What does 便利店 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 便利店 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 便利店 in Chinese.
The word 便利店 in Chinese means convenience store. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 便利店
convenience storenoun (a small retail store) 每天在便利店吃包子。 I eat a meat bun every day at the convenience store. |
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不结盟国家集团强调,发达国家有责任便利和协助发展中国家合法发展核能,允许它们尽量充分地参与为和平目的而可能转让核设备、材料和科学技术信息,以期在活动中取得最大的裨益并应用可持续发展的有关要素。 The Group stresses the responsibility of developed countries to facilitate and assist the legitimate development of nuclear energy of the developing countries by allowing them to participate to the fullest in possible transfer of nuclear equipment, materials and scientific and technological information for peaceful purposes with a view to achieving the maximum benefits and applying pertinent elements of sustainable development in their activities |
通过容易识别和便利用户的接口进行信息搜索和检索,信息交换所将成为推动和鼓励教育、培训、公众参与、获取信息、提高意识以及增加对气候变化问题的了解的工具。 By facilitating the searching for and retrieval of information through an easily identifiable and user-friendly interface, the clearing house will serve as a tool to promote and encourage education, training, public participation and access to information, and to raise awareness and improve understanding on climate change issues. |
非洲有 # 个文化和面积各不相同的独立国家,它们的地形杂乱危险,农业和采矿的潜力较大,但需要可供应用的运输系统来便利将货物出口到市场。 Africa, with # independent countries of varying cultures and sizes as well as rough and dangerous terrain, has considerable agricultural and mineral potential but needs a viable transport system to facilitate the export of goods to markets |
统一企业资源规划以便利跨组织的财务交易 Harmonization of enterprise resource planning to facilitate cross-organization financial transactions |
委员会在报告第193段中建议,行政当局应为报告摘要的及时印发提供便利。 In paragraph 193 of its report, the Board recommended that the Administration facilitate the issuance of summary reports in a timely manner. |
继续组织特别程序之间的定期会议和特别程序与各国之间和与条约机构主席之间的联席会议,以便使与会者能够继续交换意见、在各自的职权范围内更密切地开展合作和协调,并就增强特别程序的整体有效性和避免职权与任务的不必要重复和重叠提出建议; 在可用资源的范围之内和在有关国家要求的条件下,通过各种技术合作方案便利执行特别程序的相关建议; 继续以电子形式并按国家分列编订特别程序建议的综合汇编并加以定期更新,在没有此类资料的情况下放在联合国系统内公布的国家相关评论意见列入其中; 按照联合国人权事务高级专员办事处两年期方案列明的有关决议和决定以及目标支持所有特别程序的工作; 与特别程序一起努力加强其协调,进一步提高其工作的质量、一致性和独立性,并继续定期系统化地组织新任职权主管人的情况介绍会,向其提供经过更新的感性材料; 继续为特别程序的运作和报告职能制订标准和增强这方面的方法; 在提交委员会审议的报告中列入关于本决议所载建议执行情况的资料 a) To continue to organize periodic meetings among the special procedures and also joint meetings of special procedures with States and joint meetings with chairpersons of treaty bodies in order to enable participants to continue to exchange views, cooperate and coordinate more closely within their respective mandates and make recommendations to that effect so as to enhance the overall effectiveness of the special procedures and avoid unnecessary duplication and overlapping of their mandates and tasks |
b) 同意在政府事务中使用手语、盲文、辅助和替代性交流模式及残疾人选用的其他一切无障碍交流手段、模式和形式,并为之提供便利 b) Accepting and facilitating the use of sign languages, Braille, augmentative and alternative communication, and all other accessible means, modes and formats of communication of their choice by persons with disabilities in official interactions |
敦促会员国采取措施,包括酌情通过适当的立法,从所有方面将滥用技术实施性剥削儿童罪定为刑事犯罪,并考虑按照国内法和国际法采取适当措施,识别并清除互联网上已知的性虐待儿童图像,并便利查明对虐待或剥削儿童负有责任的人; Urges Member States to adopt measures, including, where appropriate, legislation, designed to criminalize all aspects of the misuse of technology to commit child sexual exploitation crimes and to consider, in accordance with national and international law, appropriate measures to detect and remove known child sexual abuse images from the Internet and to facilitate the identification of those responsible for the abuse and/or exploitation of children; |
除这份说明外,秘书处已提供其他文件,以便利专家组就所分派的任务开展的工作。 In addition to this note, the Secretariat has provided additional documents to facilitate the work of the Expert Group on the tasks assigned to it. |
“本公约缔约国应当采取有效和适当措施,包括确保以下各项,[使/便利]残疾人能够充分享受选择自由,在社区独立生活,并充分[融入/参与]社区:[......]” “States Parties to this Convention shall take effective and appropriate measures to [enable/facilitate] full enjoyment by persons with disabilities of their freedom of choice, independent living and full [inclusion/participation] in the community, including by ensuring that: [...]” |
