) (农业)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。