What does 同事 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 同事 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 同事 in Chinese.

The word 同事 in Chinese means colleague, coworker, associate. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 同事


noun (fellow member of a profession)

He and a colleague who went to China later translated The New Testament into Chinese.


noun (somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate)

This clothing is my coworker's, not mine.


noun (person united with another or others in an act, enterprise, or business; a partner or colleague)

嘿 , 派克 警長 , 就 像 我 跟 你 同事 說 的 我們 沒 有 殺 人
Sheriff Pike, like I told your associate, we didn't kill nobody.

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But I believe that, since paragraph 4 states that the Disarmament Commission did not hold any substantive meetings in 2005, perhaps in paragraph 7 we could shorten the wording proposed by our colleague from the United Kingdom, so that the paragraph would begin:
Nevertheless, like my Singaporean colleague, I would point out that the mere presence of the United Nations on the ground will create a sense of expectation to which we must be ready to respond as developments unfold.
She was then received by the President of the Court, Judge Rosalyn Higgins, who presented to her a number of colleagues on the Bench and showed her the Court's deliberation room
“One of my colleagues told me, ‘Eugene, you saved our reputation!’
我们因其他代表团中的同事的支持和合作而受益。 我们在一种和谐的气氛中工作。
We have benefited from the support and cooperation of our colleagues from other delegations and we have worked in a cordial atmosphere, which you were able to create and maintain, Mr.
首先,尽管根据小组委员会第 # 号决定案文的规定他并不一定非这样做,但任命的特别报告员仍准备在小组委员会将于 # 年 # 月举行的下届会议上提出到那时为止已进行的研究结果,由他的同事们进行正式审议;他将在经社理事会批准他进行这项研究后立即开始这项工作。
In the first place, and in spite of the fact that he is not obliged to do so by the terms of the text of decision # of the Sub-Commission, the appointed Special Rapporteur proposes to submit for formal consideration by his colleagues on the Sub-Commission, at the forthcoming session to be held in August # the results of the research done up until that time; he will start on that task as soon as the Council authorizes him to undertake the study. He proposes thereby
In this respect, like my colleague from Bangladesh, we deplore the proclamation of autonomy by the nationalists Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and we hope that they will reconsider their decision in the light of the Peace Agreements
We will miss both of these colleagues.
As you have already stated, Mr. President, I had the honour to co-lead that segment with my colleague, the Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom
我 翻了 翻 公司 通?? 录 打了 几??? 话找到 一? 个 同事 捎 我 去 上班
I looked through the company directory and I made some phone calls-- I got a guy from work to take me
这次运动使用了丹麦语和 # 种外语(英语、索马里语、土耳其语和阿拉伯语),是丹麦有史以来此类运动中最大的一次,旨在使受害妇女意识到各种支助方式,帮助打破有关对妇女暴力的一般禁忌,鼓励人们不再对同事、邻居或家庭成员所遭遇的暴力熟视无睹。
Launched in Danish and four foreign languages (English, Somali, Turkish and Arabic), the campaign, the largest ever of its kind in Denmark, should make battered women aware of the support options, as well as help break the general taboo surrounding violence against women and encourage people not to close their eyes to the violence perpetrated on their colleagues, neighbours or family members
Since I believe that my remarks during the informal conference may be of interest to colleagues here in Geneva, I have asked that the statement which I made on 29 May be distributed as a document of the Conference on Disarmament.
I should like, through you, Sir, and my colleagues, to convey my gratitude to the Panel of Experts for their contributions.
因此,联合国大学在《 # 年战略计划》中重视主动加强同联合国系统各位同事--秘书长办公室、秘书处、教科文组织、开发计划署、粮农组织、气象组织及许多其他机构中的同事--的联系。
Therefore, in the Strategic Plan # put priority on proactively strengthening its links with colleagues in the United Nations system- in the Office of the Secretary-General, the Secretariat, UNESCO, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), FAO, WMO and many others
Our colleague is certainly aware of our unequivocal condemnation of terrorism in all its forms, as well as of suicide bombings; we have expressed that position in many statements, both here and elsewhere
Fifteen years later, he and his associate published a report of more than 500 cardiac surgeries in this population, documenting that cardiac surgery could be safely performed without blood transfusion.
With respect to the final sentence, he agreed with other colleagues regarding the need to amend the phrase “some rules”.
The Special Rapporteur expressed concern at the pervasive violations of the human rights of women and girls that continue to be perpetrated with impunity and joined her peers in reiterating the call on the Human Rights Council to consider the establishment of a special procedures country-specific mandate.
You will never know how much your interest in what we do means to us and to our colleagues around the world.
In the staff survey, most state that the lines of reporting are excellent and the approach used to address tasks, particularly those requiring joint decisions among colleagues, is based on interactive exchange
In 2009, Xu was forced to disband the Open Constitution Initiative, the legal aid center he helped set up, after police detained him and a co-worker in a trumped-up case of tax evasion.
基玛·格雷戈斯(Kima Greggs,宋雅·孙(英语:Sonja Sohn)饰演)是一位能力出众的警探,但她既受到同事的嫉妒,又要平复女友对其人身安全的担忧。
Kima Greggs (Sonja Sohn) was a capable lead detective who faced jealousy from colleagues and worry about the dangers of her job from her domestic partner.
We are all aware - and our colleague from Malaysia has stressed this point - that there has been no lack of proposals and initiatives but none of them so far has led us to a breakthrough.
However, it needs to be stressed, particularly to our colleagues in the DPKO office, that time is essential
Mr. Kitaoka (Japan): I would like to join colleagues in thanking Under-Secretary-General Gambari for his briefing

Let's learn Chinese

So now that you know more about the meaning of 同事 in Chinese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Chinese.

Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.