英语 中的 upon 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 upon 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 upon 的说明。

英语 中的upon 表示在…之上 zài … zhī shàng, 马上 mǎ shàng, (一块)接着(一块), (一个)又(一个), 关于 guān yú, 了解…的最新动态, 对...有信心, 了解 liǎo jiě, 根据(某人的命令、要求等)行事, 对…有效, 响应…的, 入侵 rù qīn, 与…有关 yǔ … yǒu guān, 以…为基础 yǐ … wéi jī chǔ, 基于 jī yú, 在...上建造, 冲上,撞上 zhuàng shàng, 突然来到,忽然出现 tū rán lái dào,hū rán chū xiàn, 请求 qǐng qiú, 向…求助, 要求某人做某事, 以…为中心, 重点在于…, 偶然遇到 ǒu rán yù dào, 偶然遇见 ǒu rán yù jiàn, 专心于 zhuān xīn yú, 信赖 xìn lài, 取决于 qǔ jué yú, 相信 xiāng xìn, 相信,信任 xiāng xìn ,xìn rèn, (经济上)依赖 jīng jì shàng yī lài, 依赖,依靠 yī lài,yī kào, 利用 lì yòng, 非法侵入 fēi fǎ qīn rù, 侵犯 qīn fàn, 侵占 qīn zhàn, 详述 xiáng shù, 袭击 xí jī, 狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn, 激动地抓住, 袭击…, 扑向… pū xiàng …, 迎接…, 不赞成 bú zàn chéng, 逼近 bī jìn, 赶上 gǎn shàng, 取决于 qǔ jué yú, 偶然发现 ǒu rán fā xiàn, 依赖于,取决于 qǔ jué yú, 忽然想到 hū rán xiǎng dào, 使...明白...的重要意义, 改进 gǎi jìn, 依靠 yī kào, 找到 zhǎo dào, 看不起,鄙视 kàn bù qǐ,bǐ shì, 看不上, 把…视为, 看成 kàn chéng, (带着某种情绪)看 dài zhe mǒu zhǒng qíng xù kàn, 就…达成一致 jiù … dá chéng yí zhì, 经过商定的 jīng guò shāng dìng de, 依靠 yī kào, 某事以…为根据, 让...以...为根据, 改编自, 建立在…的基础上, 基于 jī yú, 养肥 yǎng féi, 贪吃 tān chī, 损人肥己, 与...有关, 给...颁发...,将…颁发给…, 不计回报地做好事, 就...进行评论, 给...授予, 视情况而定的 shì qíng kuàng ér dìng de, 使...顿悟, 取决于 qǔ jué yú, 依靠某人…, 依靠...的, 取决于,基于 qǔ jué yú ,jī yú, 转让 zhuǎn ràng, 一直想着, 详细阐述 xiáng xì chǎn shù, 开始 kāi shǐ, 上马,启动,开始 shàng mǎ ,qǐ dòng,kāi shǐ, 落下, 垂下, 适逢,正好轮到,恰好是 shì féng,zhèng hǎo lún dào, 落在…上 luò zài shàng, 无人理睬,被忽视 bèi hū shì, 时运不济, 开火,开枪 kāi huǒ ,kāi qiāng, 朝...射击, 关注 guān zhù, 不赞成, 不许可, 仔细倾听 zǐ xì qīng tīng, 靠近地 kào jìn de, 怜悯,可怜 lián mǐn,kě lián, 侵犯 qīn fàn, 影响 yǐng xiǎng, 硬缠着某人, 给某人带来麻烦 gěi mǒu rén dài lái má fán, 对...来说必须履行的, 某人必须履行某事, 倚靠在...上, 坚决要做..., 决心做, 倚靠, 俯视 fǔ shì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 upon 的含义

在…之上 zài … zhī shàng

preposition (formal, literary (on)

He stepped upon the chair to get to the upper shelves.

马上 mǎ shàng

preposition (formal (time: immediately)

Upon hearing the news, she started praying.

(一块)接着(一块), (一个)又(一个)

preposition (figurative (on top, in addition)

He ate cracker upon cracker until he was sick.

关于 guān yú

preposition (formal (on the subject of)

I'll give you my thoughts upon that later.


preposition (slang (aware of, up-to-date on [sth])

My sister is really up on the latest fashions.


preposition (US, informal (confident about [sth])

I'm up on this stock.

了解 liǎo jiě

preposition (informal (informed about [sth])

She is up on the news from Europe.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (do [sth] in response)

Harry acted upon Alice's request.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (have an effect on)

The drug acts upon the nervous system.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (responded to, followed)

The suggestions were made, but they were never acted upon.

入侵 rù qīn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (invade, move in to attack)

The swarm of killer bees advanced upon the unsuspecting cow that was grazing in the pasture.

与…有关 yǔ … yǒu guān

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (formal (be relevant to)

以…为基础 yǐ … wéi jī chǔ

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (develop further)

The beginners' course will give you a good base which you can build on.

