What does narsis in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word narsis in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use narsis in Indonesian.

The word narsis in Indonesian means daffodil, narcissus. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word narsis


noun (flower)

Tidak ada yang lebih buruk dari bunga narsis yang sudah mekar.
Nothing worse than a daffodil that's had work done.



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Mungkin kau seorang narsis yang tak bisa mencintai.
Maybe you're a narcissist who can't love.
Dia mengingatkanku pada saat masa mudamu kurus seperti jarum dengan sifat kenarsisannya.
She rather reminds me of you in your youth, thin as a pin with a dreadful case of the " me, me, mes. "
Juga memiliki narsis-egosentris gangguan.
Also has a narcissist-egocentric disorder.
Kualifikasi Anda dinyatakan sempurna, dan seluruh laporan adalah stroke tegas mencengkeram dari egomania narsis Anda. PAIGE:
Your qualifications were stated perfectly, and the entire report was a firmly gripped stroke of your narcissistic egomania.
Pembohong dan sangat Narsis
Seductive, manipulative.
Sayangnya, saya kira banyak ahli saraf dan kita semua agak narsis.
So I think, unfortunately, a lot of neuroscientists, we're all somewhat narcissistic.
Kau ini sungguh narsis.
You're helpless.
Tidak, aku persembahkan hidupku membantu gadis remaja yang narsis.
No, I'm dedicating my life to helping out narcissistic teenage girls.
Dia seorang yg narsis juga.
He's a narcissist.
Gadis yang sangat bergantung, tak setia gadis tertekan, gadis yang narsis abis, gadis palsu.
Women codependent, infiéis, deprimidas, narcisistas, falsas.
Sakit apa kau, kok jadi narsis begini?
What kind of a sick, narcissistic fuck are you?
Nah, aku tak akan membiarkan narsis itu merusak kreasiku untuk meningkatkan kepopulerannya.
Well, I'm not going to let that bloviating narcissist knock my creation down just to build himself up.
Cinta di dalam kelompok jenis narsis yang paling buruk.
Love inside a cluster is the worst kind of narcissism.
Kamu bisa dianggap kebelet perhatian dan ”narsis”.
They make you appear desperate and self-absorbed.
Dan masyarakat memanggilku narsis.
And people calling me a narcissistic asshole.
Percaya padaku, aku tahu orang narsis ketika melihatnya.
Trust me, I know a narcissist when I see one.
Walau dia tahu, dia tak akan memberitahu kita, sebab ia orang narsis.
He wouldn't tell us if he did,'cause he's a narcissist.
Kami dikenal penuntut dan ke-narsis-an kami.
We are known for our entitlement and narcissism.
Dan nilai saya pada Indeks Kepribadian Narsis atau NPI-16 adalah sebuah angka yang bagus, 0.31.
And my score on the Narcissism Personality Index, or the NPI-16, is a reassuring 0.31.
Ada yang mengatakan apa yang Paul tidak tahu hal yang bisa menyakitinya, di bagian lain, kurasa aku terlalu narsis jika aku katakan padanya.
Well, you know, there's the school of thought that says what Paul doesn't know won't hurt him, and on some level, I guess it's almost narcissistic if I do tell him.
Sale egois narsis.
Self-centered narcissist.
Bisakah kau menguraikannya, orang narsis yang rapuh?
Can you decipher that, you fragile narcissist?
Aku tak menghukum kamu, Kau terlalu narsis!
I'm not punishing you, you narcissistic asshole!
Tapi di masa Twitter, para murid meng-upload foto TKP ke Instagram, dan mem-posting status narsis di facabook tentang dimana mereka sedang berada ketika pembunuhan terjadi bahkan sebelum polisi tiba di TKP.
But in the age of Twitter, students were Instagramming pictures of the crime scene and posting narcissistic Facebook posts about where they were when it happened before the police even arrived.

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of narsis in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.