What does 暴露 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 暴露 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 暴露 in Chinese.
The word 暴露 in Chinese means expose, exposure, discover. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 暴露
exposeverbnoun (to reveal, uncover, make visible, bring to light, introduce to) 不要把皮肤长时间暴露在阳光里。 Skin shouldn't be exposed to sunlight for too long. |
exposurenoun (part exposed) 暴露时间越长,毒性作用越强,其主要原因是毒性物质的摄入量会随时间的变迁而增加。 The greater effect with the longer exposure time is ascribed to more toxicant being taken up with time. |
discoververb (expose something previously covered) 身分 暴露 后 他 被 敌方 杀 了 When he was discovered, the other side killed him. |
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此次危机暴露了发达国家在预警机制和监督管理体系方面存在严重缺陷和失败。 The current crisis has exposed grave lapses and failures of the early warning systems and supervisory and regulatory systems in developed countries. |
筛选评估也可以在最初用来估算一般大众的暴露情况,帮助确定最有可能暴露于高水平甲基汞的特定亚人群。 A screening assessment can also be used initially to estimate exposures among the general population and to help determine specific subgroups of the population considered most likely to be exposed to elevated levels of methylmercury. |
印度全国对恐怖袭击暴露出来的印度多么易于受到恐怖袭击和使这么多的人失去生命的多种制度缺陷,感到深深而持续的愤怒,这种愤怒情绪已经促使印度国家政府中的内政部长和以孟买为首府的马哈拉施特拉邦的首席部长及其副手辞职。 Deep and sustained anger across the country – at its demonstrated vulnerability to terror and at the multiple institutional failures that allowed such loss of life – has prompted the resignations of the Home Minister in the national government and the Chief Minister and his Deputy in the state of Maharashtra, of which Mumbai is the capital. |
叙利亚代表在发言中试图作出区别,证明应该对平民施暴,从而暴露了企图使恐怖主义合法化的首要目标。 In his statement, the Syrian representative has revealed his overriding motivation to try to legitimize terrorism by making a distinction that may justify violence against civilians. |
对萨达姆·侯赛因残暴政权的战争以令人痛苦的方式暴露了多边行动原则和做法受到的挑战,暴露了这一领域尚未解决的困难境地,我认为,这些应在《联合国新政治法》中得到涉及。 The war against the murderous regime of Saddam Hussain has exposed, in a painful way, the challenges related to the principles and practice of multilateral action and has revealed the unresolved dilemmas in this domain, which — in my view — should be addressed in the New Political Act for the United Nations. |
如果孕妇遭到暴露,应正常进行筛查。 If a pregnant mother is exposed, screening is performed as normal. |
“关于归咎于[G先生]的五起性骚扰事件,即便只讨论一起也能暴露出它不合乎人之常情...... “As regards the five incidents of sexual harassment attributed to [Mr. |
鼓励会员国考虑涉及性暴露儿童图像包括拥有这些图像的行为与其他对儿童进行性剥削的犯罪之间的联系; Encourages Member States to consider the link between conduct involving sexually explicit images of children, including possession of those images, and other child sexual exploitation offences; |
“滚雷行动”暴露的另外一个问题是空军没有做好准备。 Another problem exposed by Rolling Thunder was the unpreparedness of the Air Force for the operations it was undertaking. |
严重关切地注意到,艾滋病毒感染者、面临其风险者和受其影响者以及年轻人的总体需要和人权仍未得到充分落实,因为保健服务、包括性保健与生殖保健和防治艾滋病毒服务的整合不够充分,包括为遭受性暴力或性别暴力者提供的服务,如暴露后预防、法律服务和社会保护; Note with grave concern that the holistic needs and human rights of people living with, at risk of and affected by HIV, and of young people, remain insufficiently addressed because of inadequate integration of health services, including sexual and reproductive health-care and HIV services, including for people who have experienced sexual or gender-based violence, including post-exposure prophylaxis, legal services and social protection; |
