英语 中的 material 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 material 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 material 的说明。

英语 中的material 表示材料 cái liào, 布料 bù liào, 素材 sù cái, 物质的 wù zhì de, 至关重要的 zhì guān zhòng yào de, 实质的,本质的 shí zhì de,běn zhì de, 用品 yòng pǐn, 人才,材料 rén cái,cái liào, 背景资料 bèi jǐng zī liào, 传记材料 zhuàn jì cái liào, 建筑材料 jiàn zhú cái liào, 燃料 rán liào, 易燃物 yì rán wù, 课程材料, 易燃物质 yì rán wù zhì, 指导材料, 危险品 wēi xiǎn pǐn, 人力物力, 物资 wù zī, 严重侵权 yán zhòng qīn quán, 物质资源 wù zhì zī yuán, 物质 wù zhì, 物质财富 wù zhì cái fù, 物质世界 wù zhì shì jiè, 非物质的 fēi wù zhì de, 非物质的 fēi wù zhì de, 铺路材料 pū lù cái liào, 宣传材料 xuān chuán cái liào, 宣传材料内容, 原料 yuán liào, 可回收材料,再循环材料, 研究材料 yán jiū cái liào, 原始资料,素材 yuán shǐ zī liào,sù cái, 废物,废料,废弃物 fèi wù,fèi liào,fèi qì wù, 做妻子的料,适合娶作老婆的女人。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 material 的含义

材料 cái liào

noun (physical substance)

There is some sort of material covering this table to make it so smooth.

布料 bù liào

noun (UK (fabric)

Have you felt the material for the curtains? It is so smooth.

素材 sù cái

noun (subject matter, content)

The researcher has finished gathering all the material she needs. After we are done with this, we need to look at the reading material for this class.

物质的 wù zhì de

adjective (physical)

Heat has no effect on the material form of this substance.

至关重要的 zhì guān zhòng yào de

adjective (highly important)

Yes, his actions that day are material to the lawsuit.

实质的,本质的 shí zhì de,běn zhì de

adjective (figurative (substance, not form) (比喻)

Let's try to take the emotion away and consider the material facts.

用品 yòng pǐn

noun (often plural (equipment)

Yes, we have the materials to do the job in the truck.

人才,材料 rén cái,cái liào

noun (potential) (具备某种能力之人)

He's the right material to make a very good teacher.

背景资料 bèi jǐng zī liào

noun (informative text)

传记材料 zhuàn jì cái liào

noun (information about [sb]'s life)

The program brochure includes biographical material on the keynote speakers.

建筑材料 jiàn zhú cái liào

noun ([sth] used to construct buildings)

The contractor ordered the building materials for my new house.

燃料 rán liào

noun (fuel)

易燃物 yì rán wù

noun ([sth] that burns)

Do not store combustible materials close to the furnace.


noun (often plural ([sth] studied in class)

易燃物质 yì rán wù zhì

noun (burns easily)

The fire was difficult to control because there was so much flammable material in every room.


noun (instructions, guidelines)

危险品 wēi xiǎn pǐn

noun (uncountable, abbreviation (hazardous material) (hazardous material的缩写形式)

Teams worked to identify the hazmat and clean the area.


plural noun (basic costs of a project)

The materials and labor involved with the Golden Gate Bridge project were enormous.

物资 wù zī

plural noun (valuable possessions)

Because his wife had filed for divorce, he was obligated to prepare documentation listing all of his material assets for the court.

严重侵权 yán zhòng qīn quán

noun (legal: breaking contract)

The moment John took a second job with a competitor, he was in material breach of his employment agreement.

物质资源 wù zhì zī yuán

plural noun (available equipment and supplies)

What material resources are available to us for this project?

物质 wù zhì

plural noun (objects, possessions)

Sometimes an obsession with material things can prevent you finding true happiness.

物质财富 wù zhì cái fù

noun (money and possessions)

Material wealth doesn't necessarily bring happiness.

物质世界 wù zhì shì jiè

noun (physical world)

Africans do not distinguish the material world from the spiritual world.

非物质的 fēi wù zhì de

adjective (not made of matter)

非物质的 fēi wù zhì de

adjective (not related to riches or money)

铺路材料 pū lù cái liào

noun (slabs or stones used to lay a path)

My dad chose cobblestones as a paving material for our driveway.

宣传材料 xuān chuán cái liào

noun (publicity flyers, etc.)


noun (uncountable (content of publicity flyers, etc.)

原料 yuán liào

plural noun (unprocessed substances)

Sand and cement are the raw materials needed to make concrete.


noun (waste processed for reuse)

My fleece blanket is made of recycled material, mostly plastic milk jugs.

研究材料 yán jiū cái liào

noun (publications consulted for research)

原始资料,素材 yuán shǐ zī liào,sù cái

noun (text from which [sth] is adapted)

废物,废料,废弃物 fèi wù,fèi liào,fèi qì wù

noun (refuse or sewage)


noun (informal (female suitable for marrying)

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material 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。