What does 獨立 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 獨立 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 獨立 in Chinese.

The word 獨立 in Chinese means independence, independent, sovereign. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 獨立


noun (state or quality of being independent)

Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic?


adjective (not dependent; not contingent or depending on something else; free)

Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic?


adjective (exercising power of rule)

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我們會針對在拯救人命上 做創新的公司及企業創一個網路, 協助他們連結像姆索這樣的工作者, 讓她能為她的社區做更好的服務。
And we'll create a network of companies and entrepreneurs who've created innovations that can save lives and help them connect to workers like Musu, so she can help better serve her community.
我 得 和 他 單 相處
I need to be alone with him.
The Organization's uniqueness and strength lay in its universality, legitimacy, transparency, accountability, emphasis on good governance and intergovernmental decision-making
她 死 的 時候 是 自 一人 嗎 ?
Was Audrey alone when she died?
除了經濟觀點,《經濟學人》在社會議題上也支持自由主義場,例如支持承認同性婚姻、支持毒品合法化、批評美國稅收制度(英语:Taxation in the United States),並支持在公共衛生問題上進行一定程度的政府規管,如公共場所吸菸和兒童體罰。
The news magazine has also supported liberal causes on social issues such as recognition of gay marriages, legalisation of drugs, criticises the US tax model, and seems to support some government regulation on health issues, such as smoking in public, as well as bans on spanking children.
It was a unique system that used a doorkeeper to send a warning to the bar that it was in danger and the bar would transform into an ordinary place through a mechanism.
(Philippians 2:8) Jesus also proved that a perfect man could maintain perfect integrity to Jehovah despite the severest of trials.
Takes note of the constitutional reviews in the Territories administered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, led by the territorial Governments and designed to address the internal constitutional structure within the present territorial arrangement
You'd be surprised how many people have definite opinions on this issue."
莫非 神力 就 來 自 上帝 子 的 鮮血
How's the blood of God's only son?
(KJV中譯): 「那日子,那時辰,沒有人知道,連天上的天使也不知道,惟我父知道。
CT: But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.
He made the Logos his “master worker,” from then on bringing all things into existence through this beloved Son.
因為 他 自去 跟 洛基 叫板
For taking on Loki alone.
大会节目的主题是“敬神和平的使者”。 在罗马尼亚,虽然教士到处煽风点火*,但许多人都看出,耶和华见证人与世无争。 由于认识上帝和基督耶稣,他们得享内心的安宁。——以赛亚书26:2,3;腓比书4:7。
“Messengers of Godly Peace” was the theme of the program, and many people saw that in spite of trouble stirred up by the clergy in Romania,* Jehovah’s Witnesses do have the peace that comes from knowing God and Christ Jesus.—Isaiah 26:2, 3; Philippians 4:7.
All priesthood holders, prospective elders, and unordained young men of Aaronic Priesthood age in the stake
Following the Flood, many men, such as Abraham, served as prophets, speaking forth divine revelations.
Surely the apostle was not urging the Philippians to take sides over the difference.
他 有 沒 有 單 和 配方 在 一起 的 時候?
Has he ever been alone with it?
Jesus Christ is the God-given Leader whom every human needs.
許多基督教歷史運動,也可以被描述為「復原運動」,包括蘇格蘭和英格蘭的格拉斯派(Glasites),由詹姆斯・霍爾丹(James Haldane)和羅伯特・霍爾丹(Robert Haldane)領導的蘇格蘭獨立教堂,美國復原運動,地界浸信會(Landmark Baptists)和摩爾門教。
A number of historical movements within Christianity may be described as "restoration movements", including the Glasites in Scotland and England, the independent church led by James Haldane and Robert Haldane in Scotland, the American Restoration Movement, the Landmark Baptists and the Mormons.
The benchmarking framework for the implementation of results-based management had been endorsed by the General Assembly and a number of interested parties had been briefed
By means of the sacrifice of his human life, Christ Jesus became God’s “Chief Agent” of life and salvation (Ac 3:15; Heb 2:10), and through him the abolishing of death is assured.
Clauses in the subsequent treaty providing that it “shall not affect” the earlier treaty.
(Isaiah 54:13; Philippians 4:9) Yes, genuine peace comes to those who heed Jehovah’s teachings.
What pattern of life did Jesus set for his followers?

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.