英语 中的 war 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 war 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 war 的说明。

英语 中的war 表示战争 zhàn zhēng, 战争时期 zhàn zhēng shí qī, 战争状态 zhàn zhēng zhuàng tài, 敌意,敌对状态 dí yì,dí duì zhuàng tài, 斗争, 对抗, 冲突,矛盾,对抗 chōng tū,máo dùn,duì kàng, (政党团体之间的)斗争 zhèng dǎng tuán tǐ zhī jiān de dòu zhēng, 战争行为 zhàn zhēng xíng wéi, 全面战争 quán miàn zhàn zhēng, 反对战争的 fǎn duì zhàn zhēng de, 战争艺术 zhàn zhēng yì shù, 战时 zhàn shí, 与…交战 yǔ … jiāo zhàn, 发生争执 fā shēng zhēng zhí, 与…发生争执, 与…打起来, 与…冲突 yǔ chōng tū, 内战 nèi zhàn, 美国内战, 冷战 lěng zhàn, 冷战 lěng zhàn, 冷战 lěng zhàn, 常规战争 cháng guī zhàn zhēng, 宣战公告 xuān zhàn gōng gào, 宣战 xuān zhàn, 向…宣战, 宣战 xuān zhàn, 法国印第安人战争, 打群架 dǎ qún jià, 卷入战争, 参战 cān zhàn, 战神 zhàn shén, 鹰派,持强硬路线者 yīng pài ,chí qiáng yìng lù xiàn zhě, 圣战 shèng zhàn, 要做爱,不要作战 yào zuò ài,bú yào zuò zhàn, 战后的 zhàn hòu de, 二战后的 èr zhàn hòu de, 预防性战争 yù fáng xìng zhàn zhēng, 战俘,俘虏 zhàn fú,fú lǔ, 战俘营, 宗教战争 zōng jiào zhàn zhēng, 第二次世界大战 dì èr cì shì jiè dà zhàn, 西班牙内战, 战利品 zhàn lì pǐn, 战争状态 zhàn zhēng zhuàng tài, 特洛伊战争 tè luò yī zhàn zhēng, 拔河, 激烈竞争 jī liè jìng zhēng, 地盘之争, 越南战争 yuè nán zhàn zhēng, 发动战争 fā dòng zhàn zhēng, 向...发动战争, 发动战争 fā dòng zhàn zhēng, 战时内阁 zhàn shí nèi gé, 战争基金 zhàn zhēng jī jīn, 战争的阴云,战争征兆 zhàn zhēng de yīn yún,zhàn zhēng zhēng zhào, 战地记者 zhàn dì jì zhě, 战争犯罪 zhàn zhēng fàn zuì, 战犯, 作战时的呐喊, 喊杀声, 战斗口号 zhàn dòu kǒu hào, 战鹰, 战时经济 zhàn shí jīng jì, 战备, 军事演习 jūn shì yǎn xí, 战斗英雄奖章 zhàn dòu yīng xióng jiǎng zhāng, 战争纪念碑 zhàn zhēng jì niàn bēi, 神经战 shén jīng zhàn, 舌战 shé zhàn, 禁毒战争,抗击毒品的行动, (美洲印第安人)战斗前涂在脸上的颜料 měi zhōu yìn dì ān rén zhàn dòu qián tú zài liǎn shàng de yán liào, 化妆品 huà zhuāng pǐn, 作战计划 zuò zhàn jì huà, 交战地带 jiāo zhàn dì dài, 好战的 hào zhàn de, 遭战争破坏的, 厌战的, 破烂不堪的,破损严重的, 北美印地安人的羽毛头饰 běi měi yìn dì ān rén de yǔ máo tóu shì, 战舰 zhàn jiàn, 世界大战 shì jiè dà zhàn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 war 的含义

战争 zhàn zhēng

noun (armed conflict)

The war was opposed by many people in the country.

战争时期 zhàn zhēng shí qī

noun (period of armed conflict)

The war lasted for five years.

战争状态 zhàn zhēng zhuàng tài

noun (state of armed conflict, not peace)

The country has been in a state of war for thirty years.

敌意,敌对状态 dí yì,dí duì zhuàng tài

noun (figurative (hostility)

The war between the two at work made life difficult for the rest of us.

斗争, 对抗

intransitive verb (fight)

The two families have been warring for decades.

冲突,矛盾,对抗 chōng tū,máo dùn,duì kàng

intransitive verb (figurative (be in conflict) (比喻)

The trade unions and management have been warring over pay for many months.

