What does 補數 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 補數 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 補數 in Chinese.
The word 補數 in Chinese means complement, complementary number. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 補數
complementverb noun |
complementary numbernoun |
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咨询委员会在报告第6、8和12段中注意到,经济及社会理事会通过的决议和决定所引起的2000-2001两年期增加经费估计数共计440 300美元。 The Advisory Committee notes from paragraphs 6, 8 and 12 of the report that estimated additional requirements for the biennium 2000-2001 arising from the resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council amount to $440,300. |
目前的估计数表明,这将使毒品和犯罪问题办事处在2004-2005年额外耗费100万美元,在2006-2007年额外耗费160万美元(所有预算合起来),这已相应地反映在预算中。 Current estimates indicate that this will cost UNODC an additional $1 million in 2004-2005 and $1.6 million in 2006-2007 (all budgets combined) and this is reflected in the budget accordingly. |
人力资源网以及各工作人员联合会的代表支持关于调整基薪/底薪表的建议,把3.04%的工作地点差价调整数列入薪级表合并计算,于2010年1月1日生效。 The Human Resources Network and the representatives of the staff federations supported the proposal to adjust the base/floor salary scale by consolidating 3.04 per cent of the post adjustment into the scale, effective 1 January 2010. |
纽约联合国大会是他们的下一个目标,数百名来自不同国家的年轻人集会,要求各国领导进行改革。 And the next stop in their campaign is the United Nations General Assembly in New York, with hundreds of young people, representing all countries, gathering to demand change from world leaders. |
在过去五年里,我国拦截了数千件非法武器,并停止向未遵守美国法律的五个国家出口武器。 In the past five years we have interdicted thousands of illicit arms, and we have cut off exports to five countries that failed to comply with United States law. |
Lee Cronin:很多人认为 生命用了数百万年的时间起作用。 Lee Cronin: So many people think that life took millions of years to kick in. |
行预咨委会还建议采用有待大会决定的方式,把截至2008年6月30日终了期间的2 076 200美元其他收入和调整数贷记到会员国账下。 The Committee further recommends that the other income and adjustments in the amount of $2,076,200 for the period ended 30 June 2008 be credited to Member States in a manner to be determined by the Assembly. |
数百万人在贩卖奴隶期间丧生,还有数百万人过着绝望的生活,遭到暴行、强奸和羞辱。 Millions perished during the trade and millions more were subjected to lives of despair, brutality, rape and humiliation |
有关消除国际恐怖主义措施的本次辩论是在9月11日对美国发动可恶的恐怖主义袭击之后的极其严重的情况下进行的——这些袭击杀害了数千名无辜的受害者。 他们是来自80多个国家的具有不同年龄、文化和信仰的男女们。 This debate on the measures to eliminate international terrorism is taking place under exceptionally grave circumstances in the aftermath of the despicable terrorist attacks perpetrated on 11 September in the United States — attacks that took thousands of innocent victims, men and women of all ages, cultures and faiths and of more than 80 nationalities. |
最適合的解認為這個系統實際上是不穩定的:數值模擬認為在7,800萬年後這個系統會毀滅掉,因此估計這個系統的年齡明顯的比太陽系短。 The best-fit solution to the system is actually unstable: simulations suggest the system is destroyed after 78 million years, which is significantly shorter than the estimated age of the star system. |
2006年7月1日至2007年6月30日期间培训所需经费估计数如下: The estimated requirements for training for the period from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007 are as follows: |
根据这些假设,截至2013年12月31日未用假应计负债的现值估计数为1 113 000美元。 On the basis of these assumptions, the present value of the accrued liability for unused vacation days as at 31 December 2013 was estimated at $1,133,000. |
在选举后数月加紧处决犯人; Escalation in the rate of executions in the months following the elections; |
谈判最后结果是对《宪法》进行了一系列改革,并经 # 年 # 月 # 日举行公民投票批准,赞成票数达 # %。 The process ended with a series of reforms to that instrument which were ratified by the citizens in a plebiscite held on # uly # which gave a favourable percentage of # % |
