What does 不禁 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 不禁 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 不禁 in Chinese.
The word 不禁 in Chinese means can't help, help, can't help (doing sth). To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 不禁
can't helpverb (not be able to avoid something) 我不禁想我的儿子一直都在生。 I can't help thinking that my son is still alive. |
helpverb 人们不禁会注意到不同利益攸关方之间长期的理念差距,甚至可谓是鸿沟。 One cannot help discern a perennial perceptual gap, if not a chasm, between different stakeholders. |
can't help (doing sth)verb |
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人们不禁对这种一体化市场的愿景心往神驰,这一市场横亘喜马拉雅山到太平洋,由高效的公路、铁路、航空和航运服务联成一体。 One cannot but be captivated by the vision of an integrated market, spanning the distance from the Himalayas to the Pacific Ocean, linked by efficient road, rail, air and shipping services. |
有一次,一个见证人所说的话令教士们张皇失措,以致大酋长不禁捧腹大笑。 On one occasion the paramount chief even burst out in laughter at the consternation of the clergy over what a Witness said. |
马利安奴·加维奥拉主教,1970年菲律宾主教会议的秘书长,所说的话可以帮助我们看出这件事的影响:“当主教们[我们也可以加上教皇]谴责政府腐败贪污或抨击人们误用了财富之际,有些人不禁纳罕这是否仅是五十步笑百步而已。” Bishop Mariano Gaviola, secretary-general of the 1970 Bishops Conference of the Philippines, gave some idea as he noted: “When the bishops [and we can add, the pope] condemn graft and corruption in the government or speak against the misuse of wealth, some people wonder whether it is not a case of the pan calling the pot black.” |
在演讲的末了,许多人不禁纳罕,‘明年的大会是怎样的呢?’ As the talk was concluding, many wondered, ‘What can we look forward to next year?’ |
有一次耶稣在拿因遇到一位寡妇,见到她的儿子刚去世,不禁大为难过。 Jesus was deeply grieved when he met a widow of Nain and saw her dead son. |
[1] ——《圣经·使徒行传》1:18(《英王钦定版圣经》)[2] (Acts 1:18,King James Version) 看着这些野蛮人时,你不禁要问:他们从哪里来? —Acts 1:18 (King James Version) Whilst beholding these savages, one asks, Whence have they come? |
尽管以色列声称这些人是由于支持恐怖主义活动而被拘捕,但是人们不禁想到,这些人是被作为人质而受拘押的,这就违反了《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约》《日内瓦四公约》)第三十四条。 While Israel claims that they are being held because of their support for terrorist activities, it is difficult to resist the notion that they are being held as hostages, in violation of article 34 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War (Fourth Geneva Convention). |
但我们不禁要问: 我们的宇宙会不会 只是一部更宏大的历史中的一段插曲? But we have to ask: Is it possible that our universe is just a plume off of some greater history? |
人们不禁要问,为什么津巴布韦这样一个不对区域或全球的和平与安全构成威胁的国家,在开始条约谈判之前、更遑论缔结之前,就已经受到这种待遇。 One wonders why Zimbabwe, which is a country that is not a threat to regional or global peace and security, is already being subjected to such treatment well before the treaty has even been negotiated, let alone agreed upon. |
我不禁自忖:“不,他们并不贫穷。 I feel like saying: “No, they’re not poor. |
我们不禁要问以色列领导人是否认为他们能够迫使阿拉伯人、特别是巴勒斯坦人民屈服。 We wonder if the Israeli leaders think that they will be able to force the Arabs, and the Palestinian people in particular, to capitulate |
耶稣对他的朋友拉撒路有深厚的感情,所以这位挚友去世时,他也“不禁掉下泪来”。( Jesus felt such a deep affection for his friend Lazarus, so that he “gave way to tears” in connection with the death of Lazarus. |
面对着通过电话、炮击和声震、毁坏房屋、铲平和没收土地进行的恐怖主义,人们不禁要问谁是真正的恐怖主义者? In the presence of terrorism by telephone, shelling and sonic booms, house demolitions, razing and confiscation of lands, one might well ask who was the real terrorist |
我们不禁要问一问国际社会:这些婴儿和儿童何罪之有? We ask the international community: what crime did these infants and children commit? |
这一切使特德不禁吓了一跳! Ted was flabbergasted! |
我们不禁纳罕,我们邀请了很多人前来聆听下午的圣经演讲,到时会有多少人出席呢? As we made our way back to the bus to eat our lunch, we wondered how many of those invited would come to the afternoon Bible talk. |
我们不禁对国际社会为支持饱经战争创伤的巴勒斯坦人民付出的不懈努力表示我们的欣赏,特别在人道活动领域。 We cannot but express our appreciation for the relentless efforts the international community has made in support of the war-stricken Palestinian people, especially in the field of humanitarian activity |
这令人不禁怀疑,预测工具的使用究竟能带来多少改变,其对个人权利的侵犯是否具有必要性或相当性。 This throws into doubt whether the use of these predictive tools adds much new, and whether they are either a necessary or proportionate intrusion on the rights of individuals. |
在阳光的照射下,它完全融合于周遭重重的阴影里,身上的斑点仿如四周的斑影,这时,我们不禁低声惊叹:“多么奇妙的掩饰!” “What camouflage!” we whispered as it blended perfectly with the sun-dappled surroundings, its spots resembling patches of shadow. |
因此,有时甚至耶和华的子民也不禁问道:“世上行诡诈的人,耶和华为何看着不理呢? Hence, at times, even Jehovah’s people may feel like asking: ‘Why does Jehovah look on those dealing treacherously? |
这些问题不禁使人怀疑第 # 条第 # 款对合法逗留的无国籍人和非法逗留的无国籍人的区分是否恰当。 These questions could call into doubt the relevance of the distinction between documented stateless persons and undocumented stateless persons in the light of article # paragraph |
许多老前辈多年来尽忠职守,看耶和华的崇拜“过于[他们]所最喜乐的”,事态的发展令他们不禁喜出望外! What a reward this has been to faithful old-timers who made Jehovah’s worship ‘ascend above their chief cause for rejoicing’ in such lands! |
他常常受到猛烈的反对,以致有时不禁想返回美国。 However, he often faced hard opposition, and at times he wanted to return to America. |
然而,法属波利尼西亚的疫情到2014年2月达到顶峰并急剧下降,不禁令人怀疑病毒是在当年晚些时候由观众和参赛选手来到巴西的推测。 However, the outbreak in French Polynesia is known to have peaked and declined precipitously by February 2014, lending doubt to the suggestion the virus arrived later that year in Brazil with spectators and competitors. |
当地的见证人不禁纳罕,为什么他们被邀在科托努市中心的一个礼堂里聚集起来。 The local Witnesses could not help wondering why they were being invited to gather in a public hall in the center of Cotonou. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.