What does 子宫颈 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 子宫颈 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 子宫颈 in Chinese.

The word 子宫颈 in Chinese means cervix, uterine cervix, uterus. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 子宫颈


noun (lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina)

But now her cervix thins, softens, and relaxes.

uterine cervix




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The reasons for not using contraception have to do with the desire to have children (20%), fear of secondary effects (15%), menopause and hysterectomy (14%), and religious prohibitions.
Sustainable elimination of violence against women and girls must begin where the violence begins — in the womb.
A mother told me how she held her two-year-old daughter in her arms as the child was wilfully shot in the neck by an armed man despite her repeated begging to spare her daughter.
Four men kill Asha and shoot Grey in the neck, severing his spinal cord.
Moreover, since cloned embryos would be indistinguishable from embryos created by in vitro fertilization and could regularly be implanted into wombs and brought to birth, it would be practicably impossible to enforce the prohibition of one type of cloning while permitting another
“diddley bow”被認為是瓶風格的祖先之一。
The "diddley bow" is believed to be one of the ancestors of the bottleneck style.
估算受感染儿童的存活率 # 时顾及获得儿科治疗机会的差异。 在《 # 年修订本》中,感染艾滋病毒的儿童被分为两组(a) 子宫内感染的儿童。 这些儿童发病迅速,平均存活时间定为 # 年;(b) 出生后母乳喂养感染的儿童。 这些儿童发病缓慢,在未经治疗的情况下,平均存活时间定为 # 年。
The survivorship of infected children # takes account of varying access to paediatric treatment # n the # evision, HIV-infected children are divided into two groups: (a) those infected in utero, among whom the disease progresses rapidly and whose average survival is set at # years and (b) those infected through breastfeeding after birth, among whom the disease progresses slowly and whose average survival is set at # years without treatment
It proved to be the high-quality source of artificial light that the world eagerly awaited.
最后 我 做 了 子宫 切除术 。
And then eventually I had a hysterectomy.
它运用这种灵活性 可以迂回阴道 直接把精子储存在异性的子宫里 更别说这是一个非常大的阴茎
And it uses this dexterity to bypass the vagina altogether and deposit sperm directly into the female's uterus, not to mention it's a pretty good size.
Since endometriosis is a hormonal and immune system disease, there are other things besides medication that help my body find its balance.
特别报告员特别感到关切的和他希望提请注意的一项问题就是体罚。 # 特别报告员从担任这项任务以来,就一直都在转递一些对施行断肢、石刑、掐、挖眼、笞刑和殴打等体罚的国家的指控。
An issue that is of particular concern to the Special Rapporteur which he would like to draw attention to is corporal punishment # ince assuming the mandate, the Special Rapporteur has intervened by transmitting communications in response to allegations in a number of countries involving corporal punishment, such as amputation, stoning, strangulation, eye-gouging, flogging, and beating
In Bangladesh and Nepal, UNFPA has supported efforts to treat women who suffer from pregnancy-related disabilities, such as obstetric fistula and uterine prolapse
Ephesian Artemis, the fertility goddess; griffins surround the head, and signs of the zodiac appear below a garland around the neck
One youth told Human Rights Watch that military police aimed tear gas canisters directly at him; he had burns, blisters, bruises, and cuts over his face, neck, abdomen, arms, and legs.
The treatment was given once every day and continuous six sessions made one course.
The Australian and state and territory governments continue to publicise and reinforce the importance of regular Pap smears to ensure early detection of cervical cancer and precancerous cervical abnormalities
Uterotonics and related supplies were generally available onsite.
I had done something wrong.
In the past, the fillrate has been used as an indicator of performance by video card manufacturers such as ATI and NVIDIA, however, the importance of the fillrate as a measurement of performance has declined as the bottleneck in graphics applications has shifted.
最新的信息显示,硫丹模仿非子宫雌二醇的作用过程,从而巩固了以下的假设:硫丹是常见的异雌激素(Varayoud等人 # 年),通过细胞膜雌激素受体-α作用于垂体细胞,并可引发钙离子通过L型通道涌入,从而导致分泌催乳激素(Watson等人 # 年),此外,硫丹还可阻碍孕激素(Chatterjee等人 # 年)。
Recent information indicates that endosulfan mimics non-uterotrophic E actions, strengthening the hypothesis that endosulfan is a widespread xenoestrogen (Varayoud et al # ), acts via a membrane version of the estrogen receptor-α on pituitary cells and can provoke Ca++ influx via L-type channels, leading to prolactin (PRL) secretion (Watson et al # ), and is also anti-progestative (Chatterjee et al
2003年,布宜诺斯艾利斯自治市通过了第1 044号法:关于与生命不相容的怀孕,规定如果孕妇腹中的胎儿患有与子宫外生活不相容的疾病,可以在布宜诺斯艾利斯自治市的公立医院进行提前分娩手术。
The autonomous city of Buenos Aires adopted Act No. 1.044 of 2003 on pregnancies incompatible with life, by means of which pregnant women with a foetus suffering from a disease incompatible with life outside the womb will be able to terminate the pregnancy in public hospitals in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires.
Disclosed is a head fixation device for a horizontal human vertebral traction system, comprising a base (1) and a corrugated pillow bearing body (2) which are fastened together, wherein a concave neck pillow position (2.1) for supporting a human neck is arranged on the pillow bearing body (2).
现正在执行“将堕胎并发症的治疗纳入计划生育医疗体系的试验”计划,该计划的实施意味着子宫内手工吸引术得到正式承认。 堕胎并发症目前在有关卫生机构得到了及时治疗。
As an outgrowth of the project “Trials of a hospital-based model for combining complications from miscarriages with family planning”, and following the introduction of protocols for manual endouterine aspiration (MVA), complications arising from miscarriages are being treated in health establishments as promptly as occasion demands, and to this end the hospitals are developing several different strategies.
This means that medical problems develop that are difficult to cure, such as infections, genital trauma, perforation of the uterus and intestines and, sometimes, sterility.

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.