What does 受众 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 受众 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 受众 in Chinese.

The word 受众 in Chinese means audience, target audience, the public. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word 受众


noun (A custom group used to target content to people based on membership within the group.)

It was very important to promote both traditional and new media because both were critical in reaching the broadest audience possible.

target audience


Increased access of target audiences to relevant climate change assessments and information for decision-making and long-term planning

the public


· 统计数据的沟通和发布(特别是面向公共受众)
· Statistics communication and dissemination (especially to the public)

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See "Targeting strategy" below for tips to set your segments up effectively.
In the view of the Inspector, it is important to develop and implement a corporate strategic approach, in particular to envisage how social media is used in connection with other public information and communications processes, towards specific audiences and with specific objectives.
The Department also promoted the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples through its social media platforms, reaching an estimated 6 million people every day, and through its network of 63 information centres around the world.
通过这些网址,Campaign Manager 之外的各方可以记录有关您广告获得的展示次数和点击次数的相关信息,以及开展受众调查。
These URLs allow parties outside Campaign Manager to log information about impressions and clicks on your ads, and to launch surveys.
The policy is changing to clarify that content that misleads viewers by appearing to be appropriate for a general audience, but contains sexual themes or obscene content, is prohibited.
Moreover, it is imperative that members of minorities, including religious or belief minorities, have access to fair opportunities to articulate their own experiences, interests and perspectives in the public domain through the existence of community media, as well as through effective participation in media that caters for more mainstream audiences (including new digital and online media).
Higher percentage of target audiences indicating improved understanding of the United Nations
Key target audiences include policymakers in government ministries and in parliament, followed by the general public, and young people in particular.
After you've created and tested your remarketing list, you can edit it if you want to make sure that your products or services are reaching the right audience.
Stresses that the central objective of the news services implemented by the Department of Public Information is the timely delivery of accurate, objective and balanced news and information emanating from the United Nations system in all four mass media, namely, print, radio, television and the Internet, to the media and other audiences worldwide, with the overall emphasis on multilingualism, and reiterates its request to the Department to ensure that all news-breaking stories and news alerts are accurate, impartial and free of bias;
· 与内部和外部受众迅速和/或实时地交流和传播信息
· Rapid and/or real-time information-sharing and communications with both internal and external audiences
[Bid Manager 中的受众群体列表定位]
[Audience lists targeting in Bid Manager]
Information on the Organization’s activities was also available on the Web to local audiences in 27 other languages, thanks to the work of United Nations information centres.
For example, the open journalism paradigm promoted by the Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland encourages two-way interaction between journalists and the audience online, which has reinserted journalists’ willingness to engage in debate and be accountable for what they do into the core of journalism.
Small “academic” research projects aimed at limited audiences — even those for which readily available research funding exists — will be avoided.
Notes the concern of many Member States regarding the measures taken by the Secretariat in relation to the information centres in Mexico City, Pretoria and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, expresses the hope that these measures will not have an adverse impact on the ability of the centres to act as bridges between the United Nations and local audiences, and therefore requests the Secretary-General to report on the impact of these measures and to explore ways to strengthen the United Nations information centres in Cairo, Mexico City, Pretoria and Rio de Janeiro, keeping in mind the need to do so within existing resources, and encourages the Secretary-General to explore the strengthening of other centres, especially in Africa, in cooperation with the Member States concerned and in a cost-neutral manner;
The topic for each session is determined according to the area of focus of each of the institution’s technical units: gender-based violence, identity-building and life plans, women’s active citizenship and leadership, women’s legal status and human rights, specialized information, promotion of public policies, and regional development.
您可以依次转到广告客户名下的受众群体 > 所有受众群体,检查受众群体列表的大小。
You can check the size of the audience lists by navigating to Audiences > All Audiences in your advertiser to check the size of the list.
(d) 建立一个区域网站来跟踪和记录项目,并且向更广泛的受众提供信息,说明气候变化项目有哪些可利用资金。
(d) Establishing a regional website to track and record projects, and to provide information on available funding for climate change projects to a wider audience.
The process of approving price changes to segments depends on whether you have a global license or a direct license for the segment.
根据互动度较高的用户创建再营销受众群体,然后将这些受众群体发布到各种营销平台(如 Google Ads 和 Display & Video 360),这样一来,您就可以在自己的各个在线平台向其展开宣传攻势,再次吸引他们。
Creating remarketing audiences based on your highly engaged users and publishing those audiences to your various marketing platforms like Google Ads and Display & Video 360 lets you re-engage them everywhere you have an online presence.
In particular, while maintaining traditional forms of distribution, the Department has advanced the delivery of news and information about the United Nations through the Internet, a medium that continues to reach an ever-expanding audience around the globe
Training on human rights is conducted on an ad hoc basis by NGOs targeting specific audiences.
The development of communication strategies emphasizing multilingualism from the planning stage would help to ensure that cultural references were not lost in translation and that the Organization’s messages to local audiences around the world were clear, which was especially relevant for effectively disseminating information concerning the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement.
1. 请缔约方审查提高认识的途径,强调为扩大受众面需采取最有效的传播方式;
Invites Parties to review the means whereby awareness is being raised and to emphasize the most effective ways of communicating in order to reach larger audiences;

Let's learn Chinese

So now that you know more about the meaning of 受众 in Chinese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Chinese.

Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.