(政党团体之间的)斗争 zhèng dǎng tuán tǐ zhī jiān de dòu zhēng

noun (figurative (political campaign)

The left-wing parties are staging a bitter war against the right wing in the election.

战争行为 zhàn zhēng xíng wéi

noun (action that provokes a war)

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was an act of war, provoking the US to enter WWII.

全面战争 quán miàn zhàn zhēng

noun (full-scale combat)

The drug cartels along the US-Mexico border have declared an all-out war against law enforcement.

反对战争的 fǎn duì zhàn zhēng de

adjective (against armed conflict)

战争艺术 zhàn zhēng yì shù

noun (military strategy)

General Patton was an avid student of the art of war.

战时 zhàn shí

adjective (in armed conflict)

The Prime Minister has just declared that the nation is at war.

与…交战 yǔ … jiāo zhàn

expression (in armed conflict with)

Britain had been at war with France since 1803.

发生争执 fā shēng zhēng zhí

adjective (figurative (in a dispute)

The two political parties are at war over the tax.


expression (figurative (in a dispute with)

Mr. Ellis has been at war with his neighbour Mr Barker about the state of his garden.


expression (figurative (fighting, in conflict with)

Some militant vegans are at war with meat eaters. The Church has often been openly at war with Marxism.

与…冲突 yǔ chōng tū

expression (figurative (ideas, desires: in conflict with) (思想、观念)

内战 nèi zhàn

noun (country's internal war)

The civil war has displaced almost half the country's population.


noun (historical, US (war between US states)

The American Civil War broke out in April 1861.

冷战 lěng zhàn

noun (hostility: Soviet Union and West) (前苏联和西方国家之间的敌对状态)

Many people were believed to be spies during the Cold War.

冷战 lěng zhàn

noun (hostility short of armed warfare)

冷战 lěng zhàn

noun (figurative (on-going veiled antagonism) (指人际间)

常规战争 cháng guī zhàn zhēng

noun (with traditional weapons)

宣战公告 xuān zhàn gōng gào

noun (formal announcement of war)

Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Declaration of War in December of 1941.

宣战 xuān zhàn

(state intention to make war)

On August 1, 1914, Germany declared war.


verbal expression (state intention to make war with)

France declared war on Prussia on July 19, 1870. On July 28th 1914 Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia.

宣战 xuān zhàn

verbal expression (figurative (take strong steps against) (比喻)

President Richard Nixon declared war on drugs in 1971.


noun (18th-century war) (18世纪的战争)

England took control of Quebec in the French and Indian War.

打群架 dǎ qún jià

noun (conflict between urban gangs) (歹徒,帮派)

Certain urban areas are not safe due to one gang war after another.


verbal expression (engage in warfare)

Britain went to war against Germany in 1914.

参战 cān zhàn

verbal expression (leave for battlefront)

The exhibition highlights how many young men went to war from Wells and the surrounding villages.

战神 zhàn shén

noun (mythology: Mars, Ares, Odin, etc.) (神话,包括宙斯、阿瑞斯、欧丁等)

Mars was the Roman god of war.

鹰派,持强硬路线者 yīng pài ,chí qiáng yìng lù xiàn zhě

noun (politics) (政治)

The new congressman is a hawk and is trying to raise defense spending again.

圣战 shèng zhàn

noun (crusade, religious war)

要做爱,不要作战 yào zuò ài,bú yào zuò zhàn

interjection (pacifist slogan of the 1960s) (20世纪60年代和平主义者的口号)

'Make love not war' was the best-known slogan of the hippy movement.

战后的 zhàn hòu de

adjective (after a war)

二战后的 èr zhàn hòu de

adjective (after the Second World War)

Post-war Japan experienced tremendous economic growth.

预防性战争 yù fáng xìng zhàn zhēng

noun (to prevent greater conflict)

Many historians regard World War I as a preventive war.

战俘,俘虏 zhàn fú,fú lǔ

noun (captured by enemy)


noun (site to hold captured enemy)

宗教战争 zōng jiào zhàn zhēng

noun (conflict between religions)

The Crusades were part of a religious war between Christians and Muslims.

第二次世界大战 dì èr cì shì jiè dà zhàn

noun (international conflict of 1939-1945)

The Second World War began on 3rd September 1939.


noun (historical (1930s war) (20世纪30年代)

战利品 zhàn lì pǐn

plural noun (loot: [sth] plundered in a conflict)

战争状态 zhàn zhēng zhuàng tài

noun (hostilities between nations)

They have been in a near-constant state of war for years.

