英语 中的 sb 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sb 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sb 的说明。

英语 中的sb 表示某人 mǒu rén, 入侵 rù qīn, 提到 tí dào, 注意到 zhù yì dào, 优于 yōu yú, 抛弃 , 遗弃 pāo qì, 把...的控制权让给..., 降低…的地位 jiàng dī … de dì wèi, 使...羞愧, 使…窘迫 shǐ xiū kuì shǐ jiǒng pò, 绑架 bǎng jià, 教唆 jiào suō, 厌恶,讨厌 yàn wù ,tǎo yàn, 不容忍,不忍耐 bù róng rěn, 痛恨 tòng hèn, 关于 guān yú, 与...持平地, 与...并排地, 宣告…无罪,赦免原罪 xuān gào wú zuì, 赦免…的罪, 使免除 shǐ miǎn chú, 宣判...无罪, 兼并 jiān bìng, 吸引 xī yǐn, 虐待 nüè dài, 接纳 jiē nà, 包容, 用饰品装饰, 称许,称赞,赞扬 chēng xǔ ,chēng zàn,zàn yáng, 拥护 yōng hù, 使适应 shǐ shì yìng, 使适应 shǐ shì yìng, 使...适应气候 shǐ shì yìng qì hòu, 为…提供住处 wèi … tí gōng zhù chù, 容纳 róng nà, 供养,支持,满足…所需 gòng yǎng,zhī chí, 有...陪同的, 陪, 给...伴奏, 将某物授予某人, 跟…打招呼,跟…搭讪 gēn dǎ zhāo hū,gēn dā shàn, 把…看作 bǎ … kàn zuò, 对某人负有解释义务, 为...提供装备,配备 pèi bèi, 为...装备..., 归功于 guī gōng yú, 给予...荣誉 gěi yǔ róng yù, 授权 shòu quán, 使...融入...文化, 指责 zhǐ zé, 控告某人…, 指责 zhǐ zé, 控告 kòng gào, 使…习惯 shǐ … xí guàn, 对抗...发球得分, 激怒..., 渴望,向往 kě wàng,xiàng wǎng, 感谢 gǎn xiè, 搭理 dā lǐ, 使…熟悉 shǐ shóu xī / shǐ shú xī, 与...熟识, 宣判…无罪 xuān pàn wú zuì, 在…对面 zài duì miàn, 代理 dài lǐ, 担当 dān dāng, 为了…的利益而采取行动 wèi le de lì yì ér cǎi qǔ xíng dòng, 激励...做..., 使…糊涂 shǐ hú tú, 称呼某人,用…来称呼某人, 向…发表演说 xiàng … fā biǎo yǎn shuō, 在…上写…的地址, 向某人就某事发表讲话, 对…说话 duì shuō huà, 将...交付给, 是寄给某人的, 判决..., 命令...做某事, 钦佩 qīn pèi, 准许某人进入, 接纳…(成为其中的一员), 接纳…入(院), 向…承认, 让…得以进入, 准许…加入, 使入院, 向…供认, 责备 zé bèi, 责备 zé bèi, 警告 jǐng gào, 警告 jǐng gào, 领养 , 收养 lǐng yǎng, 崇拜 chóng bài, 过度称赞 guò dù chēng zàn, 劝告 quàn gào, 就某事给某人提供建议, 建议某人做某事, 通知,告知 tōng zhī ,gào zhī, 告知某人某事, 建议某人不要做某事 jiàn yì mǒu rén bú yào zuò mǒu shì, 告诫 gào jiè, 就某事向某人提出建议, 影响 yǐng xiǎng, 感动某人,打动某人,触动某人。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sb 的含义

某人 mǒu rén

pronoun (written, abbreviation (somebody)

入侵 rù qīn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (invade, move in to attack)

The swarm of killer bees advanced upon the unsuspecting cow that was grazing in the pasture.

提到 tí dào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (formal (make reference to)

注意到 zhù yì dào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (formal (turn your attention to)

The committee adverted to the second item on their agenda.

优于 yōu yú

preposition (superior to)

He is a cut above the rest.

抛弃 , 遗弃 pāo qì

transitive verb (person, pet: leave forever) (常指人、宠物等)

Jack abandoned his girlfriend and never spoke to her again.


(give up control of)

The army abandoned the territory to the indigenous peoples.

降低…的地位 jiàng dī … de dì wèi

transitive verb (degrade)

His years of living in Paris seem to have completely abased him.

使...羞愧, 使…窘迫 shǐ xiū kuì shǐ jiǒng pò

transitive verb (literary (make ashamed, disconcert)

The stranger's brazen stare abashed her.

绑架 bǎng jià

transitive verb (kidnap)

Armed men abducted the heiress on Thursday evening. The author of this book claims that aliens abducted his father.

