英语 中的 market 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 market 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 market 的说明。

英语 中的market 表示食品摊子 shí pǐn tān zi, 行情 háng qíng, 市场 shì chǎng, 销售区域 xiāo shòu qū yù, 推销 tuī xiāo, 市场行情 shì chǎng háng qíng, 股票市场 gǔ piào shì chǎng, 销售 xiāo shòu, 在市场上买卖 zài shì chǎng shàng mǎi mài, 熊市 xióng shì, 黑市 hēi shì, 繁荣的市场 fán róng de shì chǎng, 牛市 niú shì, 买方市场 mǎi fāng shì chǎng, 街角小店 jiē jiǎo xiǎo diàn, 垄断市场 lǒng duàn shì chǎng, , 垄断...方面的市场, 国内市场, 低端市场的, 低端的 dī duān de, 低端市场, 大众消费地, 新兴市场, 公平市场价值, 农贸市场,农产品市场, 农民集市, 集市 jí shì, 鱼市,鱼市场, 跳蚤市场 tiào zǎo shì chǎng, 期货市场, 自由市场, 自由市场的, 房地产市场 fáng dì chǎn shì zhǎng, 打算购买 dǎ suàn gòu mǎi, 就业市场 jiù yè shì chǎng, 劳务市场, 市场分析 shì chǎng fēn xī, 市场分析员 shì chǎng fēn xī yuán, 市场需求, 市场力量, 市场领军者,市场领头羊, 市场价格, 市场调查 shì chǎng diào chá, 市场占有率 shì chǎng zhàn yǒu lǜ, 摊位 tān wèi, 集镇, 市值 shì zhí, 大众市场 dà zhòng shì cháng, 面向大众市场的, 小超市,便利商店, 金融市场 jīn róng shì chǎng, 利基市场,小众市场 lì jī shì chǎng, 待售, 自由市场, 在市场上出售 zài shì chǎng shàng chū shòu, 零售市场, 上升期的市场 shàng shēng qī de shì chǎng, 卖方市场 mài fāng shì chǎng, 奴隶市场 nú lì shì chǎng, 证券市场 zhèng quàn shì chǎng, 街头集市 jiē tóu jí shì, 目标市场 mù biāo shì chǎng, 高价位的 gāo jià wèi de, 高档的 gāo dàng de, 高档消费地, 生鲜市场。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 market 的含义

食品摊子 shí pǐn tān zi

noun (street stalls)

They set up the market at four o'clock in the morning.

行情 háng qíng

noun (conditions for trade)

The market for new houses is strong.

市场 shì chǎng

noun (demand)

I think there is a big market for customized motorcycles.

销售区域 xiāo shòu qū yù

noun (area of trade)

The employment market has changed dramatically over the past 30 years.

推销 tuī xiāo

transitive verb (advertise, promote)

The company marketed their new brand of toothpaste.

市场行情 shì chǎng háng qíng

noun (rates of buying and selling)

The market in Australian dollars is too high today, so don't buy.

股票市场 gǔ piào shì chǎng

noun (abbreviation (finance: stock market)

The market went down by 2% today.

销售 xiāo shòu

transitive verb (put up for sale)

The coffee shop started marketing their special Christmas drinks in early November.

在市场上买卖 zài shì chǎng shàng mǎi mài

transitive verb (sell, trade in)

They market video games.

熊市 xióng shì

noun (stock trading)

Oil prices are currently in a bear market.

黑市 hēi shì

noun (illegal trade)

Although it's illegal, many people buy merchandise on the black market. Official economic statistics do not take into account the black market economy.

繁荣的市场 fán róng de shì chǎng

noun (rapidly increasing demand)

There is a booming market in mobile phone apps.

牛市 niú shì

noun (optimism on stock market) (股票交易)

You don't have to be a financial genius to make money in a bull market.

买方市场 mǎi fāng shì chǎng

noun (low prices, large supply)

It is definitely a buyer's market for large gas-guzzling automobiles.

街角小店 jiē jiǎo xiǎo diàn

noun (US (small convenience store)

She didn't have enough flour so she went to the corner market to buy more.

垄断市场 lǒng duàn shì chǎng

verbal expression (dominate trade)

The company has cornered the market for online book sales.

verbal expression (figurative (predominate)

The actor cornered the market as regards playing the role of a tough guy.


verbal expression (figurative (predominate)

Manchester United have cornered the market in scoring important goals in extra time.


noun (trade within a particular country)

Three quarters of Mexican avocados are consumed by the domestic market.


adjective (area, etc.: low income)

Marion purchases houses in downmarket areas, then sells them after she renovates them.

