英语 中的 m 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 m 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 m 的说明。

英语 中的m 表示米的缩写, 百万, [字母表上的第13个字母] [ zì mǔ biǎo shàng de dì shí sān gè zì mǔ ], 男性 nán xìng, 早上,上午,午前,中午之前 zǎo shàng ,shàng wǔ,wǔ qián,zhōng wǔ zhī qián, 上午的, 我认为 wǒ rèn wéi, 就我而言 jiù wǒ ér yán, 医学学士学位, 音乐学士学位, 大英博物馆, 电磁场 diàn cí chǎng, 电动势, 陛下之舰, 陛下之舰, 嗯……,唔…… én,wú, 我很好, 我够了,我不需要了 wǒ gòu le,wǒ bù xū yào le, 我来自 wǒ lái zì, 我要走了 wǒ yào zǒu le, 我能接受, 我觉得可以, 我很满意 wǒ hěn mǎn yì, 我很抱歉 wǒ hěn bào qiàn, 我很难过 wǒ hěn nán guò, 节哀顺变, 我是, 恐怕 kǒng pà, 很遗憾,不是这样, 恐怕是这样, 我吃完了,我吃饱了, 我觉得还好,我感觉不错 wǒ jué de hái hǎo,wǒ gǎn jué bú cuò, 我够了 wǒ gòu le, 我加入,算上我, 我去办,我来处理, 我很抱歉,对不起 wǒ hěn bào qiàn,duì bù qǐ, 我很难过 wǒ hěn nán guò, 法学硕士学位, 法学硕士, 法官大人 fǎ guān dà rén, 文学硕士学位, 文学硕士 wén xué shuò shì, 法学硕士,法律硕士, 法学硕士, 教育学硕士, 犯罪手法, 做法 zuò fǎ, 汇票 huì piào, 邮购 yóu gòu, 哲学硕士, 哲学硕士, 理学硕士, 科学硕士, 理学硕士 lǐ xué shuò shì, 最有价值选手, 为英王陛下效劳, 下午,午后 xià wǔ,wǔ hòu, 下午 xià wǔ, 下午 xià wǔ, 今天下午 jīn tiān xià wǔ, 今天晚上 jīn tiān wǎn shàng, 每分钟字数。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 m 的含义


noun (written, invariable, abbreviation (meter)

My height is 1.82m.


noun (written, invariable, abbreviation (million)

This project has cost us £4.5m.

[字母表上的第13个字母] [ zì mǔ biǎo shàng de dì shí sān gè zì mǔ ]

noun (13th letter of alphabet)

I couldn't tell whether you said M or N.

男性 nán xìng

noun (abbreviation (male) (缩写)

Put 'M' in the box next to 'Sex'.

早上,上午,午前,中午之前 zǎo shàng ,shàng wǔ,wǔ qián,zhōng wǔ zhī qián

adverb (initialism (antemeridian: in the morning) (正午12时之前)

You have a 9:30 a.m. appointment with the doctor. // This nightclub is open until 3 am.


adjective (before noon)

我认为 wǒ rèn wéi

adverb (in my opinion)

As far as I'm concerned, that was the best film of the year.

就我而言 jiù wǒ ér yán

adverb (as for me, as regards me)

As far as I'm concerned, I never want to eat another fried alligator steak.


noun (initialism (degree: Bachelor of Medicine) (首字母缩略语)


noun (initialism (degree: Bachelor of Music) (首字母缩略语)


noun (initialism (British Museum)

电磁场 diàn cí chǎng

noun (initialism (electromagnetic field)


noun (initialism (electromotive force)


noun (UK, initialism (Her Majesty's Ship) (女王)


noun (UK, initialism (His Majesty's Ship) (国王)

嗯……,唔…… én,wú

interjection (indecision, concern) (表示犹豫或者担心)


interjection (I am well)

I'm fine! But, how are you? "How are you?" - "I'm fine, thanks!"

我够了,我不需要了 wǒ gòu le,wǒ bù xū yào le

interjection (informal (I don't need anything) (非正式用语)

I'm fine, thanks! I've got everything I need.

