What does dataran rendah in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word dataran rendah in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use dataran rendah in Indonesian.

The word dataran rendah in Indonesian means lowland, champaign, field. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word dataran rendah



Dia sedang digiring rombongan saudagar melintasi dataran rendah delta sungai Nil yang luas.
He was being led by a caravan of traders now traversing the lowlands of the vast Nile delta.





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Hanya 13.05% bagian dari Kabupaten yang terletak di dataran rendah dengan ketinggian dari nol hingga 200 meter.
It is only 13.05% of the region of where its low-lying areas are elevated from zero to 200 metres.
Seluruh wilayah Dataran Rendah Polandia, termasuk Kraków dan Sandomierz, jatuh ke tangan Suku Mongol.
All of Lesser Poland, including Kraków and Sandomierz, fell into the hands of the Mongols.
Alhasil, gunung menjadi tempat suaka bagi fauna dan flora yang mungkin telah punah di dataran rendah.
As a result, mountains have become a sanctuary for fauna and flora that may have already disappeared in the lowlands.
Akibat menyerahnya Luksemburg, Prancis dapat mencaplok wilayah selatan Negara-Negara Dataran Rendah.
The conquest of Luxembourg opened the way for French rule over the southern parts of the Low Countries.
Jalur lembah ini, Dataran Rendah Yizreel, lebarnya kira-kira 3,2 kilometer dan panjangnya hampir 19 kilometer.
This valley corridor, the Plain of Jezreel, is about 2 miles [3.2 km] wide and covers a distance of nearly 12 miles [19 km].
Serangan bangsa Tatar pada abad ke-13 menunjukkan bahwa wilayah dataran rendah sulit untuk dipertahankan.
The Tatar invasion in the 13th century quickly proved it is difficult to defend a plain.
Ada dua subspesies bison Eropa —bison Eropa dataran rendah dan bison Kaukasia atau bison pegunungan.
There are two subspecies of the European bison —the lowland European bison and the Caucasian, or mountain, bison.
Daerah kotamadya sepenuhnya berada di dataran rendah, dilintasi oleh arus Crostolo.
The comune's territory is totally on a plain, crossed by the Crostolo stream.
Tanah steril setidaknya telah bukti terhadap degenerasi dataran rendah.
The sterile soil would at least have been proof against a low- land degeneracy.
12 Berhadap-hadapan dengan Gorila Dataran Rendah
12 Face-to-Face With Lowland Gorillas
Terdapat sejumlah trek dari Dataran Rendah ke Dataran Tinggi sejak masa prasejarah.
There have been trackways from the Lowlands to the Highlands since prehistoric times.
Ia mengambil satu-satunya keputusan yang mungkin: kerja sama yang erat dengan sepupunya dari Dataran Rendah Silesia.
He took the only possible decision: close cooperation with his Lower Silesian cousin.
Buaya Nil ditemukan dalam jumlah yang besar di dataran rendah.
Nile crocodiles are found in great abundance on the flats.
Daerah di utara bergunung-gunung, yang bergerak ke selatan, memberi jalan menuju dataran rendah yang panas dan kering.
The terrain in the north is mountainous, which, moving south, gives way to a hot, dry central plain.
Tikal menjadi sekutu dan mitra dagang Teotihuacan yang penting di dataran rendah Maya.
Tikal became the key ally and trading partner of Teotihuacan in the Maya lowlands.
10 Dataran Rendah Yizreel membentang ke arah tenggara menuju Sungai Yordan.
10 The Low Plain of Jezreel drains southeasterly toward the Jordan.
Sintuk berbentuk dataran rendah dan ada pula yang berbukit.
The hindwings are fuscous and thinly scaled.
Pusat sumbu, yang dibentuk oleh Divisi dataran rendah ke-52 , yang bertujuan untuk menguasai Heinsberg.
The centre axis, formed by the 52nd Lowland Division, was aimed at the capture of Heinsberg.
5 Selanjutnya, bangsa Israel mendaki dari dataran rendah dekat Sungai Yordan menuju perbukitan di bagian tengah kawasan itu.
5 Next, Israel ascended from the lowlands near the river into the central hills of the region.
Posisinya membantunya mendominasi perdagangan sungai dari Dataran Rendah Indo-Gangga selama periode kekaisaran awal Magadha.
Its position helped it dominate the riverine trade of the Indo-Gangetic plains during Magadha's early imperial period.
4200-3000 SM membawa budaya Proto-Indo-Eropa kuno ke dataran rendah lembah Donau, Anatolia, dan wilayah Altai.
4200–3000 BCE brought archaic proto-Indo-European into the lower Danube valley, Anatolia, and the Altai region.
Pada bulan ini, panen barli telah mencapai daerah perbukitan dan panen gandum sedang berlangsung di dataran-dataran rendah.
By this month the barley harvest has reached up into the hill country and the wheat harvest is under way in the lowlands.
Kawasan pantai selatan Jawa Tengah juga memiliki dataran rendah yang sempit, dengan lebar 10–25 km.
The area of the south coast of Central Java also has a narrow lowland, with a width of 10-25 km.
Namun, di dataran rendah yang beriklim tropis, kota-kota dipisahkan oleh hamparan hutan yang sangat luas.
In the tropical lowlands, however, towns are isolated by vast stretches of forest.
Kata Ibrani untuk dataran rendah yang panjang, atau lembah, adalah ʽeʹmeq.
A long low plain, or valley, was designated in Hebrew ʽeʹmeq.

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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.