低端的 dī duān de

adjective (mass-produced)

I prefer to shop at boutiques rather than buy downmarket clothing at box stores.


adjective (finance: cheaper, lower quality)

Down-market goods represent 42% of the country's exports.


adverb (for mass consumption)

The company hopes to increase its sales by moving downmaket.


(market in less developed country)


noun (business: price) (商业)

If you're selling your home, you will probably want to receive the fair market value for it.


noun (venue for sale of organic produce)

The farmer's market is the best place to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.


noun (place farm products are sold)

集市 jí shì

noun (gathering of buyers and sellers)


noun (stalls selling fish)

Billingsgate is a famous fish market in London.

跳蚤市场 tiào zǎo shì chǎng

noun (market selling antiques, etc.) (旧货市场或廉价商品市场)

You can find some real bargains at the local flea market.


noun (future commodities trading)

The article discusses how the forward market for coffee operates.


noun (economic system with price competition)


noun as adjective (relating to free market)

房地产市场 fáng dì chǎn shì zhǎng

noun (property trade)

The housing market suffered a big drop during the financial crisis of 2009.

打算购买 dǎ suàn gòu mǎi

expression (intending to buy)

If you're in the market for a new laptop, here are our top five recommendations.

就业市场 jiù yè shì chǎng

noun (employment available)

Our training courses should match the needs of the job market. The job market's weak right now, with very few positions available even for qualified workers.


noun (available employees)

市场分析 shì chǎng fēn xī

noun (examination of consumers' needs)

The market analysis revealed that the number of mobile Internet users has greatly increased.

市场分析员 shì chǎng fēn xī yuán

noun ([sb] who examines consumers' needs)

A market analyst has to understand the requirements of a company's customers.


noun (business: desirability for product)

The graph illustrates the market demand for natural gas.


plural noun (factors driving the economy)

Market forces will dictate the success of this new investment model.


noun (most commercially successful company)

Apple became the market leader in mp3 players with the launch of the ipod.


noun (current price)

The current market price for lobster is $7.99 per pound.

市场调查 shì chǎng diào chá

noun (investigation into consumers' needs)

Recent market research uncovered a consumer need for lower prices.

市场占有率 shì chǎng zhàn yǒu lǜ

noun (percentage of total sales)

Microsoft has seen its market share decrease with Apple's increasing popularity.

摊位 tān wèi

noun (vendor's stand)

Julie has a market stall where she sells fruit and vegetables.


noun (with regular market)

市值 shì zhí

noun (commercial worth)

The market value's $100, but as you're family I'll sell it to you for $50.

大众市场 dà zhòng shì cháng

noun (general public)

The car was redesigned to appeal to the mass market.


adjective (aimed at the general public)

The age of newspapers as cheap, mass-market goods is fast disappearing.


noun (convenience store)

金融市场 jīn róng shì chǎng

noun (global financial market)

Financial instruments with short-term maturities are traded on the money market.

利基市场,小众市场 lì jī shì chǎng

noun (narrow consumer interest)

The company has succeeded in finding a niche market for its products.


expression (for sale)

Our house is on the market for £200,000.


noun (economy: unrestricted trade)

Nowadays there is an open market for supplying electricity in the UK.

在市场上出售 zài shì chǎng shàng chū shòu

verbal expression (offer for sale)

They put their house on the market a year ago, but it hasn't sold yet.


noun (for sale of goods)

Ecommerce is gaining an increasingly large share of the retail market.

上升期的市场 shàng shēng qī de shì chǎng

noun (prospering economy, boom)

You young people forget that a rising market doesn't last forever.

卖方市场 mài fāng shì chǎng

noun (low supply and high prices)

The shortage of housing in our city makes it a real seller's market.

奴隶市场 nú lì shì chǎng

noun (auction for slaves)

His grandfather was sold at a slave market for $100.

证券市场 zhèng quàn shì chǎng

noun (financial trading)

A lot of people lost money when the stock market crashed in September 2008.

街头集市 jiē tóu jí shì

noun (outdoor stalls)

The weekly street market's a good place to find bargains.

目标市场 mù biāo shì chǎng

noun (intended customers)

We need to define our target market for selling these new leather bags.

高价位的 gāo jià wèi de

adjective (area, etc.: expensive)

The Sullivans lived in an upmarket area of the city.

高档的 gāo dàng de

adjective (luxury, posh)

These handmade chocolates are an upmarket product.


adverb (towards great exclusivity)

They were once known for their low prices, but now they are trying to move upmarket. That neighbourhood has really gone upmarket since we visited it last.


noun (covered stalls selling fish, etc.)

You can buy fresh fish at the wet market.

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market 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。