What does 肉替代品 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 肉替代品 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 肉替代品 in Chinese.

The word 肉替代品 in Chinese means meat substitutes, meat analogues, synthetic meat. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 肉替代品

meat substitutes

meat analogues

synthetic meat

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In the ensuing discussion, several representatives commended the efforts of non‐Article 5 Parties to find alternatives but expressed concerns about the time frame for phasing out critical uses of methyl bromide.
With environmental externalities typically not reflected in prices, there is an inherent bias against investment in green sectors and it is hard for sustainable alternatives of products and services to compete.
Seed pulp is used in making beer, and oil can be extracted too.”
要 我 把 100 元 的 雞 賣 你 20 元 ?
Sell you chicken worth 100 for 20
· 全氟辛烷磺酸(和以全氟烃基磺酸盐为基础的化学品)仅能用于没有适当替代品的必要用途。
· PFOS (and PFAS-based chemicals) be used only for essential uses for which there is no suitable alternative.
Several representatives said that conducting ozone-depleting substance alternative surveys and technology reviews at the national level would greatly assist in assessing the availability and promoting the adoption of alternatives and providing information on the scale and nature of the challenge.
Level “2” – Substitutes Available and Commonly Used
Introducing the item, the Co-Chair drew attention to document UNEP/OzL.Pro.WG.1/35/2, which contained information on emissions and atmospheric abundances of HFCs from the 2014 Assessment by the Scientific Assessment Panel, and on HFC production and consumption from the report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel on alternatives to ozone-depleting substances, issued in October 2014.
Availability, suitability and implementation of the alternatives to these substances;
a) 限制(禁止)将氢氟碳化合物和全氟化碳用作臭氧消耗物质的替代品
a) Limitations (bans) on the use of certain HFCs and PFCs used as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances
你 吃 了 一整 塊 餡 糕 ?
A whole meat loaf?
An isolated but particularly violent confrontation took place on 12 April at Bangui’s main cattle market, involving ethnic Peulh cattle herders and Chadian meat traders, which left over 30 persons dead and many others wounded.
牠们被捕捉 身上的数以吨计地被贩售 这并不困难,因为当牠们一大群飞降地面时 会十分稠密地聚在一起 上百位猎人及网子此时一出动 就扑杀成千上百的旅鸽
These birds were hunted for meat that was sold by the ton, and it was easy to do because when those big flocks came down to the ground, they were so dense that hundreds of hunters and netters could show up and slaughter them by the tens of thousands.
因此有人开始问我们 “如果你们能制造人体部位 能否制造动物产品?例如和皮革”
And given this, we started getting questions like, "If you can grow human body parts, can you also grow animal products like meat and leather?"
FRC-based alternatives are relatively new to market and so have a limited history of use (WPC, 2014).
WHO is working with research partners to ensure that data on the safety and efficacy of alternatives to SP for both prevention and treatment are generated as a matter of urgency
He then presented the following observations regarding testing projects: current HAT project testing results (PRAHA, ORNL, AREP) were difficult to compare; the use of comparable testing parameters in future testing and field trials would be helpful in the assessment of results; there was a need for a comprehensive risk assessment of flammable alternatives during installation, servicing and decommissioning under HAT conditions; commercial availability of both new refrigerants and components for the optimization of R/AC equipment would affect the transition.
Another representative said that the Panel had overemphasized solutions that already existed and had given insufficient attention to the status of alternatives yet to be developed, including in the area of high ambient temperatures.
鸡是用谷物饲养的,然后长出 并吃更多的谷物继续成长, 然后用谷物油去炸。
The chicken is fed corn, and then its meat is ground up, and mixed with more corn products to add bulk and binder, and then it's fried in corn oil.
考虑到 在俄罗斯联邦航空业氟氯化碳 # 目前没有适当的已查明的替代品,而且正如技术和经济评估小组及其化学品技术选择委员会 # 年评估的报告所证实,寻求这种替代品的工作正在继续
Taking into consideration that adequate identified alternatives for chlorofluorocarbon # ( # ) do not currently exist for use in the aerospace industry of the Russian Federation and that the search for its alternatives continues, as confirmed in the # assessment report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee
The risk assessment assessed the feasibility of the substitution of chrysotile.
(a) 针对指导文件修订稿的评论意见,包括其中所提及的可能性替代品的健康与环境影响方面的其它信息;
(a) Comments on the revised guidance document, including additional information on the health and environmental effects of possible alternatives mentioned therein;
A number of alternatives have been suggested by RPA (2004).
技术和经济评估小组关于消耗臭氧物质的替代品的报告(第XXV/5号决定,第1 (a)至(c)分段):对关于不同行业和子行业的臭氧消耗物质替代品的信息进行更新;对臭氧消耗物质替代品目前和未来需求情况进行估算;以及对各种避免使用那些具有高全球升温潜能值的臭氧消耗物质替代品的设想方案所涉及的经济成本和影响及其环境惠益进行评估;
Report by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel on alternatives to ozone˗depleting substances (decision XXV/5, subparagraphs 1 (a)–(c)): updated information on alternatives to ozone-depleting substances in various sectors and subsectors; estimated current and future demand for alternatives to ozone-depleting substances; the economic costs and implications and environmental benefits of various scenarios of avoiding high-global-warming-potential alternatives to ozone-depleting substances;
FDLR often purchases ammunition through the exchange of bush meat, cannabis or minerals.

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.