What does 藏文 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 藏文 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 藏文 in Chinese.
The word 藏文 in Chinese means Tibetan script, Tibetan, Tibetan language. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 藏文
Tibetan scriptnoun |
Tibetanadjective noun proper |
Tibetan languagenoun 每年西藏制版发行的藏文图书有500余万册。 More than five million volumes of Tibetan-language books are published each year. |
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从1947-1950年,他去巴黎就读于索邦大学和法兰西公学院,并在那里开始学习藏文。 From 1947-1950, he lived in Paris studying at both the Sorbonne and the Collège de France, where he began studying Tibetan. |
目前,西藏中小学普遍实行藏语教学或藏汉教学,从小学到高中共 # 门学科的 # 种课本、 # 种教学参与书和 # 种教学大纲都有藏文文本。 A total of # textbooks # reference books and the # curriculum outlines for # courses taught from primary to high school are available in Tibetan |
西藏当地藏文媒体的报导,除了提到这些办公室的安全管理功能外,也强调网格工作人员提供社会服务的角色,例如提供就业机会、医疗保健、协助民工和居民的子女就学等等,勉励他们“为群众参与社会管理创造条件,切实形成社会管理人人参与、和谐社会人人共享的良好局面。” Reports in local-language media in Tibet refer to the security function of these offices but also emphasize the role of these staff in delivering social services, such as providing employment, medical care, and schooling for the children of migrantsand local residents, saying they are “to create conditions of effective social management and participation in a harmonious society and a good situation for all.” |
从此以后,他从事田野调查,描写壯侗語族的许多语言(壮族的龙州话和武鸣话),同时也对上古汉语和古藏文进行了深入的研究。 From this point on, he performed field studies of several Tai languages (including the Zhuang people's Longzhou and Wuming dialects), while at the same time conducting deep investigations into Old Chinese and Tibetan. |
兩位學者為一句意思含糊的藏文句子爭論了一番。 The two scholars wrangled over the meaning of an obscure Tibetan phrase. |
特别报告员对西藏 # %的文盲率表示沮丧,并问教育部原因之一是否可能是文化考试用的是藏文,而在政治、经济、和社会生活中使用的是汉语。 The Special Rapporteur was dismayed at the illiteracy rate in Tibet # per cent, and asked the Ministry of Education whether one reason might be the fact that the literacy test was in Tibetan, while Mandarin is used in political, economic and social life |
学校里普遍使用藏汉双语进行教学,有的还根据需要设有专门的藏文学校,藏语文得到广泛使用。 藏语文课程是考试课程,成绩纳入总分。 The Tibetan language is in broad use; Tibetan-language curricula are included in examinations, and grades in those classes are included in overall course credits. |
达斯翻译并出版了有关第六世班禅额尔德尼藏文传记的一部分,并在文中描述了他和博格尔的友谊。 Das translated and published parts of the Tibetan biography of the Third Panchen Lama, including descriptions of his friendship with Bogle. |
西藏自治区和7个地市均设有佛教协会,中国佛协西藏分会办有西藏佛学院、藏经文印经院和藏文会刊《西藏佛教》。 Buddhist associations have been established in the Tibet Autonomous Region and seven prefectural-level cities; the Tibet branch of the Buddhist Association of China has established a College of Tibetan Buddhism, a Tibetan Buddhist sutra-printing house, and publishes Buddhism in Tibet, a Tibetan-language journal. |
据纽时报导,他开始公开关注藏文教育缺失问题,是因为结古多当地政府禁止寺院和私立学校向僧侣以外的民众传授藏文。 He began voicing concern publicly about the lack of Tibetan-language education after the authorities in Kyegundo stopped local monasteries and a private school in the area from teaching Tibetan to laypeople, according to the Times. |
继蒙古文网站之后,世界首家藏文网站――同元藏文网站已于 # 年 # 月在中国兰州西北民族学院建成。 The world's first Internet website in Tibetan, the Tongyuan Tibetan-language site, came into being in December # at the Northwest National College of Nationalities in Lanzhou, where a Mongolian-language net was already in operation |
扎西文色2015年5月前往北京,试图依法举报他家乡的地方官员不支持藏文教育。 Tashi Wangchuk traveled to Beijing in May 2015 to explore filing a formal complaint against officials in his home area for failing to support Tibetan language education. |
他後來又與一位精通藏文的藏學家詹姆斯氐,返回該地研究當地山區的佛教隱士生活。 He later returned with James Low, a Tibetologist fluent in the texts and language, to study the lives of Buddhist hermits in the mountains. |
