英语 中的 table 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 table 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 table 的说明。

英语 中的table 表示桌子 zhuō zi, 表 biǎo, 谈判桌,谈判会议 tán pàn zhuō,tán pàn huì yì, 一桌人,同在一桌的人 yì zhuō rén,tóng zài yì zhuō de rén, (一桌)食物,饭菜 yì zhuō shí wù,fàn cài, 平面 píng miàn, 石碑,木匾 shí bēi,mù biǎn, 切平面 qiē píng miàn, 高地 gāo dì, 地下水位 dì xià shuǐ wèi, 处理 chǔ lǐ, 搁置 gē zhì, 把…制成表格 bǎ zhì chéng biǎo gé, 死亡率统计表, 空气曲棍球桌, 床上桌, 床头柜 chuáng tóu guì, 床头桌 chuáng tóu zhuō, 台球桌 tái qiú zhuō, 早餐餐桌 zǎo cān cān zhuō, 打牌用的小桌 dǎ pái yòng de xiǎo zhuō, 轻便折叠小桌 qīng biàn zhé dié xiǎo zhuō, 换尿布台, 矮茶几 ǎi chá jī, 茶几上摆设用书,大型画册, 边桌 biān zhuō, 餐具橱 cān jù chú, 松木桌, 餐桌 cān zhuō, 餐桌 cān zhuō, 餐桌 cān zhuō, 餐桌 cān zhuō, 制图桌 zhì tú zhuō, 梳妆台 shū zhuāng tái, 翻板桌, 茶几 chá jī, 从农场到餐桌, 从农场到餐桌的, 折叠桌, 厨房饭桌 chú fáng fàn zhuō, 联赛积分榜, 平均寿命表 píng jūn shòu mìng biǎo, 乘法表 chéng fǎ biǎo, 餐巾 cān jīn, 床头桌 chuáng tóu zhuō, 提交讨论, 在考虑中,在讨论中 zài kǎo lǜ zhōng,zài tǎo lùn zhōng, 手术台 shǒu shù tái, 独柱桌 dú zhù zhuō, 元素周期表 yuán sù zhōu qī biǎo, 野餐桌 yě cān zhuō, 饼形桌, (有六个落袋的)撞球台 yǒu liù gè luò dài de zhuàng qiú tái, 轮盘赌桌 lún pán dǔ zhuō, 圆桌会议 yuán zhuō huì yì, 圆桌会议的 yuán zhuō huì yì de, 摆桌子, 角桌, 在餐桌前就坐, 准备就餐, 在谈判桌前就坐, 准备开始谈判, 桌布 zhuō bù, 定食,套餐, 餐桌装饰 cān zhuō zhuāng shì, 桌上足球, 台灯 tái dēng, 餐桌用布 cān zhuō yòng bù, 餐桌礼仪 cān zhuō lǐ yí, 餐垫, 目录 mù lù, 长方桌布, 餐桌上调味用的食盐 cān zhuō shàng tiáo wèi yòng de shí yán, 乒乓球 pīng pāng qiú, 乒乓球运动员 pīng pāng qiú yùn dòng yuán, 佐餐葡萄酒 zuǒ cān pú táo jiǔ, 在餐桌间周旋应酬, 桌面 zhuō miàn, 桌上用的 zhuō shàng yòng de, 可折叠的托盘桌 kě zhé dié de tuō pán zhuō, 私下 sī xià, 私下 sī xià, 梳妆台 shū zhuāng tái, 地下水位 dì xià shuǐ wèi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 table 的含义

桌子 zhuō zi

noun (furniture: surface with legs)

Just put your drink on the table beside the sofa. To register for the conference, you need to go to that table over there.

表 biǎo

noun (chart)

The presentation included a table that showed the sales growth.

谈判桌,谈判会议 tán pàn zhuō,tán pàn huì yì

noun (figurative (negotiations) (比喻)

The two sides sat down at the table to negotiate a peace agreement.

一桌人,同在一桌的人 yì zhuō rén,tóng zài yì zhuō de rén

noun (figurative (people at table) (比喻)

The table toasted the couple.

