What does 长期以来 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 长期以来 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 长期以来 in Chinese.

The word 长期以来 in Chinese means ever since a long time ago. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 长期以来

ever since a long time ago

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However, many of its elements including the global and regional arrangements have been formalized over time through memorandums of understanding signed by some of the key players
然而,长期以来受劳动法律保护薄弱的农村地区,由于 # 年《联邦宪法》规定了保护措施 # 至 # 年间,正规工作岗位数目增加,为社会保障体系缴款的人数也相应增多。
However, in the rural area- historically under-protected by the labor legislation- there was an increase in the number of formal jobs and a consequent increase in the number of people contributing to the social security system in the # period, as result of the protection provided for in the Federal Constitution of
There is long standing evidence of women being attracted to logging camps, mines, fish factories, and numerous other economic enclaves in rural areas, particularly on paydays, to sell sex to the men
In Africa, South Africa has long had a temporary worker programme to provide labour for the mining sector.
Wartime sexual violence has been the subject of one of history’s greatest silences for long enough.
It is a longstanding position of the European Union that counter-terrorism actions must at all times be accompanied by respect for due process and the rule of law
The first question he asked me- had Japan criticized in the past United States debris caused by United States activities?- frankly speaking, I do not have any exact memories or ideas on this matter, but we may know that in COPUOS there have been long discussions on debris problems, so I think that in the course of the discussions, every delegation might touch upon all the possibilities and all the activities with regard to debris problems
From the 1953 toppling of Mohammad Mossadegh’s democratically elected government in Iran and the “other 9/11” (the US-backed military coup in 1973 against Chile’s democratically elected Salvador Allende) to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria, regime change has long been the coin of the US security realm.
In September 1174, Frederick embarked on his fifth Italian campaign, to quash the constant revolts in Lombardy and settle his quarrels with Pope Alexander III.
The first group consisted of those Ethiopians who had peacefully and freely resided in Eritrea for a long time, until they, along with their Eritrean co-inhabitants, had been internally displaced by the invasion and occupation of Eritrean towns and villages.
The fact is that African countries have suffered too long from their relative isolation from the global economy.
本区域的储蓄有一大部分未能回流,投入对本国或区域的投资,这就毫不含糊地意味着,资金漏失可归咎于人们阐明的各层次安全问题,这些问题长期以来一直在损害发展潜力。 在西亚经社会区域环境下,安全问题应分三个方面理解。
Already a huge part of the region’s savings do not get funnelled back into national or regional investment, unequivocally implying that this leakage is underpinned by an articulation of various levels of security that has for long undermined the potential for development.
最近国际刑警组织为1994年在布宜诺斯艾利斯发生的以色列阿根廷友好协会犹太人社区中心爆炸案和1992年以色列驻布宜诺斯艾利斯大使馆爆炸案发出了逮捕令。 正如我们从中看到的那样,伊朗长期以来一直为国际恐怖主义提供资助和支持。
As we saw in the recent warrants issued by INTERPOL in the bombing of the AMIA Jewish Community Centre in Buenos Aires in 1994 and in the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires two years earlier, in 1992, Iran has long funded and supported global terrorism.
Some speakers noted that independence was an inevitable step in the development of a nation, and that Bermuda had been a self-sufficient country for a long time.
There was a need to consolidate the elements of these conventions, and it was possible to do so by identifying common elements evolved over a long period of time in different contexts that have by now acquired consensus
While Hamas’s use of human shields is long-documented, the extent to which it has resorted to this deliberate practice in recent weeks is shocking, and the evidence for it is overwhelming and incontrovertible.
Much of UNICEF's efforts to reinforce results-based management under MYFF involves formalizing and systematizing what has long been standard practice at all levels of the organization, and reporting more systematically on the results achieved
饥荒长期以来被认为是 食物短缺造成的
Famines were long understood to be caused by failures in food supply.
There is a long-standing debate about the merits of vertical (or selective) health interventions, which focus on one or more diseases or health conditions, and a comprehensive, integrated approach
公有住区住房的质量有很大区别,其起因是:(a) 地方政府手中的存房长期以来一直不赢利;(b) 过去一直不赢利的住房突然私有化;(c) 缺乏行政管理和立法。
The very uneven quality of dwellings of commonly owned areas were the outcome of (a) a legacy of non‐profitable housing stocks in the hands of local governments; (b) the sudden privatization of units, which have hardly been profitable in the past; and (c) inadequate administration and legislation.
Past experiences with coordination on ICT matters in the United Nations system show a long history of repeated statements on the need to cooperate and coordinate, but limited results in terms of achievements
The solid and long-standing trend towards global abolition of the death penalty identified in previous reports of the Secretary-General to the Economic and Social Council and to the Human Rights Council continues.
Given that protection has been the main gap in the international response but one which humanitarian and development agencies historically have been reluctant to address, the significance of this inter-agency policy on the protection of internally displaced persons cannot be overstated.
委托给近东救济工程处的任务长期以来得到了国际社会的支持,该权力必须延长直到根据大会第 # (III)号决议达成巴勒斯坦难民问题的公正解决方案为止。
The mandate entrusted to UNRWA, which had been carried out with the long-standing support of the international community, must be extended until a just solution to the Palestine refugee question had been reached on the basis of General Assembly resolution # (III
The Governments of Jordan, Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic should also be commended for having long provided assistance to Palestinian refugees

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.