她指出,尽管设立了司法部下的专门机构以便利调查袭击维护者的案件并为开展调查增加资源,但是检察官在调查维护者所报案件或涉及维护者案件时的消极令人失望。 She stated that despite the establishment of specialized units within the Attorney-General's office to facilitate the investigation of attacks against defenders and the increase in the resources made available to carry out investigations, the inaction of the prosecutors in investigating cases reported by or concerning defenders is disappointing |
这样一种明确的安排可为日内瓦联办工作规划的制订提供便利,因为它在资源有限的情况下,还为日内瓦的其他许多实体(还为其他工作地点,如波恩)提供服务。 Such a clear agreement would facilitate the planning of work for UNOG, which provides services to many other Geneva-based entities (and also to other duty stations such as Bonn) within resource constraints. |
请部长级会议秘书长根据同会员国协商的结果,作出必要安排,便利包括私营部门在内的民间社会按照经济及社会理事会议事规则,有效参与筹备进程和会议本身; Invites the Secretary-General of the Conference to make the necessary arrangements, on the basis of consultations with Member States, to facilitate the meaningful participation of civil society, including the private sector, in the preparatory process and in the Conference itself in accordance with the rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council; |
主席团还建议,委员会主席分发各项决议和决定的初稿,以便利工作组的审议。 The Bureau requested that the Chairperson of the Commission distribute initial drafts of resolutions and decisions that might facilitate the deliberations of the working group. |
为便利其审议在联合国可持续发展大会和2015年后发展议程背景下以空间技术促进社会经济发展的项目,工作组收到了在小组委员会议程项目5下所述文件(见以上报告正文中的第[...]段)。 For its consideration of the item on space technology for socioeconomic development in the context of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and the post-2015 development agenda, the Working Group had before it the documents referred to under item 5 of the agenda of the Subcommittee (see para. [...] in the main body of the report above). |
会议的目标是向会员国、国际和区域组织及民间社会组织简要介绍高级研究中心举措取得的成就和当前的态势发展,并便利不同利益相关方交流信息。 The objective of the conference was to brief Member States, international and regional organizations, as well as civil society organizations of the achievements and the current developments of the centres of excellence initiative and to facilitate exchange of information between different stakeholders. |
(a) 教育――通过将环境问题纳入教学课程、家庭教育和其他旨在促进自学和终身学习的活动,促进、便利和合作制订并开展关于气候变化的课堂活动和课外活动以及教育; (a) Education – Promote, facilitate and cooperate in the development and implementation of scholastic and extra scholastic activities and education on climate change, through integration of environmental issues in curricula, family education and other activities to promote self-learning and life-long learning; |
美洲组织在选民登记进程中发挥了领导作用,该进程曾数度延长,便利了边远农村地区和太阳城等城市地区的公民登记工作。 该进程已于10月底结束。 The voter registration process, in which OAS played a lead role, was concluded at the end of October, following a number of extensions that facilitated the registration of citizens in remote rural areas and such urban areas as Cité Soleil. |
· 信息和联络便利; · Information and contact facilitation; |
为促进平等和消除歧视,缔约国应当采取一切适当步骤,确保提供合理便利。 In order to promote equality and eliminate discrimination, States Parties shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided. |
按照对德勤公司公共部门客户的最佳做法的调查结果,采用电子存档解决方案减少工作量,节约空间,便利已存档文件的查找,特别是在审计期间。 Following best practices findings at Deloitte’s clients in the public sector the introduction of an electronic archiving solution reduces workload, saves space and facilitates locating of archived documents, especially during audits. |
一旦提出终止请求,或发出终止通知,请求国和援助方应彼此协商,以期在终止援助时完成正在开展的行动,并为撤离援助提供便利”。)。 Upon such request for, or notice of, termination the Requesting State and the Assisting Party shall consult together with a view to concluding any operations in progress at the time of such termination and facilitating withdrawal of the assistance.”). |
政府作了详细安排,以便利他要求的会见和前往他特别感兴趣的地区。 The Government made detailed arrangements to facilitate his request for meetings as well as for trips to areas of his particular interest |
专业上获认可的信息中心越来越多,这是过去十年中取得的一项主要成绩。 这些信息中心为有关减灾的信息的收集、综合及广泛传播提供了便利。 The growth of professionally recognized information centres which facilitate the collection, synthesis, and wider dissemination of information pertinent to disaster reduction has been a major accomplishment during the past ten years |
确认有效参与取决于能否行使言论自由和寻求、接收和传递各种信息和思想的自由,并敦促各国政府为妇女有效参与国家、地区和国际机构决策层,包括防止、管理和解决冲突的机制,提供便利条件; Recognizes that effective participation depends on the ability to express oneself freely and the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, and urges Governments to facilitate the effective participation of women in decision-making levels in national, regional and international institutions, including in mechanisms for the prevention, management and resolution of conflicts; |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.