(一桌)食物,饭菜 yì zhuō shí wù,fàn cài

noun (figurative (food) (比喻)

The chef prepared a delicious table.

平面 píng miàn

noun (flat surface)

I need a table to spread paste on this wallpaper.

石碑,木匾 shí bēi,mù biǎn

noun (tablet: for inscription) (用来刻字的)

The mason carved names into the table.

切平面 qiē píng miàn

noun (gem surface) (宝石的)

The diamond had a flawless table.

高地 gāo dì

noun (plateau)

The trucks climbed out of the valley and onto the table.

地下水位 dì xià shuǐ wèi

noun (stratum: water table) (岩层、地层的)

The table had lowered substantially and the well went dry.

处理 chǔ lǐ

transitive verb (UK (deal with [sth])

This matter needs to be tabled immediately.

搁置 gē zhì

transitive verb (US (postpone dealing with [sth])

The committee voted to table the legislation, effectively killing it.

把…制成表格 bǎ zhì chéng biǎo gé

transitive verb (enter in table, list)

I would like you to table all our sales figures for this month.


noun (mortality probability)


noun (surface for playing air hockey)


noun (placed over person in bed)

床头柜 chuáng tóu guì

noun (small table next to bed)

床头桌 chuáng tóu zhuō

noun (small table beside a bed)

I keep my phone on my bedside table.

台球桌 tái qiú zhuō

noun (surface for billiards)

No one could play while Amanda lay on the billiard table.

早餐餐桌 zǎo cān cān zhuō

noun (where breakfast is eaten)

The whole family gathers around the breakfast table when Mom makes waffles.

打牌用的小桌 dǎ pái yòng de xiǎo zhuō

noun (table: for card games)

轻便折叠小桌 qīng biàn zhé dié xiǎo zhuō

noun (table: folding legs)


noun (for changing diaper)

矮茶几 ǎi chá jī

noun (low table used in living room)

Please don't put your feet on the coffee table.


noun (large illustrated hardback book)

边桌 biān zhuō

noun (table in corner of room) (家具)

Brian was sitting at corner table in the restaurant.

餐具橱 cān jù chú

noun (furniture: sideboard)

We keep family heirlooms and our good china in a credenza in the dining room.


noun (UK, dated (table of cheap pine wood)

餐桌 cān zhuō

noun (US (table for a breakfast nook)

I generally eat my breakfast at the dinette table.

餐桌 cān zhuō

noun (table at which meals are eaten)

The dining table is of good quality wood.

餐桌 cān zhuō

noun (table for meals)

A white linen tablecloth covered the dining-room table.

餐桌 cān zhuō

noun (table where meals are eaten)

My mother always told me not to scratch myself at the dinner table.

制图桌 zhì tú zhuō

noun (adjustable work surface)

These days most architects have abandoned their drafting tables for computers.

梳妆台 shū zhuāng tái

noun (ladies' table: with mirror)

I always imagine an actress sitting at her dressing table, applying her make-up.


noun (table with folding sides)

茶几 chá jī

noun (small table at end of sofa) (置于沙发旁的小桌子)


noun (uncountable (use of local produce)

Farm-to-table promotes local, organically grown food.


adjective (using local produce)


noun (table whose legs fold up)

厨房饭桌 chú fáng fàn zhuō

noun (dining table in a kitchen)

Everyone in the family enjoys the nightly conversation at the kitchen table.


noun (UK (competitive ranking)

James was happy because his football team was top of the league table.

平均寿命表 píng jūn shòu mìng biǎo

noun (life expectancy)

乘法表 chéng fǎ biǎo

noun (chart with simple calculations)

Try as I might, I never managed to memorize the entire multiplication table.

餐巾 cān jīn

noun (table napkin: for meal)

Erin wiped her mouth with a napkin. An embroidered serviette was placed next to each plate.

床头桌 chuáng tóu zhuō

noun (small bedside table)

I keep a glass of water on my night table.


adverb (figurative (topic: for discussion) (话题等)

The proposal on the table was offered by Mr. Smith. // Let's put all our options on the table.