我来自 wǒ lái zì

expression (my place of origin is)

I'm from Poland, though I've lived in London for more than ten years now.

我要走了 wǒ yào zǒu le

interjection (I am about to leave)

I know I'm late for lunch. I am going now!

我能接受, 我觉得可以

interjection (informal (I am satisfied)

Do you need anything? - No, I'm good.

我很满意 wǒ hěn mǎn yì

interjection (I feel content or satisfied)

I'm happy to spend the holidays with my family this year.

我很抱歉 wǒ hěn bào qiàn

interjection (apology)

I am sorry, I made a mistake.

我很难过 wǒ hěn nán guò

interjection (sympathy) (表示同情)

I am sorry to hear about your mother's accident.


interjection (formal (condolences) (正式)

I'm sorry for your loss; your father will be missed by all who knew him.


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (I am)

I'm the best waiter in this restaurant.

恐怕 kǒng pà

expression (regretfully) (表示遗憾)

I'm afraid I didn't do a very good job yesterday. I'm afraid I must go now.


interjection (no, regretfully)

"Professor, did you have time to read my essay?" "No, I'm afraid not."


interjection (yes, regretfully)

"Do I really have to take the test?" "I'm afraid so. It's compulsory."


interjection (informal (I'm finished eating)

"I'm done!" the little boy shouted, and leaped out of his chair.

我觉得还好,我感觉不错 wǒ jué de hái hǎo,wǒ gǎn jué bú cuò

interjection (slang (I am well) (非正式用语)

"How are you?" "I'm good, thanks."

我够了 wǒ gòu le

interjection (slang (I have, have had enough) (非正式用语)

"Would you like another slice of pizza?" "No thanks, I'm good."


expression (informal (willing to do [sth])

If you want to go to the baseball game, I'm in.


expression (informal (I will do it)

When her boss asked if she would handle the pile of paperwork, June replied, "I'm on it!"

我很抱歉,对不起 wǒ hěn bào qiàn,duì bù qǐ

interjection (informal (I apologize) (非正式用语)

I'm sorry for breaking your favorite lamp!

我很难过 wǒ hěn nán guò

interjection (informal (I offer my sympathy) (非正式用语,表示同情)

I am sorry for your loss.


noun (initialism (degree: Master of Law)


noun (initialism (holder of a law degree)

法官大人 fǎ guān dà rén

noun (UK (judge: term of address)


noun (initialism (degree: Master of Arts)

She received her MA in literature in 1997.

文学硕士 wén xué shuò shì

noun (initialism (holder of Master of Arts degree) (首字母缩略)


noun (postgraduate legal degree)

Michael has a Master of Law from McGill University.


noun (holder of postgraduate legal degree)


noun (initialism (degree: Master of Education)


noun (informal, initialism (modus operandi: criminal's methods)

做法 zuò fǎ

noun (informal, initialism (modus operandi: style)

汇票 huì piào

noun (initialism (money order)

邮购 yóu gòu

noun (initialism (mail order)


noun (abbreviation (degree: Master of Philosophy) (学位)


noun (abbreviation (holder of Master of Philosophy degree)

理学硕士, 科学硕士

noun (initialism (degree: Master of Science) (学位)

It took me two years to finish my MSc.

理学硕士 lǐ xué shuò shì

noun (initialism (holder of Master of Science degree) (头衔)

John Smith, MSc., will be awarded for his outstanding achievements in biomedical science.


noun (sports: most valuable player) (体育)


expression (written, initialism (On His/Her Majesty's Service) (书面首字母缩略语)

下午,午后 xià wǔ,wǔ hòu

adverb (initialism (post meridiem: in the afternoon)

I'll pick you up at 4 p.m.

下午 xià wǔ

adverb (initialism (post meridiem: in the evening)

I like to be in bed by 9.30 PM.

下午 xià wǔ

adjective (afternoon or evening)

今天下午 jīn tiān xià wǔ

adverb (informal (this afternoon)

Let's take a walk in the park this p.m.

今天晚上 jīn tiān wǎn shàng

adverb (informal (this evening)

I'll meet you at the bar this p.m.


plural noun (written, abbreviation (typing speed: words per minute) (打字)

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m 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。