坦桑尼亚的调查为执行阶段铺平了道路,政府为解决调查所暴露的关切发起了协调的反应。 The findings of the Tanzanian survey have paved the way to an implementation phase, initiated with the Government’s launch of a coordinated response to address the concerns revealed by the survey. |
在此背景下,数目低的确更具暴露性,其所暴露的不是巨大成功的情况。 Against that background, low numbers do acquire a more revealing character and what they reveal is not a picture of huge success. |
事实常常是这种生产是在飞地上进行的,同周边的经济联系极浅,如果公司决定减产或者转移活动,可使它们暴露在预想不到的冲击之前。 The fact that, all too often, such production still takes place in enclaves with the shallowest of linkages with the surrounding economy can leave them exposed to unexpected shocks if firms decide to run down or shift the activity |
在美國和歐洲有各種氡水療,人們相信在這種高氡含量環境下暴露幾分鐘至幾個小時,所受到的輻射有提神的作用。 In the US and Europe there are several "radon spas", where people sit for minutes or hours in a high-radon atmosphere in the belief that low doses of radiation will invigorate or energize them. |
价格冲击的大小、一国的暴露程度和作出反应的能力,是它面临的三个风险因素。 The size of price shocks, a country’s exposure to them, and its capacity to react to them are the three elements of the risk that a country faces. |
相反,这暴露了逐步衰退的阿富汗塔利班的赞助者决定采取类似手段征服另一个国家的平民特别是妇女和儿童,使之屈服于恐怖威胁的思潮。 Conversely, it reveals the ethos — under which the sponsors of the regressive Taliban in Afghanistan have decided to use similar means to subdue a civilian population, particularly women and children, of another nation into succumbing to the threat of terror. |
暴露时间越长,毒性作用越强,其主要原因是毒性物质的摄入量会随时间的变迁而增加。 The greater effect with the longer exposure time is ascribed to more toxicant being taken up with time. |
年 # 月 # 日星期二早上,厄立特里亚武装部队以轻武器和重武器无端向吉布提军队的阵地发动袭击,这暴露出厄立特里亚政府的好战本质及其破坏本区域稳定的意图。 In the morning of Tuesday # une # ritrean armed forces launched unprovoked attacks with light and heavy weapons against the positions of the army of Djibouti, thereby demonstrating the Eritrean Government's bellicose nature and its intention to destabilize the region |
和 她 开始 说话 外语片 也许 她 是 暴露 在 作为 一个 孩子 。 And she could start speaking fragments of a foreign language that maybe she was exposed to as a child. |
就其范围和质量而言,南南合作发展支助目前正在国际援助架构中发挥着关键作用,显示出相当的优势,也暴露出一些弱点。 In terms of its scope and quality, development support for South-South cooperation is currently playing a key role in the international aid architecture, exhibiting considerable strengths as well as some weaknesses |
人类对六溴环十二烷的暴露可能是皮肤暴露或经口暴露,也可能是由于吸入蒸汽和微粒引起的暴露(欧洲联盟委员会,2008年)。 Human exposure to HBCD may be either dermal or oral, and may also result from inhalation of vapor and particles (European Commission, 2008). |
但是,如贸发会议当时指出的那样,造成金融危机的在很大程度上是时机未到就实行的资本项目自由化,这种自由化使这些国家的经济暴露在国际资本市场的多变风险之下。 But, as shown by UNCTAD at the time, the financial crisis resulted to a large degree from premature capital-account liberalization, which made their economies vulnerable to the vagaries of international capital markets. |
议会中的辩论是令人感兴趣的,既然它将暴露政治阶层――它在批评法官方面行动很快――是否真正愿意赋予海地一个符合宪法国家的法院。 The debates in Parliament will be interesting, since they will reveal whether the political class - which is quick to criticize judges - is truly willing to give Haiti a judiciary worthy of a constitutional State. |
* 进一步收集关于暴露前预防措施成本效益的信息,以协助国家决定如何最佳分配有限的资源,尤其是支持那些未能向所有需要者提供艾滋病毒治疗服务的国家。 * gathering more information on the cost-benefits of PrEP to help countries make decisions about how best to allocate limited resources, especially where not all people who need HIV treatment have access to it. |
机车的运用从一开始便暴露出了许多缺陷和问题。 The locomotive drive was, however, plagued by shortcomings and problems from the start. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.