基于 jī yú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (develop further)

The new head coach said he would build upon the team's existing strengths.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (base on)

They built the city upon firm foundations.

冲上,撞上 zhuàng shàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (leap, pounce)

突然来到,忽然出现 tū rán lái dào,hū rán chū xiàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (appear)

Tara Lipinski burst upon the world of gymnastics as a bouncy fifteen-year-old.

请求 qǐng qiú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (seek help)

John called on his friends for support.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (turn to [sb] for help) (某人)

When you need help, then who can you call upon if not your friends?


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (request that [sb] do [sth])

The union called on the workers to support a strike.

以…为中心, 重点在于…

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (have as main topic)

His talk centered on one key issue.

偶然遇到 ǒu rán yù dào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (unexpectedly encounter [sb/sth])

Walking throught the woods, I chanced upon young rabbits cavorting in the tall grass.

偶然遇见 ǒu rán yù jiàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (find by chance, encounter)

The kids were thrilled to come upon a small gingerbread house in the woods.

专心于 zhuān xīn yú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (slightly formal (focus your attention on)

The last thing I remember is the hypnotist telling me to concentrate upon the watch.

信赖 xìn lài

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (depend on, rely on)

I should like to thank you for your help, and assure you that you may count upon my support at any time.

取决于 qǔ jué yú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be determined by [sth])

Whether the heating will be fixed today depends on the repairman's schedule.

相信 xiāng xìn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be assured of)

You may depend absolutely upon your solicitor's discretion.

相信,信任 xiāng xìn ,xìn rèn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (trust in [sth]) (对事物)

I depended on her ability to keep a secret.

(经济上)依赖 jīng jì shàng yī lài

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (be supported financially by)

In the 1950s, most women in the US did not do paid work and depended on their husbands.

依赖,依靠 yī lài,yī kào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (rely on [sb]) (对人)

She is a proud lady and doesn't like having to depend on her relatives for help.

利用 lì yòng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (use as source or resource)

To pass the final exam, the students must draw upon everything they have learned in the course.

非法侵入 fēi fǎ qīn rù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (property: trespass) (房产)

侵犯 qīn fàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (rights: infringe) (权利)

侵占 qīn zhàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (infringe on land) (土地)

Their oak tree has begun to encroach on my property.

详述 xiáng shù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (go into more detail about)

In this book, the author enlarges upon some topics she mentioned briefly in her previous book.

袭击 xí jī

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (attack, assault)

The group of men fell on Pete, punching and kicking him.

狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (eat hungrily)

I could tell by the way the homeless man fell upon the burger that he hadn't eaten all day.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (opportunity: grab enthusiastically) (机会)

Being a huge fan of the band, Stella fell upon the chance to see them in concert.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (attack)

The two men fell on their victim as he was walking down the street.

扑向… pū xiàng …

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (food: eat eagerly) (食物)

The man fell on the crust of bread as though he had not eaten for days.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (person: greet, embrace)

Derek fell upon his brother and they wept with joy at being reunited.

不赞成 bú zàn chéng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (disapprove of)

Teachers frown on students being late for class. Management frowns upon employees socializing at the water cooler.

逼近 bī jìn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (catch up with)

Drive faster - the police are gaining on us!

赶上 gǎn shàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (catch up with)

取决于 qǔ jué yú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (depend on)

Success or failure hangs upon this one small detail.

偶然发现 ǒu rán fā xiàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (dated, literary (find, encounter)

I happened on an interesting article about Cuba in the newspaper.

依赖于,取决于 qǔ jué yú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (rely, depend on [sth])

The business deal hinges upon securing a loan.

忽然想到 hū rán xiǎng dào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (idea, plan: devise, discover)

I have hit upon a great way to save money: stay in bed all day!


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (stress the importance of)

I must impress upon you all the need for complete secrecy. Ken tried to impress the importance of hard work on his children.

改进 gǎi jìn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (do better than, make better)

The unions have given the company three days to improve upon their offer before calling for all-out strikes.

依靠 yī kào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (rely on for support) (比喻)

You can always lean on me.

找到 zhǎo dào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (find, discover [sth])

Ned lit on the perfect solution to his problem.

看不起,鄙视 kàn bù qǐ,bǐ shì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (feel superior to) (比喻)

It is wrong to look down on people less fortunate than yourself.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (consider inferior)

These were rich girls who looked down on cheap clothes.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (regard, consider: as)

I always looked upon him as a brother.

看成 kàn chéng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (regard, consider: as)

I look upon television as a bad influence.

(带着某种情绪)看 dài zhe mǒu zhǒng qíng xù kàn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (literary (gaze at, take in)

The sculptor looked upon his latest creation with pride.

就…达成一致 jiù … dá chéng yí zhì

(slightly formal (decide mutually)

The two men agreed upon a price for the secondhand car.

经过商定的 jīng guò shāng dìng de

adjective (terms, price: decided, settled)

依靠 yī kào

(figurative (rely, bet)

I'm banking on the stock market recovering; otherwise I won't have enough retirement funds.


