What does 达标 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 达标 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 达标 in Chinese.

The word 达标 in Chinese means to reach a set standard. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 达标

to reach a set standard

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一种烟草薄片生产废水的处理方法,包括以下步骤:烟草薄片生产废水→除渣→化学脱钙→厌氧处理→电解→A/O处理→二次电解→MBR→电解消毒→达标排放。 本发明基于化学脱钙技术、生物化学技术、电化学技术与MBR技术相结合,有效处理烟草薄片生产废水,成本较低,效能较高,废水排放达标
On the basis of the combination of a chemical decalcification technology, a biochemical technology, an electrochemical technology and an MBR technology, the present invention effectively treats the waste water from the production of a tobacco sheet, is low in cost and high in efficiency, and leads to a waste water emission which meets standards.
For many of us in the LDCs, the criteria are too stringent and, at times, beyond our capacity to meet
These programmes of work to improve compliance are underway
自 # 年以来,职业平等和均等部将 # 个“平等单位”称号授予了 # 个企业及其一些分部。 第一个达标企业是标致-雪铁龙联合汽车公司,接着是EADS和巴黎水务公司,以表彰它们在反对性别歧视方面的模范行为。
Since # “equality” labels have been issued by the Ministry for Parity and Professional Equality to # enterprises and some of their subsidiaries, the most notable being PSA Peugeot Citroën, followed by EADS and Eaux de Paris, for their model practices in combating all forms of gender discrimination
In South and East Africa, targets were only partially achieved as a result of particular portfolio circumstances
In addition, physical inspections indicated substandard and incomplete work on two projects
To that end, the European Union reiterates its support for the “standards before status” strategy, which now needs to become operational.
It notes with particular concern reports of substandard reception and living conditions for migrants, especially children, who arrived in Lampedusa and other locations during the spring and summer of 2011.
I should like to say here also that my country is committed to the principle of standards before status.
Contribute to the well-being of current and future generations and the attainment of global environmental goals, centring on transition to low-carbon, resource-efficient and equitable development based on the protection and sustainable use of ecosystem services, coherent and improved environmental governance and the reduction of environmental risks.
More than 30 industrialized countries would be legally bound to meet emissions targets, and international emissions trading would become a reality.
Press release on the assignment of Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative compliant country status to the Republic of Kazakhstan
Many indigenous representatives discussed common education issues, including poor retention, attainment and graduation rates throughout the compulsory and non-compulsory years of schooling
Reviewing progress in achieving the internationally agreed development goals and targets adopted at global and regional conferences.
达标率是 # %(小区平均达标情况,联合王国以消费者所用水龙头做出的宽泛管理达标测量)。
Compliance in # was # % (Mean Zonal Compliance, the UK wide measure of regulatory compliance at the consumer's tap
The anode plate (17) is placed vertically.
一种超声波破乳耦合超临界水氧化处理洗羊毛废水的方法,其包括以下步骤:A)洗羊毛废水(3)首先经过超声波破乳后分三部分,分别为羊毛脂液(2)、低浓度废水(4)、破乳污泥(6);B)破乳污泥(6)进入超临界水氧化系统进行分解处理;C)分离出的羊毛脂液(2)进入离心分离器分离出粗羊毛脂(1)和废水(5);D)低浓度废水(4)与离心分离器分离出的废水(5)混合后进入污水处理单元处理后达标排放。 本方法集高效回收羊毛脂与处置污染物于一体,可解决洗羊毛废水处理工艺中资源回收利用与废物无害化处理的问题。
By combining effective recycling of lanolin and treatment of pollutants, the method can solve the problems of recycling of resources and harmless treatment of wastes in the treatment process of wastewater resulting from wool-washing.
The Advisory Committee notes that, in response to the Board’s observations, the Department of Field Support states that, in order to facilitate the monitoring of fuel consumption, MINURSO is planning to replace all substandard tanks with international standard tanks with flow meters and dipsticks (ibid., para. 250).
关于《稳定和增长公约》又重新出现争论,实现平衡预算的达标日期从 # 年推迟到 # 年。
There was renewed controversy about the Stability and Growth Pact and the target date for achieving balanced budgets was postponed from # to
67% (i.e. 2 out of 3 projects attain 75% or more of their targets)
The Programme comprised 18 major targets and 53 supporting targets across four areas, with 50 quantifiable indicators being used to measure whether these targets had been reached.
We commend the European Union's commitment to the target and the timing it has set for meeting it
在 # 项指标中,下列 # 项指标的达标日期定为 # 年:教育;成人文盲率;改善安全供水和卫生条件;五岁以下儿童的营养不良状况;产妇死亡率、婴儿死亡率和五岁以下儿童死亡率;预期寿命;疟疾死亡率和发病率;以及人人有支付得起的适当住房。
Out of # targets, for the following nine the target date set was the year # education; adult illiteracy rate; improved access to safe water supply and sanitation; malnutrition among children under # years of age; maternal mortality; infant mortality and the under-five mortality rate; life expectancy; malaria mortality and morbidity; and affordable and adequate shelter for all
Given that the current level of achievement of target associated with that indicator (i.e. “by 2014, at least 80 per cent of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities have formulated/revised a NAP/SRAP/RAP aligned to The Strategy”) is very low (12 countries have a NAP aligned to The Strategy, which is approximately seven per cent of all affected country Parties), it is very unlikely that by 2018, 70 per cent of all affected country Parties (approximately 95 countries) will have successfully gone through a quality self-assessment.
因资金短缺,仅2 383个住房不达标的家庭(两年期目标:5 500个)改善了住所。
Owing to a funding shortfall, only 2,383 families (biennial target: 5,500) living in substandard housing were provided with improved shelters.

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.