What does daku in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word daku in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use daku in Indonesian.
The word daku in Indonesian means I, my. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word daku
Ipronoun (personal pronoun) |
mydeterminer Hingga fajar tiba lindungi daku. And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. |
See more examples
”Penolakan dianggap sebagai tantangan, rintangan yang harus diatasi, seolah-olah kita mengatakan ’kejarlah daku’.” —Lauren, Kanada. “Saying no could be viewed as a challenge, an obstacle to overcome, making it more like a chase.” —Lauren, Canada. |
2 Ia sendiri mengatakan tentang nama pribadiNya, Yehuwa, ”Inilah namaKu selama-lamanya dan nama peringatan akan Daku turun-temurun.” 2 He himself said of his personal name, Jehovah: “This is my name to time indefinite, and this is the memorial of me to generation after generation.” |
Suara itu menakutkan daku hingga menyebabkan daku lari keluar dari rumah. That's funny smell I smell before I get to house. |
Janganlah kiranya engkau meninggalkan daku, sebab engkau pasti dapat menolong, meski dalam perkara sulit yang tak ada harapannya sekali pun, engkau tetap menjadi penolong. Do not ask them (slaves) to do things beyond their capacity (power) and if you do so, then help them.' |
Tuhan Isa bilang : “Sebab itu Bapa kasih akan Daku, karena Aku menjerahkan djiwaKu, supaja Aku mengambil dia pula.” Jesus said, “Therefore doth My Father love Me, because I lay down My life, that I might take it again.” |
Pulau-pulau ini sangatlah penting, karena menjadi menjadi acuan bagi perluasan pendakuan teritorial perairan dari pesisirnya ke arah Pasifik. These islands are notable because they extend Chile's claim to territorial waters out from its coast into the Pacific Ocean. |
”Berbahagialah orang yang mendengarkan daku, . . . “Happy is the man that is listening to me . . . |
Bagai nyala Allah daku kau kasih.” Like flame of Jehovah is your love for me.’ |
Kemudian anda harus datang dengan daku kepada Tunisia Then you must come with me to Tunisia |
Perempuan itu menaruh pula kesalahan atas ular, oleh mengatakan: “Si ular menipukan daku, lalu aku makan.” The woman put the blame upon the serpent, saying, “The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.” |
Pilihlah bagimu seorang, dan biarlah ia turun mendapatkan daku. You just have to do your thing and then let it go out into the world. |
Contoh: Dengar daku. SOL: Listen to me. |
Akan daku, Bertekadlah aku, But as for me, determined I shall be |
Mereka telah membawa daku ke jalan ini dengan Kekurniaan. I drove with him a hell of a lot in that race. |
Berbahagialah orang yang mendengarkan daku, . . . Happy is the man that is listening to me . . . |
Bagaimanapun, pendakuan ini ditangguhkan berdasarkan pasal-pasal Sistem Traktat Antartika, di mana Chili adalah salah satu negara yang ikut menandatanganinya. However, this latter claim is suspended under the terms of the Antarctic Treaty, of which Chile is a signatory. |
Jangan bermain fucking apapun games ( pertandingan ) dengan daku. Don't play any fucking games with me. |
Siapa gerangan akan melepaskan daku dari pada tubuh kematian ini ?” who shall deliver me from this body of death?” |
Hingga fajar tiba lindungi daku. And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. |
Dan lagi firmannya: Demikian hendaklah kaukatakan kepada bani Israel: Bahwa AKU ADA telah menyuruhkan daku mendapatkan kamu.” This’ he added ‘is what you must say to the sons of Israel: “I Am has sent me to you.”’” |
Penggubah mazmur Daud menulis kata2nya kepada Allah: ”Engkau . . . telah menggubah akan daku dalam rahim ibuku. . . . The psalmist David wrote, saying to God: “You kept me screened off in the belly of my mother. . . . |
Pada permmulaan PD II, negara ini dakui oleh Slowakia (1 Juni 1940), Prancis Vichy (12 Juli 1940), Rumania (1 Desember 1940), Bulgaria (10 Mei 1941), Finlandia (18 Juli 1941), Denmark (Augustus 1941), Kroasia (2 Augustus 1941) yang semuanya dipengaruhi/dikuasai oleh Jerman, serupa dengan Rezim Wang Jingwei di Tiongkok (30 November 1940), Thailand (5 Augustus 1941) dan Filipina (1943) yang semuanya di bawah kekuasaan Jepang. ^ Mitani, Hiromi (1996). After the outbreak of World War II, the state was recognized by Slovakia (1 June 1940), Vichy France (12 July 1940), Romania (1 December 1940), Bulgaria (10 May 1941), Finland (18 July 1941), Denmark (August 1941), Croatia (2 August 1941)—all controlled or influenced by Japan's ally Germany—as well as by Wang Jingwei's Reorganized National Government of the Republic of China (30 November 1940), Thailand (5 August 1941) and the Philippines (1943)—all under the control or influence of Japan. |
Yehuwa sendiri menekankan pentingnya hal ini ketika Ia menghimbau, ”Kiranya hati mereka selalu begitu, yakni takut akan Daku dan berpegang pada segala perintahKu, supaya baik keadaan mereka dan anak-anak mereka untuk selama-lamanya!”—Ulangan 5:29; 4:10. Jehovah himself stresses the importance of this when he pleads: “If only they would develop this heart of theirs to fear me and to keep all my commandments always, in order that it might go well with them and their sons to time indefinite!” —Deuteronomy 5:29; 4:10. |
Jika tiada demikian, beri akan daku air, supaya pada hari kiamat tiada lagi aku menuntuti darahku!"" During the Ascension Mu]:Iammad was shown hell, to cure him of fear on the Day of Reckoning. |
Baik, mereka tidak memalsukan itu dengan daku. Well, they haven't faked it with me. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.