以色列占领军猛烈的军事攻击,特别是针对整个加沙地带平民地区的攻击,导致包括儿童在内数十名巴勒斯坦人死伤,并造成财产的广泛破坏。 Intense military attacks by the Israeli occupying forces, particularly against civilian areas throughout the Gaza Strip, have resulted in the killing and injuring of dozens of Palestinians, including children, and widespread destruction of property |
为提高国际机构在制订估计数时使用的方法的透明度,有关千年发展目标各项指标的数据库经过全面重新设计,列入了大量元数据,对其中所有数据的制订方法和来源作了完整描述。 In order to improve the transparency of methodologies used by the international agencies in the production of estimates, the database on Millennium Development Goal indicators was completely redesigned to include extensive metadata that provide a complete description of methods and sources for all data included. |
第五,欧洲渴望在中东实现核裁军的事实,令人对法国和其他一些欧洲国家在数十年来向以色列提供手段,把核武器引进我们地区方面的责任和作用产生疑问。 Fifthly, the fact that Europe is keen to bring about nuclear disarmament in the Middle East calls into question the responsibility and role of France and some other European countries in bringing nuclear weapons to our region by providing Israel with the means for decades. |
整个养恤基金请批的人力资源和财政资源以及预算外资源估计数和新增员额所需资源细目如下。 Human and financial resources requested for the Fund as a whole are given below, along with estimated extrabudgetary resources and details of additional post requirements. |
科技咨询机构请秘书处确立一个工作进程,以便专家审评组在2007-2008年清单审评工作中能够利用缔约方依照第15/CP.10号决定中的报告规定自愿提交的真实清单数据(须经当事缔约方同意),在为调整《京都议定书》第三条第3和第4款下的活动所致温室气体源排放量和汇清除量估计数而使用的方法方面获得经验。 The SBSTA requested the secretariat to establish a process to enable expert review teams to gain experience with the methods for adjustments of estimates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by sources and removals by sinks resulting from activities under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol during the inventory review process in the period 2007–2008 using real inventory data voluntarily submitted by Parties following the reporting provisions of decision 15/CP.10, subject to the consent of the Party concerned. |
下列国家政府提供的空运支助的价值估计数:加拿大(399 200美元)、荷兰(335 000美元)和联合王国(230 000美元),以及加拿大政府捐赠的防破片夹克和钢盔(585 820美元)。 Represents the estimated value of airlift support provided by the Governments of Canada ($399,200), the Netherlands ($335,000) and the United Kingdom ($230,000), as well as of fragmentation jackets and helmets donated by the Government of Canada ($585,820). |
所述方法包括:将数据流进行星座映射以获得映射信号;对映射信号进行前置滤波以将映射信号转为窄带信号滤波后信号,其中,前置滤波为有限冲击响应滤波,窄带信号滤波后信号的带宽小于映射信号的带宽,窄带信号滤波后信号为波特率信号;根据窄带信号滤波后信号进行波形成形以获得整形信号;对整形信号进行数模转换以将整形第二信号转为得到模拟信号,以用于信号发射发送模拟信号。 上述方案的发射器通过滤波器将宽带的映射信号转为窄带的滤波后信号,使得滤波后信号能够顺利地通过同样为窄带的数模转换器,减少因为器件带宽不足而引起的信号损伤。 By converting a wide-band mapping signal into a narrow-band filtered signal through a filter, the transmitter of the solution enables the filtered signal to successfully pass through a digital-to-analogue converter which is of a narrow band as well, thereby reducing signal loss caused by insufficient bandwidth of a device. |
美洲组织在选民登记进程中发挥了领导作用,该进程曾数度延长,便利了边远农村地区和太阳城等城市地区的公民登记工作。 该进程已于10月底结束。 The voter registration process, in which OAS played a lead role, was concluded at the end of October, following a number of extensions that facilitated the registration of citizens in remote rural areas and such urban areas as Cité Soleil. |
斯里兰卡目前仅有数百名罗兴亚难民,其中多数是在2012 年的缅甸骚乱之后,乘船或搭机来到斯里兰卡;其余的则是在去年五月,由斯里兰卡海军在该国北海岸救起,留置于联合国在拉维尼亚山的庇护所,等待重新安置。 Only a few hundred Rohingya refugees currently stay in Sri Lanka and the majority came to Sri Lanka by boat and air following the disturbances in Myanmar in 2012. |
如果受益人必须负担一名成年人或者数名儿童的生活,其所领取的养老金数额会有所增加。 A pensioner may receive an increase of his Retirement Pension for an adult dependant or for dependent children. |
今后数周,我们愿忠实而建设性地致力于面对战争将给数以百万计伊拉克人民所带来的巨大代价。 In the coming weeks, we should like to dedicate ourselves, loyally and constructively, to facing the horrific cost that the war will bring to millions of Iraqis |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.