特洛伊战争 tè luò yī zhàn zhēng

noun (historical (Greeks versus Trojans) (希腊与特洛伊之间的战争)

The Trojan War is recounted in the epic poem "The Iliad" by the Greek poet Homer.


noun (game: pulling on rope)

The heaviest people are at the back in games of tug-of-war.

激烈竞争 jī liè jìng zhēng

noun (figurative (struggle, competition)

They will not get anything done until they cease this tug-of-war and start pulling in the same direction.


noun (dispute over territory)

越南战争 yuè nán zhàn zhēng

noun (1960s conflict)

发动战争 fā dòng zhàn zhēng

(make war: engage in warfare)

After a decade of waging war, even the country's bellicose leaders were beginning to long for peace.


verbal expression (launch an attack)

发动战争 fā dòng zhàn zhēng

verbal expression (figurative (attack)

Cameron waged war on Brown's new economic policies.

战时内阁 zhàn shí nèi gé

noun (government wartime committee)

The president consulted with his war cabinet before ordering an invasion.

战争基金 zhàn zhēng jī jīn

noun (figurative (money to finance a war) (比喻)

We need to double our war chest if we hope to get her elected.

战争的阴云,战争征兆 zhàn zhēng de yīn yún,zhàn zhēng zhēng zhào

plural noun (figurative (sign of trouble ahead) (比喻)

At the end of the 1930s, war clouds were gathering throughout Europe.

战地记者 zhàn dì jì zhě

noun (journalist who reports from war zones)

She started her career in journalism as a war correspondent.

战争犯罪 zhàn zhēng fàn zuì

noun (usually plural (unacceptable wartime acts)

He is awaiting trial in The Hague for war crimes.


noun (law: breaks war conventions)

作战时的呐喊, 喊杀声

noun (to rally soldiers)

Hungarian warriors used to shout the war cry "Huj, Huj, Hajrá!".

战斗口号 zhàn dòu kǒu hào

noun (figurative (slogan used to rally support)

'No new taxes' became their war cry prior to the election.


noun (US (American Civil War emblem) (美国内战标志)

战时经济 zhàn shí jīng jì

noun (allocation of resources in wartime)

Many historians agree that the end of the depression of the 1930s was a result of the war economy.


noun (work done for one's country during war)

军事演习 jūn shì yǎn xí

plural noun (enactment of battles)

Army commanders use war games to sharpen up and practise their tactics.

战斗英雄奖章 zhàn dòu yīng xióng jiǎng zhāng

noun (military decoration for heroism in war)

The most prestigious war medal in the United States is the Congressional Medal of Honor.

战争纪念碑 zhàn zhēng jì niàn bēi

noun (monument to dead soldiers)

The war memorials in Washington, D.C. attract a lot of tourists every year.

神经战 shén jīng zhàn

noun (figurative (psychological conflict)

The match became a war of nerves, with both players waiting for the other to crack.

舌战 shé zhàn

noun (figurative (argument)

The rival candidates became involved in a nasty war of words.


noun (figurative (efforts to combat use of illegal drugs)

(美洲印第安人)战斗前涂在脸上的颜料 měi zhōu yìn dì ān rén zhàn dòu qián tú zài liǎn shàng de yán liào

noun (warriors' face paint) (本义)

The Apache warrior was wearing war paint and an elaborate headdress.

化妆品 huà zhuāng pǐn

noun (informal, figurative, humorous (make-up) (比喻,幽默用语)

Susan put on her full war paint for the grand ball.

作战计划 zuò zhàn jì huà

plural noun (military strategy in case of war)

交战地带 jiāo zhàn dì dài

noun (area affected by combat)

The Red Cross evacuated all civilians from the war zone.

好战的 hào zhàn de

adjective (figurative (seeking armed conflict)


adjective (ravaged by war)


adjective (exhausted by war)


adjective (military airplane: damaged beyond use) (军用飞机)

北美印地安人的羽毛头饰 běi měi yìn dì ān rén de yǔ máo tóu shì

noun (North American Indian headdress)

战舰 zhàn jiàn

noun (seagoing combat vessel)

The warship was capable of firing guns, torpedoes, and missiles.

世界大战 shì jiè dà zhàn

noun (large-scale international conflict)

Government officials are doing all they can to prevent a world war.

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war 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。