英语 中的 lowest 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 lowest 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 lowest 的说明。

英语 中的lowest 表示最低的 zuì dī de, 最少的,最低的 zuì shǎo de ,zuì dī de, 最低级的 zuì dī jí de, 最底层的东西或人, 最低点 zuì dī diǎn, 低的 dī de, 开得低的, 低的 dī de, 声音小的 shēng yīn xiǎo de, 少的 shǎo de, 低的 dī de, 不正当的,卑劣的 bú zhèng dāng de ,bēi liè de, 海拔低的 hǎi bá dī de, 向下地 xiàng xià de, 情绪低沉的,情绪低落的,沮丧的 qíng xù dī chén de,qíng xù dī luò de,jǔ sàng de, 地位低的,低下的 dì wèi dī de,dī xià de, 低的,不好的,差的 dī de ,bù hǎo de ,chà de, 低俗的,粗鲁的 dī sú de,cū lǔ de, 低速档的 dī sù dàng de, 低的,靠近地平线的 dī de ,kào jìn dì píng xiàn de, 低悬的, 低声地 dī shēng de, 低沉地 dī chén de, 低价地 dī jià de, 低价 dī jià, 低气压 dī qì yā, 牛叫声 niú jiào shēng, 哞哞叫 mōu mōu jiào, 最小公分母 zuì xiǎo gōng fēn mǔ, 最小公分母 zuì xiǎo gōng fēn mǔ, 最为平庸的人 zuì wéi píng yōng de rén, 最低等 zuì dī děng, 底部 dǐ bù, 低谷 dī gǔ, 得分最低的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 lowest 的含义

最低的 zuì dī de

adjective (furthest down)

The explosion happened at the lowest level of the mine.

最少的,最低的 zuì shǎo de ,zuì dī de

adjective (amount, degree: least) (数量、程度等)

Clerical staff have the lowest salaries in the firm. This is our lowest price.

最低级的 zuì dī jí de

adjective (informal, figurative (most base)

Lying to his daughter about something so important is the lowest thing he's done so far. People say that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.


noun (thing or person that is furthest down)

She has done every job in restaurant, from the highest to the lowest. He made us laugh when we were at our lowest.

最低点 zuì dī diǎn

noun (least amount or degree)

Her enthusiasm was at its lowest.

低的 dī de

adjective (not extending or placed high)

This room has low ceilings.


adjective (below normal level) (领口等)

The standard of entries in this year's competition is very low.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我这次考试得了个低分,心里很难过。

低的 dī de

adjective (pitch, tone: dull or deep) (音高、声调)

Do you hear that low hum?

声音小的 shēng yīn xiǎo de

adjective (quiet)

She spoke into his ear in a very low voice.

少的 shǎo de

adjective (supplies: running out)

Supplies of toilet paper are low.

低的 dī de

adjective (price, etc.: modest) (价格)

The shop is selling jeans at a very low price.

不正当的,卑劣的 bú zhèng dāng de ,bēi liè de

adjective (figurative (underhand, devious) (手段等)

Low tactics like cheating your customers will make you a lot of enemies.

海拔低的 hǎi bá dī de

adverb (not very high up)

The plane flew low over the houses.

向下地 xiàng xià de

adverb (down: to or in a low position)

He bent down low to kiss his child.

情绪低沉的,情绪低落的,沮丧的 qíng xù dī chén de,qíng xù dī luò de,jǔ sàng de

adjective (figurative (depressed) (比喻)

I'm feeling low today after hearing the bad news.

地位低的,低下的 dì wèi dī de,dī xià de

adjective (figurative (humble, inferior) (比喻)

She was from a low caste.

低的,不好的,差的 dī de ,bù hǎo de ,chà de

adjective (figurative (negative, unfavourable) (评价、看法等)

I have a low opinion of people like him.

低俗的,粗鲁的 dī sú de,cū lǔ de

adjective (figurative (vulgar) (语言)

I don't want you using low language like that around the children.

低速档的 dī sù dàng de

adjective (gear: lower) (汽车)

We put the car into low gear to climb the hill.

低的,靠近地平线的 dī de ,kào jìn dì píng xiàn de

adjective (sun: setting) (太阳)

The sun was low and about to set.


adjective (sun: starting to rise) (太阳)

It was early morning, and the sun was still low.

低声地 dī shēng de

adverb (in a quiet voice)

He spoke low so nobody could hear.

低沉地 dī chén de

adverb (at a low pitch)

I hope you sing bass because you need to sing this song very low.

低价地 dī jià de

adverb (at a low price)

The rule with stocks is: buy low, sell high!

低价 dī jià

noun (minimum)

The stock hit a record low for the year.

低气压 dī qì yā

noun (weather: depression) (天气)

There is a low centred over the Atlantic, causing storms.

牛叫声 niú jiào shēng

noun (moo)

The cow's low was a mournful sound in the middle of the night.

哞哞叫 mōu mōu jiào

intransitive verb (moo) (牛)

The cattle were lowing.

最小公分母 zuì xiǎo gōng fēn mǔ

noun (lowest shared multiple)

The least common denominator of the two fractions 1/6 and 1/4 is 12.

最小公分母 zuì xiǎo gōng fēn mǔ

noun (least shared multiple)

最为平庸的人 zuì wéi píng yōng de rén

noun (figurative (people: least enlightened) (比喻)

The movie was crude and superficial, appealing to the lowest common denominator.

最低等 zuì dī děng

noun (poorest, most inferior)

The school was terrible, providing only the lowest level of education.

底部 dǐ bù

noun (base)

低谷 dī gǔ

noun (worst or most miserable situation)

I reached my lowest point just after my wife left me.


adjective (achieving poorest score)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。