英语 中的 use 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 use 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 use 的说明。

英语 中的use 表示利用 lì yòng, 利用 lì yòng, 运用 yùn yòng, 把…用作…,用…作为…, 曾经 céng jīng, 使用价值,用处,效用 shǐ yòng jià zhí,yòng chù,xiào yòng, 用 yòng, 雇用 gù yòng, 使用权 shǐ yòng quán, 用处 yòng chù, 用的需要 yòng de xū yào, 利用 lì yòng, 使用 shǐ yòng, 用光 yòng guāng, 酒精使用障碍, 自产自用, 无济于事, 简单易用的, 最终用途 zuì zhōng yòng tú, 享有 xiǎng yǒu, 享用, 去卫生间 qù wèi shēng jiān, 好好利用,有效使用 hǎo hǎo lì yòng, 讨厌 tǎo yàn, 能用 néng yòng, 有权使用 yǒu quán shǐ yòng, 虐待,折磨 nüè dài ,zhé mó, 使用中的 shǐ yòng zhōng de, 当下的 dāng xià de, 充分利用 chōng fèn lì yòng, 利用 lì yòng, 没有帮助的 méi yǒu bāng zhù de, 没有用的 méi yǒu yòng de, 不使用,非使用 bù shǐ yòng, 有用的 yǒu yòng de, 有用 yǒu yòng, 有用 yǒu yòng, 使…以备使用 shǐ yǐ bèi shǐ yòng, 有效利用 yǒu xiào lì yòng, 使用,利用 shǐ yòng,lì yòng, 吸着玩儿, 重复使用 chóng fù shǐ yòng, 重复使用 chóng fù shǐ yòng, 使用权 shǐ yòng quán, 使用条款, 使用金钱 shǐ yòng jīn qián, 花钱 huā qián, 使用词语 shǐ yòng cí yǔ, 言辞风格,用语风格 yán cí fēng gé,yòng yǔ fēng gé, 将...作为优势, 有效期 yǒu xiào qī。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 use 的含义

利用 lì yòng

transitive verb (employ)

He uses various tools to build furniture.

利用 lì yòng

transitive verb (avail yourself of)

I often use the local library to borrow books.

运用 yùn yòng

transitive verb (exercise)

You need to use your brain more often.


(put to a certain purpose)

The adder uses its tail as a lure.

曾经 céng jīng

auxiliary verb (always in past (in the past)

He used to ride his bike, but now he drives. I didn't use to like this song, but it's growing on me!

使用价值,用处,效用 shǐ yòng jià zhí,yòng chù,xiào yòng

noun (purpose)

What is the use of this programme?
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 这种工具有多种用途。

用 yòng

noun (putting into service)

The use of a computer increased productivity.

雇用 gù yòng

noun (employment)

We hired a consultant to ensure we were getting the best use from our staff.

使用权 shǐ yòng quán

noun (privilege to use)

He lost the use of the car after he stayed out too late one night.

用处 yòng chù

noun (help)

The hammer is of no use here.

用的需要 yòng de xū yào

noun (need)

Don't take the hammer. I have a use for it.

利用 lì yòng

transitive verb (exploit [sb]) (指对人的利用)

She used him for what she wanted, and left him.

使用 shǐ yòng

transitive verb (habitually consume substance) (习惯)

He has taken to using cocaine.

用光 yòng guāng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (consume completely, exhaust)

I used up nearly everything in the refrigerator for this meal. Mary used up all my gas and didn't refill the tank.


noun (alcoholism)


noun (own usage)


expression (figurative (it's pointless to regret what is done)


adjective (not difficult to use)

This easy-to-use mobile phone is specially designed for the elderly.

最终用途 zuì zhōng yòng tú

noun ([sth]'s purpose)

享有 xiǎng yǒu

verbal expression (have available)

The property enjoys the use of a marina and tennis court.


verbal expression (take pleasure in)

We are enjoying the use of our swimming pool.

去卫生间 qù wèi shēng jiān

verbal expression (US (use the toilet)

To avoid extra stops, I always tell the children to go to the bathroom before starting a long trip in the car.

好好利用,有效使用 hǎo hǎo lì yòng

noun (useful purpose)

Her latest video makes good use of high-speed photography.

讨厌 tǎo yàn

verbal expression (informal (dislike [sth/sb])

能用 néng yòng

transitive verb (be able to use)

John is paraplegic; he doesn't have the use of his legs.

有权使用 yǒu quán shǐ yòng

transitive verb (have permission to use)

My friend has said that I can have the use of his garage while he is on holiday.

虐待,折磨 nüè dài ,zhé mó

transitive verb (treat badly, abuse)

使用中的 shǐ yòng zhōng de

adjective (being used)

Is this book in use or can I borrow it?

当下的 dāng xià de

adjective (current, extant)

充分利用 chōng fèn lì yòng

verbal expression (utilize fully or effectively)

He made good use of the time he was allotted.

利用 lì yòng

verbal expression (utilize)

This stew makes use of all the leftovers in your refrigerator.

没有帮助的 méi yǒu bāng zhù de

expression (it is pointless)

It's no use calling out his name, he can't hear you any more.

没有用的 méi yǒu yòng de

expression (it is pointless)

There's no point in asking Jake if you can borrow his car; he'll say no. There's no use in telling me now that I shouldn't put that vase there; you should have mentioned it before I knocked it over and broke it.

不使用,非使用 bù shǐ yòng

noun (not using [sth])

有用的 yǒu yòng de

adjective (somewhat helpful)

有用 yǒu yòng

(thing: serving a purpose) (物)

The map is small, but it is still of some use. The new equipment will be of use to the workers.

有用 yǒu yòng

(person: helpful) (人)

I'm glad I was of use when Carol needed my help.

使…以备使用 shǐ yǐ bèi shǐ yòng

verbal expression (make ready to be used)

I've already prepared my tools for use so as to save time later.

有效利用 yǒu xiào lì yòng

verbal expression (use effectively)

I'm going to put my lunch hour to good use by going to the supermarket. Chicken bones can be put to good use by using them to make soup.

使用,利用 shǐ yòng,lì yòng

verbal expression (make use of [sb/sth])


noun (taking drugs for pleasure) (毒品)

Recreational drug use by students is increasing.

重复使用 chóng fù shǐ yòng

transitive verb (use again)

Are you planning to reuse this plastic bottle?

重复使用 chóng fù shǐ yòng

noun (using again)

These cameras aren't intended for reuse.

使用权 shǐ yòng quán

noun (authorization)

Membership grants one the right of use of all the club's facilities.


plural noun (rules for using [sth])

The terms of use state the rules you must follow in order to use the service.

使用金钱 shǐ yòng jīn qián

verbal expression (manage one's finances)

Use money wisely.

花钱 huā qián

verbal expression (acquire by paying for)

If you want to buy this, you'll need to use money; they don't accept credit cards.

使用词语 shǐ yòng cí yǔ

noun (verbal skills)

言辞风格,用语风格 yán cí fēng gé,yòng yǔ fēng gé

noun (style of language) (语言风格)


verbal expression (exploit for personal gain)

My father went to this university, so I'm going to use that to my advantage and mention it in my application essay.

有效期 yǒu xiào qī

noun (day by which [sth] must be used or consumed)

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 use 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

use 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。