What does senam in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word senam in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use senam in Indonesian.

The word senam in Indonesian means gymnastics, gym, calisthenics. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word senam


noun (sport)

Bagaimana kalau tiga pesenam kesayanganku ikut piknik santai denganku?
How would my three favorite gymnasts like to join me for a relaxing picnic?


verb noun

Guru senam Tom adalah pelatih basket Mary.
Tom's gym teacher is Mary's basketball coach.



Saya lakukan senam di pagi hari dan, seperti, brainteasers kecil sebelum tidur.
I do calisthenics in the morning, and I do brain teasers at night.

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Masa kau lupa waktu kita sama# di belakang ruang senam merokok waktu istirahat
Like you don' t remember all of us behind the gym on a smoke break
Karena berbakat, saya segera memenangkan berbagai piala serta penghargaan karena keterampilan dalam sepak bola dan senam.
Blessed with natural ability, I was soon winning awards and praise for my skills in soccer and gymnastics.
" Gymnastic Launching Innovative Spy Stick. " ( Tongkat Mata-mata Senam Inovatif )
A Gymnastic Launching Innovative Spy Stick.
17 Kita pun harus melatih diri seperti seorang pesenam dalam pengertian rohani, jika kita ingin merasa yakin bahwa keputusan dan pilihan yang kita buat selalu bijaksana.
17 We too must be trained like a gymnast, spiritually speaking, if we want to be sure that the decisions and choices we make are always sound.
Digunakan untuk menjadi pesenam Olimpiade, mengembuskan lututnya.
Used to be an Olympic gymnast, blew out his knee.
Hingga sejumlah 80.000 pesenam tampil di arena yang luas.
Up to eighty thousand gymnasts perform in a vast floor display.
Ibukota Yerevan memiliki berbagai sekolah senam artistik negeri yang seperti Albert Azaryan School yang dibuka pada tahun 1964 dan Hrant Shahinyan School yang dibuka pada tahun 1965.
The capital Yerevan has many state-owned schools of artistic gymnastics, including the Albert Azaryan School opened in 1964 and the Hrant Shahinyan School opened in 1965.
Senam sangat penting, karena ternyata dapat memulihkan endorfin yang terkuras akibat rasa sakit yang kronis.
Exercise is vital, since it has been found to restore endorphins depleted by chronic pain.
Ketika Anda berada dengan seseorang, senam aren apos; t apa masalahnya.
When you're with someone, the gymnastics aren't what matter.
Seni bela diri berbasis senam.
It's a gymnastics-based martial art.
Di bawah bimbingannya, para pesenam wanita Soviet berhasil meraih medali emas dalam Olimpiade 1968, 1972 dan 1976.
Under her coaching the Soviet women won team gold in the 1968, 1972 and 1976 Olympics.
Ada yang menyalin huruf-huruf alfabet, ada yang menggambar, membaca buku, bahkan ada yang bersenam.
Some copied letters of the alphabet, some drew pictures, some read books, and some even did calisthenics.
Pada skuat ini, Henman berlatih tiga jam sehari: dua jam bermain tenis dan menerima saran dari Donald Watt, dan jam terakhir digunakannya untuk senam dan mempelajari tentang permainan itu.
In the squad, Henman worked on tennis three hours a day: two hours playing tennis and receiving advice from Donald Watt, and the last hour on gymnastics and learning about the game.
Selain sebagai rumah bagi sejumlah fasilitas olahraga, kompleks olahraga ini juga merupakan tempat yang populer bagi masyarakat Jakarta untuk melakukan latihan fisik; joging, bersepeda, aerobik, dan senam khususnya saat akhir pekan.
Other than hosting numbers of sports facilities, the sports complex is also a popular place for people of Jakarta to do physical exercises; jogging, bicycling, aerobics and calisthenics especially during weekend.
Melihat penghinaan dan kekejian yang dilakukan oleh Napoleon terhadap masyarakat pribumi di tanah airnya, Jahn pun mendapatkan ide untuk melatih mental dan kekuatan para warga di daerahnya untuk berlatih senam.
Brooding upon what he saw as the humiliation of his native land by Napoleon, Jahn conceived the idea of restoring the spirits of his countrymen by the development of their physical and moral powers through the practice of gymnastics.
Pada tanggal 28 Februari Konser Sechs Kies di Seoul diadakan di Arena Senam Olimpiade; tiket konser tersebut dilaporkan terjual habis dalam beberapa jam saja.
On February 28, Sechs Kies's Seoul Concert was held in Olympic Gymnastics Arena; tickets were reportedly sold out within a few hours.
Masa kau lupa waktu kita sama2 di belakang ruang senam merokok waktu istirahat.
Like you don't remember all of us behind the gym on a smoke break.
Baru minggu lalu, tiga pesenam Fort Wayne harus mengamputasi anggota tubuhnya!
Why, just last week, three Fort Wayne gymnasts had to have their junk amputated!
Diketahui bahwa kelompok masyarakat bernama Sohibul Khair menyelenggarakan aktivitas seperti senam pagi dan berbincang mengenai hidup sehat pada usia tua.
It is noted for its senior citizens group called Sohibul Khair which organizes activities such as morning exercise and talks on living a healthy old age.
Apakah kau melihat betapa rutinitas gila senam mereka ini?
You see the crazy shit those gymnasts do.
Misalnya, Indonesia telah mengirimkan petinju, pemain voli, dan pesenamnya untuk dilatih di Kuba.
For example, Indonesia has sent their boxers, volleyball players and gymnasts to be trained in Cuba.
Sekilas seperti rangkaian jurus di perguruan pencak silat pada umumnya, namun Senam Kombinasi bukanlah rangkaian yang perlu dihafalkan sebagaimana jurus di perguruan pencak silat pada umumnya.
At first glance like a series of jurus in the pencak silat in general, but Senam Kombinasi is not a series of moves that need to be memorized as jurus in other pencak silat style.
Pesenam putra tampil di dua buah paling yang sedikit lebih lebar dari lebar bahu dan biasanya mempunyai tinggi 1.75 m sementara melakukan sejumlah seri ayunan, keseimbangan, gerakan pelepasan dari alat (release) yang membutuhkan kekuatan dan keseimbangan yang baik.
Parallel bars Men perform on two bars slightly further than a shoulder's width apart and usually 1.75 m (5.7 ft) high while executing a series of swings, balances, and releases that require great strength and coordination.
Pollack mengamati bahwa di bawah pengaruh industri hiburan, banyak kaum muda ”menghabiskan tak terhitung banyaknya waktu untuk berdiet, mengangkat beban, dan melakukan senam aerobik, semuanya dalam upaya mengubah ukuran dan bentuk tubuh mereka”.
Pollack observes that under the influence of the entertainment industry, many young people “are spending countless hours dieting, pumping iron, and doing aerobic exercise, all in an effort to transform the size and shape of their bodies.”
Buku Women Coming of Age menyatakan bahwa ”senam aerobik dalam ruangan, berjalan kaki, lari, bersepeda serta olahraga aerobik lainnya, maupun olahraga menggunakan beban” yang dilakukan dengan sepatutnya, dianggap sangat baik.
The book Women Coming of Age states that “properly performed studio aerobics, walking, running, cycling and other aerobic sports, as well as weight- training,” are thought to be especially good.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.