英语 中的 loose 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 loose 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 loose 的说明。

英语 中的loose 表示松的 sōng de, 零散的,散落的 líng sǎn de ,sàn luò de, 没有栓牢的 méi yǒu shuān láo de, 松散的 sōng sǎn de, 模糊的,不确切的 mó hu de ,bú què qiè de, 意思不精确的,不严谨的 yì si bù jīng què de,bù yán jǐn de, 释放..., 松开..., (说话)不负责任的,搬弄是非的 shuō huà bú fù zé rèn de,bān nòng shì fēi de, 放荡的 fàng dàng de, 射出 shè chū, 无事可做 wú shì kě zuò, 焦躁不安 jiāo zào bù ān, 逃脱 táo tuō, 变松 biàn sōng, 挣脱束缚,获得自由,独立 zhēng tuō shù fù,huò dé zì yóu,dú lì, 放松下来 fàng sōng xià lái, 解雇 jiě gù, 放开 fàng kāi, 放松 fàng sōng, 悬空 xuán kōng, 放松, 随意, 散漫, 脑袋有点不对劲, 放开 fàng kāi, 让某人随便用某物, 我行我素的人, 零钱 líng qián, 松耦合,松散耦合, 未绑的线头 wèi bǎng de xiàn tóu, 未解决的零星问题, 未竟之事, 松散的砾石,松散的沙砾, 散装茶叶, 稀便,大便溏泄,便溏, 宽松地, 散页, 散叶, 四肢柔软灵活的, 口风不紧的, 逍遥地, 草率做某事, 用欺骗的方法做某事, 把…撬松, 脱身 tuō shēn, 扫尾,收拾残局, 释放 shì fàng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 loose 的含义

松的 sōng de

adjective (clothing, etc.: not tight)

I must have lost weight, because my trousers are loose.

零散的,散落的 líng sǎn de ,sàn luò de

adjective (not held in place) (没有被固定的)

The loose diamonds were worth thousands of dollars.

没有栓牢的 méi yǒu shuān láo de

adjective (not fastened)

His mother made him tie his loose shoelaces.

松散的 sōng sǎn de

adjective (not compressed, not compact)

The packing materials are loose, and move during shipping.

模糊的,不确切的 mó hu de ,bú què qiè de

adjective (figurative (vague) (比喻)

We have only a loose outline of the plan.

意思不精确的,不严谨的 yì si bù jīng què de,bù yán jǐn de

adjective (figurative (not literal or precise) (词语等)

She used a loose meaning of the word.


transitive verb (set free)

The man loosed his dogs on the intruder.


transitive verb (untie)

The hero loosed the hostages' bonds and led them to safety.

(说话)不负责任的,搬弄是非的 shuō huà bú fù zé rèn de,bān nòng shì fēi de

adjective (figurative, informal (irresponsible, gossipy) (比喻,非正式用语)

There is loose talk going around about you two. I don't believe a word of it.

放荡的 fàng dàng de

adjective (figurative, pejorative, informal (promiscuous)

People called the young woman loose, but as far as she was concerned, she was just having a good time.

射出 shè chū

transitive verb (shoot: an arrow)

Paris loosed the arrow that killed the mighty Achilles.

无事可做 wú shì kě zuò

adverb (informal, figurative (having nothing to do)

焦躁不安 jiāo zào bù ān

verbal expression (feel unsettled or restless)

逃脱 táo tuō

verbal expression (figurative (free yourself)

I thought I'd fastened the dog's chain securely but he must have broken loose.

变松 biàn sōng

(become unfastened)

You better tighten that tire, it's starting to come loose.

挣脱束缚,获得自由,独立 zhēng tuō shù fù,huò dé zì yóu,dú lì

(figurative, slang (become independent) (俚语)

She really began to cut loose after she left home.

放松下来 fàng sōng xià lái

(figurative, slang (act wildly) (俚语)

After six weeks of boot camp the recruits were ready to cut loose and have a few beers.

解雇 jiě gù

(US, figurative, slang (fire from job)

The company cut Alan loose for supporting the workers' strike.

放开 fàng kāi

(informal (become free)

The next door neighbour's dog got loose again last night.

放松 fàng sōng

(US, dated, slang (relax)

悬空 xuán kōng

verbal expression (be detached, dangle)

Water was pouring from the roof because part of the gutter was hanging loose.

放松, 随意, 散漫

verbal expression (slang, figurative (relax, be relaxed)

Hang loose, man - I'll be back in a minute.


verbal expression (figurative, slang (be slightly crazy) (俚语)

放开 fàng kāi

(set free, release)

He let his dogs loose on my lawn and they made such a mess!


verbal expression (informal (allow to use freely)

We should never have let the kids loose on the computer!


noun (figurative ([sb] who is unpredictable)

Be careful when you talk to the manager; he's a loose cannon.

零钱 líng qián

noun (small amount of coins)

Alan had some loose change in his pocket.


noun (computing: flexible relationship) (计算机)

未绑的线头 wèi bǎng de xiàn tóu

noun (unfastened end of [sth]) (本义)


noun (figurative, usually plural (unfinished business)

Your essay just isn't good enough: it's full of loose ends for a start.


noun (figurative, usually plural (unfinished detail)

The company directors had one more loose end to tie up before they could announce the merger.


noun (small stones used in paths)


noun (tea: in the form of leaves)


plural noun (liquid faeces)


adjective (baggy, not tight)

Wear loose-fitting clothing to allow the skin to breathe.


noun as adjective (binder: with removable pages) (书)


noun as adjective (tea: in the form of leaves) (茶)


adjective (having flexible arms and legs)


adjective (gossiping, talking too freely)


adverb (unfettered)

The neighbor's dogs are on the loose and they are chasing our chickens.


verbal expression (slang (do [sth] recklessly) (俚语)


verbal expression (slang (do [sth] deceitfully) (俚语)


(loosen [sth] by pulling)

脱身 tuō shēn

verbal expression (slang, figurative (free oneself from [sth])


verbal expression (figurative (resolve a situation)

释放 shì fàng

(release, set free)

The dogs were making such a noise that I turned them loose in the paddock.

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loose 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。