(often passive (use as evidence)

She based her conclusion on close examination of the evidence.


(adapt from)

They will base the film on a short story written by Mark Twain.


verbal expression (be adapted from [sth])

Many movies are based on true stories. The play is based on the novel of the same name.


expression (founded on)

Some countries have laws based upon state religions.

基于 jī yú

expression (adapted from [sth])

Based on a true story.

养肥 yǎng féi

(rare (grow fat on)

The sheep are battening well on the rich grass in the meadow.

贪吃 tān chī

(feed greedily on)

The revellers sat down at the table and battened upon the food.


(UK, figurative (prosper at [sb]'s expense)

The millionaire is famous for gaining his wealth by battening on others.


(formal (be relevant)

How will these new findings bear upon our approach to educating children?


(formal (present, give [sb]: an award, gift)

The head of the Board of Education bestowed the Outstanding Teacher of the Year award on Mrs. Hall. // The king bestowed knighthoods on his most loyal subjects.


verbal expression (do good without expecting a reward)


(make remarks)

The President refused to comment on his secretary's accusations.


transitive verb (give or bestow [sth])

The president conferred the medal of honor upon the soldier.

视情况而定的 shì qíng kuàng ér dìng de

(dependent on)

My offer to buy the house is contingent upon obtaining a mortgage.


verbal expression (figurative (become apparent)

All of a sudden, the enormity of what I had done dawned on me.

取决于 qǔ jué yú

verbal expression (necessitate doing)

Getting a driving licence depends upon passing the written and practical examinations.


verbal expression (rely on [sb] doing [sth])

I depend on Barbara to drive me to the hospital each week.


adjective (requiring [sth])

Whether or not the barbecue goes ahead is dependent on the weather.

取决于,基于 qǔ jué yú ,jī yú

preposition (depending on)

We'll devise a seating plan depending upon who shows up.

转让 zhuǎn ràng

(formal (be transferred)


(be preoccupied with)

Try not to dwell on your failures.

详细阐述 xiáng xì chǎn shù

(speak extensively about)

In her lecture, the professor dwelt a great deal on the similar themes in the two texts.

开始 kāi shǐ

(journey: start) (旅程)

What should you take before you embark on a three-day hike?

上马,启动,开始 shàng mǎ ,qǐ dòng,kāi shǐ

(project: start) (项目等)

We had no idea what the project would involve when we embarked on it.

落下, 垂下

(come to rest on) (目光)

Her gaze fell upon the letter I was writing.

适逢,正好轮到,恰好是 shì féng,zhèng hǎo lún dào

(figurative (occur on) (日期)

My birthday falls on a Saturday this year. The election falls on my birthday.

落在…上 luò zài shàng

(eyes: look at [sth]) (目光)

The teacher's eyes scanned the room and fell on Joshua's nervous face.

无人理睬,被忽视 bèi hū shì

verbal expression (figurative, potentially offensive (be ignored)

Susan was worried that her advice would fall on deaf ears.


verbal expression (be in financial difficulties) (尤指经济困难)

The company fell on hard times and eventually had to close down.

开火,开枪 kāi huǒ ,kāi qiāng

(with weapon: shoot)

As soon as I give the order, fire upon the battleship.


(with weapon: shoot)

The soldiers in the tower fired upon the defenceless people below.

关注 guān zhù

(be obsessed)

You need to stop fixating on the small details and try to look at the big picture.

不赞成, 不许可

verbal expression (figurative (be disapproved of)

In some countries it is frowned upon to slurp your soup.

仔细倾听 zǐ xì qīng tīng

verbal expression (attend very closely to)

Now that was interesting! I hung upon his every word.

靠近地 kào jìn de

(near, coming up to)

It was hard upon nightfall when they arrived.

怜悯,可怜 lián mǐn,kě lián

verbal expression (take pity on)

God is willing to have mercy upon sinners.

侵犯 qīn fàn

(encroach: on [sb]'s rights)

Their demands impinge on local farmers' rights.

影响 yǐng xiǎng

(have impact: on [sth])

Pressure from work is impinging on his personal life.


(slightly formal (force yourself on [sb])

给某人带来麻烦 gěi mǒu rén dài lái má fán

(slightly formal (inconvenience [sb])


(obligatory for [sb])

The duty of managing finances is incumbent on the organization's treasurer.


expression (obligatory for [sb])

It is incumbent on the bride's father to make a speech at the wedding.


(archaic (resting on)

The man was incumbent on his bed.


verbal expression (be determined)

Despite my complaints, he insisted on doing things his way.


preposition (determined to)

With all their drug use some celebrities seem intent on self-destruction. John works very long hours: he's intent on becoming a millionaire before he turns 30.


(rest your weight on)

Don't lean on the railing of this balcony - it isn't secure! If you will lean on my shoulder as we walk, it will take some of the weight off your sore ankle.

俯视 fǔ shì

verbal expression (observe from high up)

From the top of the tower you can look down upon the whole city.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。