What does melekat in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word melekat in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use melekat in Indonesian.

The word melekat in Indonesian means adhere, cling, cleave. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word melekat


verb (To stick fast or cleave)

Bahwa air yang melekat pada ujung jari seseorang tidak menguap meskipun ada api di Hades.
That the water adhering to one’s fingertip is not evaporated by the fire of Hades.



Dan kamu tidak dapat mempertahankan melekat pada ke ingatan dari ayah.
And you can't keep clinging on to the memories of dad.



Sang pemazmur menulis, ”Jiwaku melekat pada debu.
The psalmist wrote: “My soul has been cleaving to the very dust.

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Ketika aku pingsan, aku butuh kau untuk mengawasi tangan dan wajahku dg lekat.
When I'm out, I need you to watch my hands and face closely.
Sekarang kita mendapati bahwa alasan pasti yang dinyatakan oleh nabi ini [Yesaya], mengapa mereka tidak mau menerima Mesias, adalah, karena mereka tidak atau tidak mau mengerti, dan melihat, mereka tidak memahami; ‘Sebab hati bangsa ini telah menebal, dan telinganya berat mendengar, dan matanya melekat tertutup; supaya jangan mereka melihat dengan matanya dan mendengar dengan telinganya dan mengerti dengan hatinya, lalu berbalik sehingga Aku menyembuhkan mereka’ [Matius 13:15].
“Now we discover that the very reason assigned by this prophet [Isaiah], why they would not receive the Messiah, was, because they did not or would not understand; and seeing, they did not perceive; ‘for this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, their eyes have closed, lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.’ [Matthew 13:15.]
Dua contoh pemeliharaan Yehuwa selama saat-saat itu melekat dalam ingatan saya.
Two examples of Jehovah’s care during this time stand out in my memory.
dia mengambil pisau dan dia... melekatkan di leherku.
He took out his knife and he... held it against my throat.
Kamu tahu, melekatkan Who di depan segala sesuatu tidak akan menjadi terakhir
You know, sticking " Who " in front of everything doesn' t make it hurt less
Hindari makanan kecil yang manis dan manisan-manisan yang mudah melekat pada gigi anda,” demikian anjuran American Dental Association.
Avoid sugary snacks and sweets that stick to your teeth,” recommends the American Dental Association.
Alat ini umumnya melekat pada kerah umum hewan peliharaan dengan tali atau tab melewati lubang yang dimasukkan di sisi-sisi plastik.
The device is generally attached to the pet's usual collar with strings or tabs passed through holes punched in the sides of the plastic.
Tuts hitamnya lekat, Nada tuts putihnya sumbang, pedalnya tidak berfungsi, dan pianonya sendiri juga terlalu kecil.
The black notes were sticking, the white notes were out of tune, the pedals didn't work and the piano itself was just too small.
Tidak seperti jenis data lainnya, dimensi dan metrik khusus dikirim ke Analytics sebagai parameter yang dilekatkan pada klik lainnya, seperti tayangan laman, peristiwa, atau transaksi e-niaga.
Unlike other types of data, custom dimensions and metrics are sent to Analytics as parameters attached to other hits, like pageviews, events, or ecommerce transactions.
Hal ini jelas rahang bawah beberapa binatang besar, dan ketika Darwin menemukannya, itu bit kulit dan rambut melekat padanya, sehingga pada awalnya diperkirakan menjadi sisa-sisa beberapa spesies hidup yang tidak diketahui.
It's obviously the lower jaw of some great animal, and when Darwin discovered it, it had bits of skin and hair attached to it so at first it was thought to be the remains of some unknown living species.
Melekatkan larutan garam lagi.
Attaching another saline.
Selain kekuatan yang melekat dalam menjadi anggota kabinet, perdana menteri memegang kekuasaan tertentu, terutama mampu untuk mencalonkan daftar menteri kabinet diangkat oleh Presiden Republik dan countersigning dari semua instrumen legislatif memiliki gaya hukum yang ditandatangani oleh Presiden Republik.
