What does kepala pemerintahan in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word kepala pemerintahan in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kepala pemerintahan in Indonesian.

The word kepala pemerintahan in Indonesian means head of government. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word kepala pemerintahan

head of government

noun (chief officer of the executive branch of a government)

Selama ribuan tahun, dalam sejarah Cina, kita orang-orang tidak pernah menerima kesempatan untuk memilih kepala pemerintahan.
For thousands of years in Chinese history, we the people never received the opportunity to elect the head of government.

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Abhi, Anda kepala pemerintah negara ini.
Abhi, you head the government of this country.
Bettel menjadi kepala pemerintahan Uni Eropa pertama yang menikah sesama jenis.
Bettel became the first European Union head of government to marry a same sex partner.
Gubernur adalah kepala pemerintahan negara bagian de jure; semua tindakan eksekutifnya diambil dalam nama gubernur.
The governor is de jure head of the state government; all its executive actions are taken in the governor's name.
Tanggal 26 Maret 2014, Merkel secara resmi menjadi kepala pemerintahan petahana dengan masa jabatan terlama di Uni Eropa.
On 26 March 2014, Merkel became the longest-serving incumbent head of government in the European Union.
Sebelum 1876, saat di mana jabatan Perdana Menteri dimulai, Swedia tidak mempunyai kepala pemerintahan resmi.
Before 1876, when the office of a single prime minister was created, Sweden did not have a head of government separate from the King.
Ketua Menteri Uttar Pradesh (UP), sebuah negara bagian India Utara, adalah kepala Pemerintahan Uttar Pradesh.
Thee Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh (UP), a North Indian state, is the head of the Government of Uttar Pradesh.
Kaisar adalah kepala pemerintahan tertinggi.
The emperor was the supreme head of government.
Dokumen yang sama juga menunjuk Joseph Goebbels sebagai Kepala Pemerintahan dengan titel Reichskanzler (Kanselir).
The same document named Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels as Head of Government with the title of Reichskanzler (Chancellor).
Sistem ini selanjutnya dikendalikan oleh Komite Sentral, yang selain itu juga mendukung kepala negara sebagai kepala pemerintahan.
This system was further controlled by the Central Committee, which additionally supported the state chairman who was considered the head of the government.
Perdana Menteri Persemakmuran Australia adalah kepala pemerintahan di Australia.
The Prime Minister of Australia is the head of government of Australia.
Ini adalah demokrasi konstitusional, presiden memenuhi peran kedua kepala negara dan kepala pemerintahan.
It is a constitutional democracy, where the president fulfills the roles of both head of state and head of government.
Asisten utamanya adalah Vidkun Quisling, kelak kolaborator Nazi dan kepala pemerintahan boneka Norwegia pada masa Perang Dunia Kedua.
His main assistant in this endeavour was Vidkun Quisling, the future Nazi collaborator and head of a Norwegian puppet government during the Second World War.
Kepala pemerintah pemerintah federal Konfederasi Jerman Utara yang diciptakan pada 1 Juli 1867 bergelar Bundeskanzler.
The head of the federal government of the North German Confederation, which was created on 1 July 1867, had the title Bundeskanzler.
Perdana Menteri Senegal adalah kepala pemerintahan Senegal.
The Prime Minister of Senegal is the head of government of Senegal.
Saya mendengar bahwa banyak Saksi telah dipindahkan ke perladangan milik Trujillo, sang kepala pemerintah.
Many of the Witnesses, I learned, had been transferred to a farm that belonged to Trujillo, the head of the government.
Perdana Menteri Vanuatu adalah kepala pemerintahan Republik Vanuatu.
The Prime Minister of Vanuatu is the head of government of the Republic of Vanuatu.
Setelah kami memasang proyektor dan cassete recorder di aula, perwira kepala memerintahkan semua tentara masuk.
After we set up the projector and cassette player in the mess hall, the commanding officer ordered all the soldiers in.
Ketua Menteri Punjab, sebuah negara bagian utara India, adalah kepala Pemerintahan Punjab.
The Chief Minister of Punjab, a north Indian state, is the head of the Government of Punjab.
Wang menjadi kepala pemerintahan boneka Jepang ini hingga ia meninggal sebelum berakhirnya Perang Dunia II.
Wang served as the head of state for this Japanese puppet government until he died, shortly before the end of World War II.
Ini adalah daftar kepala pemerintahan dalam negara Yunani modern, dari pendiriannya pada Revolusi Yunani hingga hari ini.
This is a list of the heads of government of the modern Greek state, from its establishment during the Greek Revolution to the present day.
Sebuah daftar Wali kota dan Kepala Pemerintahan kota Buenos Aires, ibukota Argentina, sejak menjadi bagian dari negara federalisasi.
A list of Mayors and Chiefs of Government of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina's capital, since its federalization.
Perdana Menteri adalah Kepala Pemerintahan Iran.
Prime Minister was the head of government of Iran.
Lebih dari 100 kepala negara, kepala pemerintahan dan berdaulat hadir di upacara pembukaan tersebut.
More than 100 heads of state, heads of government and sovereigns attended the opening ceremony.
Sebelum Konstitusi 1937 diberlakukan, kepala pemerintahan disebut Presiden Dewan Eksekutif.
Before the enactment of the 1937 Constitution, the head of government was referred to as the President of the Executive Council.
Setelah menjabat, Skerrit menjadi kepala pemerintahan termuda di dunia, melebihi Joseph Kabila dari Republik Demokratik Kongo.
Upon taking office Skerrit became the world's youngest head of government, surpassing Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.