教唆 jiào suō

transitive verb (assist or enable: a criminal)

Margret did not commit the crime, but she abetted the person who did.

厌恶,讨厌 yàn wù ,tǎo yàn

transitive verb (formal (detest)

I abhor the perpetrators of this evil act.

不容忍,不忍耐 bù róng rěn

transitive verb (not tolerate)

I can't abide his smoking in the house. "I won't abide insolence or bad behaviour," said the schoolteacher.

痛恨 tòng hèn

transitive verb (formal (loathe)

Mrs. Howell abominates people with low morals.

关于 guān yú

verbal expression (be on the subject of)

My presentation is about the effects of alcohol. This book is about a king who loses his crown.

与...持平地, 与...并排地

adverb (level, side by side)

宣告…无罪,赦免原罪 xuān gào wú zuì

transitive verb (religion: free from sin) (宗教)

I confessed my sins to Father Eric and he absolved me.


(religion: free from sin) (宗教)

The priest absolved the man of all his sins.

使免除 shǐ miǎn chú

transitive verb (free from responsibility) (责任、义务等)

Being divorced doesn't absolve you from responsibility towards your children.


(free from guilt)

The court absolved Richard of any blame for the accident.

兼并 jiān bìng

transitive verb (figurative, often passive (assimilate)

The corporation gradually absorbed the smaller firms in the area.

吸引 xī yǐn

transitive verb (figurative (interest)

The latest novel in the series absorbed readers.

虐待 nüè dài

transitive verb ([sb]: treat badly) (人)

He abused his wife for many years before she went to the police.

接纳 jiē nà

transitive verb (person: approve of) (人)

Her father never really accepted her boyfriend.


(tolerant of [sth])

This community is accepting of people of all cultures and backgrounds.


transitive verb (adorn with accessories)

A colourful scarf is the perfect way to accessorise an outfit.

称许,称赞,赞扬 chēng xǔ ,chēng zàn,zàn yáng

(often passive (praise, applaud)

Critics acclaimed her as the greatest actress of the 20th century.

拥护 yōng hù

transitive verb (recognize, acknowledge as)

The people acclaimed him their leader.

使适应 shǐ shì yìng

(make accustomed to [sth])

使适应 shǐ shì yìng

(accustom to [sth])

If you have cats and you move house you need to keep the cats indoors for at least a few days to acclimatize them to their new home.

使...适应气候 shǐ shì yìng qì hòu

(accustom to climate)

Before planting out your young seedlings, take them out of the greenhouse for a short period, then increase each day, to acclimatize them to the colder conditions outdoors.

为…提供住处 wèi … tí gōng zhù chù

transitive verb (provide lodging)

The hotel can't accommodate us tonight.

容纳 róng nà

transitive verb (provide space)

The tent can accommodate five.

供养,支持,满足…所需 gòng yǎng,zhī chí

transitive verb (provide for)

The new rules accommodate people of all age groups.


verbal expression (go in company with)

transitive verb (go somewhere with) (人)

Will you accompany me to the store?


transitive verb (musician: play along with)

A pianist accompanied the jazz singer.



We hereby accord to the petitioner the relief that she requests.

跟…打招呼,跟…搭讪 gēn dǎ zhāo hū,gēn dā shàn

transitive verb (approach boldly) (唐突地)

A man accosted Emily in the street to ask the time.

把…看作 bǎ … kàn zuò

transitive verb (formal (consider)

This restaurant is accounted the best in town.


(has to report to)

The MP is accountable to his constituents.

为...提供装备,配备 pèi bèi

transitive verb (usually passive (military: equip) (军用)


(equip or furnish)

归功于 guī gōng yú

transitive verb (ascribe an achievement to)

给予...荣誉 gěi yǔ róng yù

transitive verb (award credits to)

授权 shòu quán

transitive verb (certify, authorize)


transitive verb (assimilate: into a culture)

指责 zhǐ zé

transitive verb (blame)

Whether or not you think I committed the crime, you can't accuse me without proof.


(often passive (law: charge with a crime)

Mr Robertson's former employer has accused him of fraud.

指责 zhǐ zé

verbal expression (blame for doing)

They accused me of not setting aside enough time.

控告 kòng gào

verbal expression (law: charge with a crime) (司法)

He's accused of embezzling thousands of pounds.

使…习惯 shǐ … xí guàn


Years of living in Morocco have accustomed me to hot weather.


transitive verb (tennis: serve)

Andrea aced her opponent on the court.


transitive verb (rare (annoy)

渴望,向往 kě wàng,xiàng wǎng

(figurative (yearn for) (对人)

Helen ached for the man she could not be with.