在考虑中,在讨论中 zài kǎo lǜ zhōng,zài tǎo lùn zhōng

adverb (US, figurative (plan: under consideration) (计划等)

手术台 shǒu shù tái

noun (table on which surgery is performed)

The patient was lying on the operating table while the surgeon prepared her instruments.

独柱桌 dú zhù zhuō

noun (table with one central leg)

元素周期表 yuán sù zhōu qī biǎo

noun (chart of the chemical elements)

The noble gases are in the last column of the periodic table.

野餐桌 yě cān zhuō

noun (table-and-bench structure used outdoors)

The park has picnic tables and a play area.


noun (table with ornate edge)

(有六个落袋的)撞球台 yǒu liù gè luò dài de zhuàng qiú tái

noun (table for playing billiards)

The pub's games room has a pool table, dartboard, and jukebox.

轮盘赌桌 lún pán dǔ zhuō

noun (surface marked out for roulette)

I was $10,000 ahead but I lost it all at the roulette table.

圆桌会议 yuán zhuō huì yì

noun (conference, meeting)

He was an expert in his subject, and participated in round tables.

圆桌会议的 yuán zhuō huì yì de

adjective (involving discussion)


verbal expression (lay place settings for a meal) (准备吃饭)

My mother asked me to set the table whilst she cooked our dinner.


noun (furniture)

在餐桌前就坐, 准备就餐

verbal expression (take a seat at mealtime)

Dinner's almost ready – will you all please come and sit down at the table.

在谈判桌前就坐, 准备开始谈判

verbal expression (figurative (enter negotiations)

We will sit down at the table later in the week to discuss terms.

桌布 zhuō bù

noun (protective cloth for a table)


noun (French (set meal at fixed price)

餐桌装饰 cān zhuō zhuāng shì

noun (ornament for a dining table)


noun (tabletop game)

台灯 tái dēng

noun (small free-standing lamp)

The cat climbed up onto the sideboard and knocked the table lamp off.

餐桌用布 cān zhuō yòng bù

noun (cloth and napkins for a dining table) (台布、餐布、放盘子的垫子等)

餐桌礼仪 cān zhuō lǐ yí

plural noun (etiquette when eating)

His mother's in despair because he has the table manners of a pig.


noun (mat under a serving dish)

目录 mù lù

noun (book: contents ordered by page)

In most English-language books the table of contents is at the front.


noun (fabric strip used to decorate a table)

餐桌上调味用的食盐 cān zhuō shàng tiáo wèi yòng de shí yán

noun (sodium chloride used as condiment)

I was told to gargle with table salt dissolved in warm water.

乒乓球 pīng pāng qiú

noun (sport: ping-pong)

Good table tennis players have to be very quick on their feet.

乒乓球运动员 pīng pāng qiú yùn dòng yuán

noun (sportsperson who plays ping-pong)

Mikael Appelgren is one of the best table tennis players in the world.

佐餐葡萄酒 zuǒ cān pú táo jiǔ

noun (ordinary wine to accompany food)


intransitive verb (informal (move around in a restaurant)

桌面 zhuō miàn

noun (surface of table)

When we arrived for Thanksgiving, the tabletop was completely covered with every kind of dish you could imagine.

桌上用的 zhuō shàng yòng de

noun as adjective (for use on flat surface)

Do you have any fun tabletop games?

可折叠的托盘桌 kě zhé dié de tuō pán zhuō

noun (tray on a fold-out stand)

Secure your tray table when the airplane's coming in to land. Jim usually eats his dinner on a tray table while watching the evening news.

私下 sī xià

adverb (figurative, informal (secret, illegal)

The construction foreman pays his day laborers under the table.

私下 sī xià

adverb (figurative, informal (drunk)

I don't really remember the party; I think I spent most of it under the table.

梳妆台 shū zhuāng tái

noun (US (dressing table)

We bought an antique vanity at a flea market.

地下水位 dì xià shuǐ wèi

noun (underground level: water beneath)

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