What does berselang-seling in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word berselang-seling in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use berselang-seling in Indonesian.

The word berselang-seling in Indonesian means alternate, take turns. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word berselang-seling



Dengan demikian, bumi yang berputar mulai memiliki malam dan siang yang berselang-seling.
The rotating earth thus began to have alternating day and night.

take turns


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Oniks memiliki lapisan-lapisan putih yang berselang-seling dengan lapisan hitam, cokelat, merah, abu-abu, atau hijau.
The onyx has white layers alternating with black, brown, red, gray, or green.
Di bagian belakang SuperDome ada Stadion Olimpiade beratap melingkar yang memancarkan sinar berselang-seling.
Dominating the skyline behind the SuperDome are the sweeping curves and interlaced beams of the Olympic Stadium.
Dengan demikian, bumi yang berputar mulai memiliki malam dan siang yang berselang-seling.
The rotating earth thus began to have alternating day and night.
Kadang-kadang kayu dipasang berselang-seling dengan batu-batu bata.
Wood was at times interspersed with the bricks.
Peperangan yang berselang-seling terus berlanjut sampai tahun 1817.
Intermittent warfare continued until 1817.
○ Artritis, berselang-seling atau kronis
○ Arthritis, intermittent or chronic
Pemandangan ladang-ladang pertanian berganti menjadi padang rumput yang diselang-selingi pohon kayu putih.
Cultivated fields gave way to grassy plains dotted with eucalyptus trees.
Tapi warna mereka mestinya selang- seling
But they ought to alternate colors
Selama tidur malam yang sehat, tidur REM muncul beberapa kali, berselang-seling dengan tidur non-REM.
During a healthy night’s sleep, REM sleep occurs several times, alternating with non-REM sleep.
Pada setiap cabang terdapat tiga cawan yang diselang-seling dengan kenop-kenop.
The branches each had three cups, with knobs and flowers alternating.
Apakah helai daunnya muncul selang-seling pada kedua sisi batang, menghasilkan dua susunan vertikal?
Do successive blades arise on opposite sides of the stem, creating two vertical rows?
Dengan pergerakan maju berselang-seling ini, rahang binatang itu benar-benar tampak seperti merayapi mangsanya.
With this alternating forward movement, the animal’s jaw seems indeed to be walking over the prey.
Waktu pengambilan dan rute kendaraan diselang-seling.
They vary the times, vehicle routes.
Dolomit adalah karbonat ganda, memiliki susunan struktural kalsium dan magnesium yang berselang-seling.
Dolomite is a double carbonate, having an alternating structural arrangement of calcium and magnesium ions.
Untuk setiap periode dua bulan itu, dua kepala pasukan bertugas berselang-seling setiap hari.—Lihat BALA TENTARA (Romawi).
For each two-month period, two tribunes served on alternate days. —See ARMY (Roman).
Lapisan dentin yang tumpang tindih, dengan gradasi warna yang berselang-seling, menambah keindahan tersendiri dalam penggunaannya.
The intersecting layers of dentin, alternating in shade, add to its utility a beauty all its own.
Kita tempatkan tenaga matahari terkonsentrasi yang berselang- seling.
We'd have concentrated solar power plants at intervals along the way.
Tapi warna mereka mestinya selang-seling.
But they ought to alternate colors.
Yang lain mendapati selang-seling antara panas dan dingin bersifat meremajakan sehingga lebih suka melakukannya pada siang hari.
Others find that alternating between hot and cold is rejuvenating and thus prefer it during the day.
Dalam senyawa siklik ini, tiga unit BH dan tiga unit NH berselang-seling.
In this cyclic compound, the three BH units and three NH units alternate.
Puasa selang-seling -- memberi jarak antara waktu makan -- akan meningkatkan neurogenesis.
Intermittent fasting -- spacing the time between your meals -- will increase neurogenesis.
34 Pasang satu lonceng emas dan satu delima, berselang-seling di sekeliling bagian bawah rompi.
34 You should alternate a bell of gold and a pomegranate, a bell of gold and a pomegranate, all around the hem of the sleeveless coat.
Periode ini berselang-seling dengan tidur non-REM.
This alternates with non-REM sleep.
Benang pakan dimasukkan berselang-seling, ke atas dan ke bawah benang lungsin.
The woof threads are woven alternately over and under the warp threads.
Batang utamanya dihiasi empat cawan pahatan berbentuk bunga badam, dan bunga-bunga itu diselang-seling dengan kenop-kenop.
The central shaft, or stem, was decorated with four sculptured cups shaped like almond flowers, with knobs and flower blossoms alternating.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.