感谢 gǎn xiè

transitive verb (thank [sb] for)

The president acknowledged her contributions in a ceremony.

搭理 dā lǐ

transitive verb (greet)

He didn't even acknowledge me.

使…熟悉 shǐ shóu xī / shǐ shú xī

(introduce, make familiar)

Once Mark had acquainted his assistant with the computer program, she was able to work on her own.


verbal expression (know [sb]) (人)

Harry, I believe you are acquainted with Miss Forbes?

宣判…无罪 xuān pàn wú zuì

transitive verb (pronounce not guilty)

The jury acquitted the defendant due to lack of evidence.

在…对面 zài duì miàn

preposition (opposite)

My office building is just across from the mall.

代理 dài lǐ

intransitive verb (substitute)

I will have to act for my absent brother.

担当 dān dāng

(perform function)

When they first met each other, it was her sister who acted as matchmaker. The man's trousers were held up by a bit of rope that was acting as a belt.

为了…的利益而采取行动 wèi le de lì yì ér cǎi qǔ xíng dòng

transitive verb (act to protect or help)

An attorney will always act in the best interests of her client.


transitive verb (motivate [sb] to do [sth])

使…糊涂 shǐ hú tú

transitive verb (confuse)

Fred is talking nonsense; too much whisky has addled his thinking.


transitive verb (use a title) (头衔)

"Your Holiness" is the correct way to address the Pope.

向…发表演说 xiàng … fā biǎo yǎn shuō

transitive verb (give a speech)

The President will address the nation on Tuesday.


transitive verb (indicate mail is intended for [sb])

Joyce addressed the letter to her sister.


transitive verb (remark: say to [sb])

O'Neill addressed his remarks to the business owners in the audience.

对…说话 duì shuō huà

transitive verb (speak to)

The teacher addressed the cleverest boy in the class.


transitive verb (consign, entrust)

The cargo was addressed to the freight forwarder.


verbal expression (mail: be intended for [sb])

This letter is addressed to you.


transitive verb (pronounce)

The suspect was adjudged incompetent.


transitive verb (appeal or command: [sb] to do [sth])

钦佩 qīn pèi

transitive verb (respect)

Kristin admires doctors who volunteer to work in third-world countries.


transitive verb (allow entry to)

The staff doesn't admit anyone after five o'clock.


transitive verb (often passive (accept as a member)

The club is not admitting new members at this time.


transitive verb (often passive (place in an institution)

Have you ever been admitted to a hospital?


transitive verb (confess)

Ken admitted his part in the robbery to the police.


transitive verb (allow entry)

The night watchman has to go to the door to admit you into the building.


transitive verb (as a member)

He was admitted into the golf club as a member.


transitive verb (often passive (to institution)

She was admitted against her will.


transitive verb (confess)

Jones admitted to the police that he had been involved in the criminal enterprise.

责备 zé bèi

transitive verb (scold, reprimand)

If you're late, your boss will admonish you.

责备 zé bèi

verbal expression (reprimand for doing)

The teacher admonished the student for being late to class yet again.

警告 jǐng gào

transitive verb (warn, caution)

"Make sure you don't drive too fast," John's mother admonished him.

警告 jǐng gào

verbal expression (warn [sb] about doing [sth])

The judge admonished the witness to tell the truth.

领养 , 收养 lǐng yǎng

transitive verb (become legal parent of: a child) (孩子)

The Smiths have adopted a baby from Ghana.

崇拜 chóng bài

transitive verb (love)

Amy adores Martin and wants to marry him.

过度称赞 guò dù chēng zàn

transitive verb (idolize, treat with adoration)

劝告 quàn gào

transitive verb (counsel [sb])

Our team of experienced attorneys is ready to advise you.


(counsel [sb] on [sth])

He was hired to advise the Queen on matters of state.


verbal expression (counsel [sb] to do)

I advised him to eat before the flight.

通知,告知 tōng zhī ,gào zhī

transitive verb (formal (with clause: notify [sb]) (人)

A text message advised me that my flight was delayed.


(formal (notify [sb] of [sth])

Newcastle Council have advised us of a series of road closures.

建议某人不要做某事 jiàn yì mǒu rén bú yào zuò mǒu shì

(warn [sb] [sth] is unwise)

I'd advise you against that approach, which can be costly.

告诫 gào jiè

verbal expression (warn [sb] not to do [sth])

I'd advise you against sailing today; the weather is turning nasty.


(warn about or recommend)

Eddie advised us on the best restaurants to visit.

影响 yǐng xiǎng

transitive verb (have an effect on)

The government's plan will affect a lot of people.


transitive verb (touch emotionally)

The film about a cancer survivor affected me deeply.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 sb 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

sb 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。