In addition to powers inherent in being a member of the Cabinet, the Prime Minister holds specific powers, most notably being able to nominate a list of Cabinet ministers to be appointed by the President of the Republic and the countersigning of all legislative instruments having the force of law that are signed by the President of the Republic.
Kege niusan bisa melekat pada objek apa pun, tak peduli seremeh apa pun itu.
Genius can adhere to any object, no matter how mundane.
Pada tahun 1858, Hyman Lipman dari Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, AS, menerima paten pertama untuk pelekatan penghapus pada ujung pensil.
On March 30, 1858, Hymen Lipman of Philadelphia, USA, received the first patent for attaching an eraser to the end of a pencil.
Lalu, ia menatap saya lekat-lekat dan berkata, ”Setan pun bilang begitu mengenai kamu!”
Then he looked me in the eye and said, “Satan is saying that about you as well!”
Saya bertemu hanya sekali dengannya, namun kesan yang ditinggalkannya pada diri saya melekat kuat.
I have met her only once, but the impression she left on me was lasting.
Beberapa komplikasi lainnya, bergantung di mana letak endometrium itu, bisa berupa terbentuknya adhesi (pelekatan bagian-bagian tubuh yang berdekatan karena radang), perdarahan atau sumbatan pada usus, terganggunya fungsi kandung kemih, dan pecahnya jaringan endometrial yang menempel di luar rahim, yang dapat membuat penyakit itu tersebar ke mana-mana.
Some other complications, depending on the location of the implants, can be the formation of adhesions, intestinal bleeding or obstruction, interference with bladder function, and rupture of implants, which can spread the disease.
Seorang guru drama Dev, Niamh Wright pernah menyatakan: "Dev adalah murid berbakat yang dengan cepat membuatku terkesan atas kemampuan yang melekat dalam dirinya untuk membawakan berbagai macam karakter dengan imajinatif dan kreatif.
His drama teacher Niamh Wright has stated, "Dev was a gifted student who quickly impressed me with his innate ability to communicate a wide variety of characters imaginatively and creatively.
Ketika dengan konsisten dipatuhi, perjanjian-perjanjian itu menjamin realisasi kekal akan janji-janji yang melekat di dalamnya.
When consistently obeyed, such covenants assure the eternal realization of the promises inherent in them.
Tombol pembunuh di kalung itu melekat di sirkuit yang berbeda.
The kill switch on that necklace is attached to a different circuit.
Dia berjalan bulat dan menatap lekat- lekat sisi dinding kebun, tapi dia hanya menemukan apa yang ia telah menemukan sebelumnya - bahwa tidak ada pintu di dalamnya.
She walked round and looked closely at that side of the orchard wall, but she only found what she had found before -- that there was no door in it.
Penerbangan pertamanya dengan balon yang jauh tinggi di atas Sungai Mississippi sangat mengesankan sang perwira sampai-sampai namanya belakangan melekat erat dengan dunia kapal udara.
His first balloon flight high above the Mississippi River so deeply impressed the officer that his name came to be indelibly linked with airships.
Suara Allah menambahkan, ”Buatlah hati bangsa ini keras dan buatlah telinganya berat mendengar dan buatlah matanya melekat tertutup, supaya jangan mereka melihat . . . lalu berbalik dan menjadi sembuh.”
God’s voice added: “Make the heart of this people unreceptive, and make their very ears unresponsive, and paste their very eyes together, that they may not see . . . and that they may not actually turn back and get healing.”
Pelapis melekat pada gigi
A veneer bonds to the tooth
Setelah kecelakaan itu, kematiannnya tampak selalu melekat dalam benak saya dan sering menghantui mimpi-mimpi saya.
Following the accident, his death seemed to always be on my mind and often haunted my dreams.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.