英语 中的 moment 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 moment 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 moment 的说明。

英语 中的moment 表示时刻 shí kè, 此刻 cǐ kè, 片刻 piàn kè, 重要 zhòng yào, 重要的时刻 zhòng yào de shí kè, 力矩, 矩, 很快 hěn kuài, 随时 suí shí, 就在那个时候 jiù zài nà gè shí hòu, 在此刻 zài cǐ kè, 现在 xiàn zài, 在目前情况下 zài mù qián qíng kuàng xià, 关键时刻 guān jiàn shí kè, 最光荣的时刻 zuì guāng róng de shí kè, 决定性的时刻 jué dìng xìng de shí kè, 一下子 yí xià zi, 现在 xiàn zài, 从那时开始 cóng nà shí kāi shǐ, 从这一刻开始 cóng zhè yí kè kāi shǐ, 马上 mǎ shàng, 盛怒之下, 留心的,留意的 liú xīn de ,liú yì de, 当下,此刻 dāng xià,cǐ kè, 揭示真相的时刻 jiē shì zhēn xiàng de shí kè, 关键时刻 guān jiàn shí kè, 短期通知 duǎn qī tōng zhī, 一时冲动 yì shí chōng dòng, 自豪时刻, 老年人的瞬间记忆丧失, 一时冲动的,头脑一热的,心血来潮的 xīn xuè lái cháo de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 moment 的含义

时刻 shí kè

noun (point in time)

Where were you at the moment that you heard that Kennedy had been shot?

此刻 cǐ kè

noun (present time)

I am not available at the moment; please call back later.

片刻 piàn kè

noun (short period of time)

I was only in there for a moment, leaving the shop a few seconds after going in.

重要 zhòng yào

noun (uncountable, formal (importance)

This new building is of great moment, and will change people's ideas about design.

重要的时刻 zhòng yào de shí kè

noun (time of excellence)

His greatest moment was when he organized the charity for the homeless.


noun (physics: motion producing tendency) (物理)

noun (mathematics: shape of points) (数学)

很快 hěn kuài

adverb (informal (without warning)

The old house looked like it could collapse any minute. Bill should arrive any moment to give us a ride to the airport.

随时 suí shí

expression (without warning)

The city is built across a fault line, so an earthquake could strike at any minute.

就在那个时候 jiù zài nà gè shí hòu

adverb (at a specified instant in the past)

At that moment, I realized that she truly loved me. I was about to tell her, but at that instant the phone rang.

在此刻 zài cǐ kè

adverb (now)

I'm busy at the moment, but we can talk later.

现在 xiàn zài

expression (now)

I am having my lunch at this moment.

在目前情况下 zài mù qián qíng kuàng xià

expression (now, at present)

I am not studying English at this moment in time.

关键时刻 guān jiàn shí kè

noun (vitally important point in time)

The referee's decision to award a penalty was a critical moment in the game.

最光荣的时刻 zuì guāng róng de shí kè

noun (most glorious moment)

Receiving his eighth gold medal was the crowning moment of his life.

决定性的时刻 jué dìng xìng de shí kè

noun (moment of crucial importance)

We have reached the decisive moment in the peace talks.

一下子 yí xià zi

adverb (for a very short time)

I almost believed you for a moment then!

现在 xiàn zài

adverb (for now)

Well, I think we're OK for the moment.

从那时开始 cóng nà shí kāi shǐ

adverb (starting from that point)

She kissed him, and from that moment on he knew she would some day be his wife.

从这一刻开始 cóng zhè yí kè kāi shǐ

expression (starting from this point)

From this moment on I will think before I act.

马上 mǎ shàng

adverb (a short while from now)

Just wait a second, I'll be there in a moment.


expression (in anger, passion)

The couple lost all common sense in the heat of the moment.

留心的,留意的 liú xīn de ,liú yì de

adjective (mindful)

当下,此刻 dāng xià,cǐ kè

adverb (without thought of past or future)

Buddhism teaches that we should learn to live in the moment and not be overcome by regrets or desires.

揭示真相的时刻 jiē shì zhēn xiàng de shí kè

noun (revelation)

I had a moment of truth when I realised he had been deceiving me.

关键时刻 guān jiàn shí kè

noun (when [sth] is shown to be success or failure)

Now is the moment of truth when we will find out whether this aeroplane will fly or not.

短期通知 duǎn qī tōng zhī

adverb (with little warning)

Her appointment was cancelled on short notice. I'm sorry to ask you on such short notice, but I only found out about this yesterday.

一时冲动 yì shí chōng dòng

expression (spontaneously)

We decided to go to Las Vegas on the spur of the moment.


noun (moment when pride is felt)

It was a proud moment for them when their son received his degree.


noun (informal (memory lapse)

Tania couldn't help noticing that senior moments were becoming an ever more frequent part of her life.

一时冲动的,头脑一热的,心血来潮的 xīn xuè lái cháo de

noun as adjective (decision, etc.: spontaneous)

Leanne and Steve hadn't planned to get married that day; it was a spur-of-the-moment decision.

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moment 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。