Jomolhari内置于多个Linux发行版: Fedora Debian CentOS Ubuntu Dzongkha Linux Jomolhari被不丹报刊作为主要的字体用在其宗喀语版或章节的内容: 不丹观察者 不丹时报 今日不丹 不丹商务 Druk Yoedzer Jomolhari被MediaWiki用作显示藏文的默认字体,包括了维基百科。 The Jomolhari font is included with many Linux distributions including: Fedora Debian CentOS Ubuntu Dzongkha Linux Jomolhari is used as the principal font of several Bhutanese newspapers for their Dzongkha language editions or sections including: Bhutan Observer Bhutan Times Bhutan Today Business Bhutan Druk Yoedzer Jomolhari is the default Tibetan script font being used by MediaWiki (including Wikipedia). |
1978至1983年,圆满汉文小学课程后,着重学习藏文,1985年考入四川省藏文学校。 Having successfully completed Chinese primary school from 1978 to 1983, he focused on learning Tibetan and was admitted to Sichuan Tibetan school in 1985. |
青海和甘肃藏族自治地区公立学校自2012年起停办藏文教育,私立藏文学校也被强迫关闭,导致当地民众抗议,并成为藏人最关注的议题之一。 The discontinuation of Tibetan-medium education in public schools in Tibetan areas of Qinghai and Gansu since 2012, and forced closure of Tibetan-medium private schools, caused a surge of popular protest in these areas and has become an issue of prime concern in the Tibetan community. |
中国国家标准 GB / T 20542-2006(“藏文编码字符集扩展A”)和GB / T 22238-2008(“藏文编码字符集扩展B”)使用私人使用区存放藏文连字。 GB/T 20542-2006 ("Tibetan Coded Character Set Extension A") and GB/T 22238-2008 ("Tibetan Coded Character Set Extension B") are Chinese national standards that use the PUA to encode precomposed Tibetan ligatures. |
该《条例》规定:“自治州的各级国家机关应重视发展藏语文文化事业,加强藏文报刊、音像制品、教材、图书的编译出版发行工作,发展藏语广播、电视、电影,鼓励和提倡用藏语文进行文学艺术创作”,自治州内一切机关、团体、学校、企事业单位的公章、牌匾,公共场所的铭牌,有重要意义的碑文、标语、广告牌、汽车门徽、路标等,应当同时使用藏、汉两种文字“。 It is further stipulated in the Provisions that “State organs at various levels in the autonomous prefecture shall give due consideration to the development of Tibetan cultural undertakings, enhancing the editing, translation, publication and distribution of newspapers, magazines, audio‐visual products, educational material and books in Tibetan, the enrichment of radio, television and films in that language and the encouragement and advocacy of artistic and literary creation in the Tibetan language”; and “the seals and tablets of all organs, groups, schools and enterprises in the prefecture and the signboards of public facilities, as well as plaques, slogans, advertisements, car‐door emblems and road signs of significance shall all be displayed in the Tibetan and Chinese languages”. |
一则悬挂在西藏聂拉木镇(Nyalam Town)一家小咖啡厅出口以藏文-中文-英文等三种语文书写的标语。 A trilingual (Tibetan – Chinese – English) sign above the entrance to a small café in Nyalam Town, Tibet, 1993. |
藏文专业术语规范化及信息技术标准化工作取得重大进展,藏文编码已通过国家标准和国际标准,藏文已成为中国第一个具有国际标准的少数民族文字。 Great progress is being made in the codification and information-technology standardization of specialized Tibetan terminology, and the digital encoding of Tibetan has already been qualified as a national and international standard, making Tibetan the first ethnic-minority language in China to have an international digital standard. |
2013年4月,该系统平台建设工程起步,是青海省少数民族事业“十二五”规划里的“藏文信息化建设”项目之一。 This project is started from April 2013, and it belong to the 'Tibetan language informationization construction' project, which is a part of the 12th five-year plan for the ethnic minorities of Qinghai Province. |
该藏族人士因公开倡导藏文教育而被起诉,可能即将出庭受审。 A trial is expected to take place soon. |
该字体添加后来的Unicode版本中收录的藏文字符,添加了更多的字符组合,尤其是用于藏文速记缩写和转写西夏语的组合。 This font added some additional Tibetan characters encoded in a later version of Unicode, added more clusters especially for writing Tibetan shorthand contractions and transcribing Tangut. |
或有讀誦四句伽他,即能種殖解脫種子;或有善通三藏文義,而不能種解脫種子。 They are alternate; spiral, or distichous, or four-ranked (such as in Anisophyllea). |
藏文《中华大藏经·丹珠尔》、《甘珠尔》等一大批藏传佛教典籍的陆续出版,满足了僧尼和信教群众的学修需求。 The consecutive publishing of Tripitaka · Bstang’gyur and a great number of other Lamaist religious books, including Bak’‐’gyur, in the Tibetan language have satisfied the needs of monks, nuns and believers concerning religious rites. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.